I want a wall that the armadillo can pass through

I want a wall that the armadillo can pass through.

save the 'dillos

If an armadillo can get through the wall, then an Armando can get through the wall.

America is not God's country. Jerusalem it's God's holy city on Earth. We need to go there and run out the Jews and establish a nation there, and fight evil.

Reminder that both The United States and Israel are the same entity.

someone shop a mexican with a red x

Go right ahead nigga

No one knows what bobcats are even capable of.

Muh armadillo, really nigger

This is why we must go to Israel and run them out. We have the physical power to establish our nation of God around his holy city, but they have us under their influence. Americans believe they live in a country of fellow Christians and that God is with Israel and the US.

whats the big deal if those animals can't cross. some will be beaners and some will be americans after the wall

armadillos are pest they dig fucking holes everywhere all in the field and even in the gravel roads.

At least eyenias can't cross

if it cant evolve to pass it dosnt deserve to pass

but that's a picture about animals, not people.

loss of already critically small habitat

this, they're basically desert moles

Armadillos are common plague & disease carriers. We need them to be able to cross the border to spread the plague unto Mexico.

>We have the physical power to establish our nation
no you fucking dont , if every single christian on earth dedicated literally everything they got to building an army the IDF would btfo it to shit without breaking a sweat .
christianity is weak and is mostly compromised of pacifists\cowards.

fuck the wildlife

Would be a shame if the 13th tribe decided to help them :^)


critically small? border dessert seems huge to me. is it because they have to be near rio grande?

You think God will let Jerusalem be inhabited by the people there now? No, Jerusalem is waiting to be relieved, and it shall one day.

>guy rescues wild rabbit from forest fire


>paco gets it
You still have to go back

go pray to your retarded jew worthipping cult god somewhere else senpai, jerusalem is the capital of israel and will stay israeli for the historically foreseeable future.

>Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge

I thought there wasn't going to be a wall there, since there's, you know, the Rio Grande.


What's up with the bots? They seem to be getting worse here.

If a baby armadillo can pass in a hole, the mexicans will find a way to push their tequila worm fetuses in that hole and invade the USA, which will go to Canada when Trump kicks them out.

heh cute

>the Rio Grande.

The Rio Grande is not a real river. You can walk across it in many places.

Kek, here's your (you)

Yeah I don't think they'll fucking care

Only the best and brightest armadillos should be let in

White privelege is being kind to animals.

This is anti-cat

> anti-pussy


You can just walk across a river that was used as a shipping route? I know there are a few crossings, but the vast majority of it is not walkable.

right now there is nothing to help the armadillo. only the armadillos that can adapt migratory routes will get through. the breaks in the wall that an armadillo can fit through are the border patrol's gates. armadillos would have to come to the gate to pass like a duck-crossing we make for the road


This is a big concern

so this.....is the power....of reddit