make jewmerica curry again
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Would Sup Forums support NN if reddit supported the repeal?
Oopsie! It looks like you got banned on reddit for:
right wing opinions
ANNOUNCEMENT: Please help fighting for Net Neutrality and freedom of speech!
Remember this?!
DARPA is tax dollar gov funded research.
How the f*ck does sh*tstain Poo figure he's going to sell me the internet, I've already paid for twice over?!
>AnCap flag
>Supports NN
Reddit could theoretically be right about something.
I know wh....
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You people have no idea what repealing means, or just shilling. Always the memeflags, huh?
>ISP decides to throttle or block a website
>other providers see untapped market and pick up disgruntled customers
>the ISP either drives itself into the ground or caves in and goes for damage control
>I don't know what a monopoly is
>implying there are other ISPs
It's called a monopoly for a reason user.
>I don't know that most of the monopolies are granted by government mandate.
>FCC gives up control over the internet
>somehow this gives them control over the internet
are you stupid or just fucking retarded?
It's lack of government intervention that allowed this to happen. We should have been enforcing our existing anti-trust laws instead of allowing America to get Jewed by these people.
You're also moving the goal posts. No matter what you think the reasons are that we have monopolies, it still doesn't change the fact that we have them and something needs to be done about it.
my message was one of the authentic ones and was cited in the case for repeal
So you do it for free?
Most Americans don't have multiple ISP's to choose from in their area, dumbass.
Ajit Pai - The man who fucked up the internet
Indian piece of shit
do what?
>Being angry at a stupid maymay
he is an american, he is not from india you silly :)
And do you know why, you fucking moron?
Shills lost today is a good day
Look up the Countering Information Warfare act of 2016 (S.2692)
This is what Trump was after N.N is dead and anything good it did was covered in the Open-internet rules