Are you ready for the hollywood EVA adaption Sup Forums?

Are you ready for the hollywood EVA adaption Sup Forums?

>global smash hit
Didn't it just barely made its money back?

We had a thread about GITS, but doesn't excuse this thing to escape its containment in Sup Forums

In the US they did, made big bucks overseas. One of the few cases where this happens.

>inb4 this flops really bad, critics and rotten tomahtoes shit on it hard and the era of calling people weebs and bullying them unironically comes back
Screencap this

Pacific Rim was fun as fuck. So yeah, I'm ready. Had a cool artbook too.

Too bad del taco became a huge sjw

Things to hope for in Eva Lagann 2:
>manly combining
>robots piloting robots

Mako needs to go though, she was more of a basket case than even Shinji.

He's not even involved in the sequel
wouldn't surprise me if one of them has a drill for a weapon to reference gurren lagann

Huge Chinese money