
Yeah, it's a Bomberman anime senpai

Wait seriously? Fucking amazing.

What happens when her bomb fuse tail burns completely?

Let's just say it has a three week burn time.

I think you mistook it for the arcade game

Least it's not this

It's fascinating. A lot of videogames franchises are having a renewed popularity thanks to waifufag pandering.

Which makes me think, what other franchises can be brought back with waifus? Contra would be cool to see. I mean, badass chicks with guns? You can't go wrong with that. Metal Slug already had two of those and they were pretty popular back then.

>Contra would be cool to see. I mean, badass chicks with guns?
They'll only be cool if they were Probotector-robowaifus.

Bomberman is one of the best games ever, This show will probably be pathetic fan service and just ruining the games image all over the joint.

I'll give it a chance though.

It will probably resucitate the franchise as it did with Fire Emblem.