Mfw single-handedly made Europe learn that at a point in time it wasn't multicultural enough and today I am hiding away...

>mfw single-handedly made Europe learn that at a point in time it wasn't multicultural enough and today I am hiding away in comfy Israel, enjoying from the distance the cultural enrichment I left behind.

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How can people look at that creature and deny that the Jews are a race of demons?

what makes you think we'll let her in?

>what makes you think we'll let her in?
From 1967 - 1999 she lived in Israel. What are you talking about?
Eternal victimhood mindset as a culture, and a genetic predisposition to nitpick and tear things down.

>Eternal victimhood

>tear things down

> wants to race mix europe
> wants jewish ethnostate




Because the Jews are pretty good scientists if your head isn't in shit.

She's back in Israel now

Jew here. She is based af.

As much as I hate garbage like her I can't help but be thankful. It is thanks to their efforts that the far right is in the middle of its glorious rebirth. A movement always gives birth to its antithesis and as parents they have done a wonderful job. They will birth the very devil that they for so long have attempted to "protect" Europe from. The far right is, just as they proclaimed, going to bring about hell on earth as it purges the enemies of Europe. How else can you bring all the various European factions together without a common enemy and what better enemy is there then the Jew?

European Jews were. Since they were educated in Europe
Not much but uzi comes from Israel. They consume billions and export nada.

no she's really not she needs to be gassed and so do you disgusting faggit

Different situations, different rules.

God damn I fucking hate these fucking Jews.

>No we're NOT loyal to the USA
>No you WILL kiss our asses whenever we demand special treatment
>You WILL suppress the white population for us and protect us specifically from the inevitable backlash our actions cause

Blacks are like fucking Buddha Saints compared to Jews, I hate them so much


the Uzi is a copy of a european design.
much like the scientists.

10/10 would gas