Common Law

Was Common Law a mistake?

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Civil law is better for understanding. Every citizen can just look it up in the legal codes and knows the legal situation. Law doesn't depend on the judge.

Civil law is autism stemming from Napoleonic bullshit and the arbitrary laws of chaotic governments.

The justice system in the US needs to be done by AI.

No common law is the only actual law. Legislatures pass legal codes which are not law. As a freeman on the land I am subject only to my particular interpretation of common law and not the government's legal codes.

>t. Autisius Maximus

Actually Civil law goes back to Roman law, which was based on Babylonian kikery. Civil law is literally based on the kikes rules for their slaves going all the way back to hammaurabi.

as opposed to arbitrary precedents set by random judges ?

>as opposed to arbitrary codes written by random dictators?

>Implying you can only have strict legalism under a dictator.


Civil law and driving on the left side of the road are both basic requirements for western civilisation.

Nope, you are subject to the law made on the day a jury of your peers tries you at a common law court of record.

Common law is anglo saxon
only brainlet continentals need a massive legal bureaucracy to run their lives

Juries rule on facts not law.

Not sure if anyone can properly claim freeman-on-the-land status if they are using federal reserve notes (or any other central bank issued negotiable instruments, come to that). Think how people were conscripted into the army by accepting the King's shilling (even though the recruiter just dropped it into an unwilling victim's drink, that was deemed to be accepting the recruiting officer's offer).

George Mercier's Invisible Contracts may be of interest to some:

Civil Law countries didn't experience explosion of litigation that Common Law countries experienced.

we dont have common law anymore

Are you sure? You are under Common Law-based legal code if you live outside Quebec, and even if you live in Quebec, you are under Common Law for federal matters.

hey fuckwit. The system works better than any other bullshit.

In Britain you are not free, the monarch is the sovereign. In America, my ancestors and their descendants are sovereign under the terms of the treaty.

It's true that Magistrate's courts aren't set up to deal with common law, but the common law still exists until you agree to enter another jurisdiction, which you do if you sign a legal declaration.

They are both a miserable failure. What is needed is uncommon and uncivil law. Recognize my authority and I will hand down judgments you will find uncommon and uncivil and you will like them or you will be flogged.


ITT: Sup Forums demonstrates its collective ignorance once again

Did you formally give up your citizenship, and are no longer using any benefits and/or privileges offered to you by the state, including the use of bank accounts, federal reserve notes and social security? If not then you're still bound by contracts to the state and you're not as free as you think you are.

>as opposed to arbitrary precedents set by random judges ?

The precedent isn't set by judges. They operate within the limits set on them by legislation and statute and only fill holes with case law where there is a void that government hasn't filled. It gives the entire thing a sense of flexibility and common sense that civil law, obsessed with following codified text, just doesn't have. Precedent isn't arbitrary. It fits in with the mores of the time, public policy and the values of current society. With civil law aspects you get shit like written constitutions which is what helped fuck the United States with its stupid system. Despite them otherwise being a common law system their written constitution, a relic of their French inspired beginnings, has proven to be a massive waste of space.

>what is nullification

>lawyers digging up shoddily decided cases where judge fucked up and set a precedent with unintended ramifications
>use it to demand unfairly good or unfairly bad treatment for their client since "muh precedent"
>case goes to appellate court because lower court judges are afraid to overturn any precedent even if it's gay and fucked up
>entire legal system clogged with this shit and litigation count and individual cost through the roof compared to other developed countries

Such great system. Common Law is nice on paper, but it's a disaster in practice.

>Ownership established by registration
Sure wasn't

common law seems like a jewish trick

>“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

> - Edward Mandell House; in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson [President 1913-1921] - source unknown.

México use civil law and it's a shit hole.

>the judge
You mean magistrate?
The jury is the true judge, magistrates have hijack the court and subverted justice.

They're at the top of the list for the day of the rope, along with you leafs.

It's Hebrew, based off of the Torahfollowed by the NT and its interpretations by the judges/saints

I'm sort of split. In PA, a lot of land owners (in this case, idiots) sold off mineral and gas rights to their land. This is in essence forever so the chance of marrying the land/mineral/gas rights back together in the future is slim to none. This instance is perhaps one place where "use" ownership (i.e. after the gas/mineral owners are done with the land), would at some point cause these rights to revert back to the actual land owner. Then again, just don't sell your land rights for a few shekels.

Uh, well common law is an ancient system proven to work, so I don't see it going anywhere. And it's not like Civil Law doesn't require 'interpretation.' All judges have to do that with any law.

Going by precedent helps maintain uniformity in law, respects the wisdom of predecessors and past circumstances, and, ultimately, is a boon to Order.

