Do you watch anime with your little sister Sup Forums?

Do you watch anime with your little sister Sup Forums?

I introduced Clannad to mine. She loved it. Now she always goes on my laptop to watch my collection.

Good thing she hasn't found my loli stash

I wonder if imoutos would identify with the lolis.

Fuck off.

There's a general on /r9k/ for people blogposting about their imoutos.

I'm not sure if your post fits in there exactly, but it sure as hell isn't anime and manga.

Hug your imouto. Post results

you should watch oreimo with her

My sister learned to read before kindergarten because I only watched subbed anime when I looked after her. She's 10 years younger then me ( and a horrible person ).

How the fuck did she learn how to read from subbed shit. The words don't match what she hears

>tfw little sister is a /lit/fag
>She tells to get a life for still watching anime at the age of 27
I know next to nothing about /lit/. What can I say in retort to shit on her /lit/?

Fuck if I know. She was watching shit like Slayers, and shit with me from birth. She just kind of picked it up. Her first teacher complimented my mother on teaching her to read and Mom was like, 'huh? She can what? She hates books.'

Fuck off with your blogthread.

No man, no. Read good books, talk to her about them, get her to watch good anime. Or start with manga or something.

Just fuck her you loser.

Because she was raised watching cartoons.

good job for ruining your sister's life

Depends on the kind of /lit/fag that she is. You can't really argue against literature in general.

You guys know this thread is your a repost, right?

i mean, she's not wrong though

Nawh. It's because my mother is crazy; I took care of her while everyone worked until she was five, then Mom stopped working and was like. 'You two don't have enough fun. Stop doing productive things, your youth is for fucking around and partying.' Then she didn't allow any of my sister's good friends to come over. She didn't want to clean the house and would only allow people over if they obviously lived in nasty crack houses so she wouldn't be embarrassed. So then from middle school to high school she was basically banned from having good friends and the ones that were left were chased away by the horrible people mom would let come over. Then drugs and teen pregnancy.

I don't think anime has anything to do with that shit. She does have shit taste in anime now though and is a reddit tier streamer.

Onee-sans are better in every way, both 2D and 3D ones. Sup Forums and Japan have shit taste.

Everyday until we like it?

>What can I say in retort to shit on her /lit/?

the vast majority of women read romance novels and YA Fiction. She doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Tell her to read the Greeks already.

Introduce her to Mencius Moldbug. Tell her that half of anime plots are based on his political theories.

Tell her you can do what you want with your free time, and there are no age limits for hobbies. Unless she's telling you to get a life because you're a NEET, in which case anime is the least of the problems.

You think OP is crazy?

This. Why is everyone obsessed with little sisters?

>watashi wa imouto daisuke


Someone who is into literature and someone who browses /lit/ are completely different things.

If she literally uses /lit/, all you need to do is point out the obvious fact that she's extremely intellectually insecure, and the proof is in the pudding; she wouldn't be constantly trying to justify her intellect and bring you down if she wasn't asshurt about her intellectual ego.

Everyone on /lit/ is obnoxious as fuck because they're in a constant dickstroking race to find out who can present themselves as the most intellectual in the thread. If you point that out, you've already got them dead to rights, at that point no matter how much they try to call you stupid while namedropping obscure authors (Which they haven't actually read, they'll just give basic facts they read on wikipedia to pretend like they read it.) you already win.

But if she's legitimately into literature, just tell her that the human experience expresses itself in many forms and that she would realize that if she wasn't in a close-minded box.

Dumb frogposter, go read Homer and then kill yourself.

>blog thread
>3DPD garbage
>replying seriously to frogshitters

Time for loli.


Kill yourself pedo.

Yeah yeah

I was waiting for you lolianon!


>guy is mad he doesn't have a sister
Do you really think you would draw people away by posting loli?
Can you get more stupid than that?

Yeah im mad I don't have a sister.


Tell her she's being totally spooky right now.

Go on


How does Chinese work?





I don't like my Onee-san at all though, user

Maybe he is her little sister called Daisuke.


>enters a thread he dislikes
>instead of reporting it he starts posting pics of naked children thinking he's justice incarnated
Nothing wrong with 3D. We are 3D. We watch anime and read manga.

>Tfw my big brother or little brothers will never become weebs
Being imouto is suffering.


You should count your blessings that he isn't posting guro.


>defend blog thread

Exactly what I expect from modern Sup Forums.



>people actually defending blogshit
Sup Forums you've changed


They are also defending 3D shit.



What are some good anime to watch with your little sister?
Before you say, we already watched Boku no Pico.

Why do you assume guro bothers me?
I don't mind it and think it's fun sometimes. This is an imageboard, not a fucking forum, retard. The shitposting gets deleated in a couple hours.
Blogging about certain things is also a tradition of Sup Forums.