>case goes to appellate court because lower court judges are afraid to overturn any precedent even if it's gay and fucked up
You mean magistrate usurpers, the jury is the true judge, they are restricted from overturning the precedence set by corrupt magistrates, by having the trial dismissed or coercing the jury(True Judges).

>Be Italy
>Laws are too much detailed. This leads to arbitrary laws.
>Judge still interpret laws
>Ownership is established by registration (at least this works)
>Contracts are basically the same

fixed that for you

>only fill holes with case law where there is a void that government hasn't filled
thus making new laws, which should be the prerogative of the legislative.
in civil law, if the highest court deems there aren't rules for the case, they oblige the legislateive to fill that hole in x time.

Perhaps common law helps explain why our judges are cucked beyond belief and all Labour voting progressives?

I mean they seem to care more about the criminal than the victim. I guess this could be because progressive judge set precedents conservative judges are obliged to follow.

What about when there's no real (read corporation) victim, should the law still persecute the "criminal"?

>answer is no unless there was a contract between the two,and there's evidence of a breach

ownership can be established by use too in many civil law systems, all it takes is time (and previous owner not suing you or else)

Common law is the reason niggers dont get punished for their crimes.

This desu. I get the impression it was designed for a homogenous country. It doesn’t work when a 5% violent nigger underclass is there, because precedent doesn’t distinguish between the 95% who may do violence, and the 5% niggers who deserve to twice the sentence.

Common law is another reason Anglo countries are so attractive to minorities.

did you ever read American laws?
they are ridiculous
criminal law of one state is literally longer than any European codification of civil law

just look at penal code of Alabama, Chapter VIII
>Article 1 - Theft and Related Offenses.
>Article 1A - Secondary Metal Recycling.
>Article 2 - Robbery.
>Article 2A - Pharmacy Robbery.
>Article 3 - Shopping Carts.
>Article 3A - Traffic Signs.
>Article 3B - Theft of Consigned Motor Fuels.
>Article 4 - Copying and Sale of Recorded Devices.
>Article 4A - Unlawful Operation of a Recording Device in Motion Picture Theater.
>Article 5 - Alabama Computer Crime Act.
>Article 5A - The Alabama Digital Crime Act.
>Article 6 - Theft of Cable Television Services.
>Article 7 - Theft by Fraudulent Leasing or Rental of Property.
>Article 8 - Telecommunication Equipment or Plans, Prohibited Possession, Distribution, Use.
>Article 9 - Leaving Premises of Gasoline Sales Establishment without Remitting Payment.
>Article 10 - The Consumer Identity Protection Act.

I mean just look at this bullshit, and Alabama is actually okay compared to some states
they literally name and describe every single possible act
their law is ridiculously bloated, for example their legal experts don't know how many federal crimes are there

These are civil law codes created by the legislature, not common law.

Most of the laws that fuck you are maritime laws, laws of the seas whch is retty fuking weird.

Gee I wonder who could be the (((merchants))) behind the maritime laws.

Common law means that if court thinks something is ok and should be law then it shall happen. Civil law means it is based on something more than just pure theory like in common law. So if a Jew owns courts in USA they can invent something, not tested in practice and change the laws of USA, which they many times do to leave holes for big business or override founding father's laws.

Nobody asked you, Lyndon Larouche.

Then why don't American read small text and get screwed every time? Quite contrary to your thinking, you need lawyers to explain to you, civil law combined with socialistic law doesn't needs lawyers, since it's logical to understand. Of course capitalistic civil law isn't as easy, you need lawyers, but nobody needs more lawyers than plebs of capitalistic common law.

Jews yes but there are other entities out to fuck us over that are more hidden, the jews do footwork because they are lying fucks.
Like Jesuits, who made up most of the pseudo science bullshit we're force fed.
The Vatican (jesuits) pushed space bullshit too.
I noticed my other post was missing letters. Using a shitty wireless kb so it's a bit dodgy.

The Jews along with the Queen and the Vatican. At least we got the monarch out unlike you, but we have way worse Jew and Cathcuck infestation. Day of the rope when?

Bloodline shit, these people are obsessed with bloodlines.
The royals can't even wipe there own arse, they have people with a mop stick to clean out their crusty flabby backsides.
Needs to happen, the silent war needs to be taken care of now before they install drone police and robocop stuff all over the place. face recognition stuff in stations etc.
Becase there will be no escaping with that lock down of society.
All these films where they prime us with the impending future, we need to have a reset and get back to growing our own food, hunting...
these fuckers need to be ragged out of power positions over us, the hand rubbing parasitic fucks.