Is this the most normalfag anime of the year?

Is this the most normalfag anime of the year?

Not even close.
AOT haven't released yet.

Probably of all time, I've never seen Sup Forums's demographic change so quickly. This show single handedly turned Sup Forums into the most normalfag board on Sup Forums.

normies don't watch seasonal anime


Post the whole thing

That's either gonna go to Yujoh Senki or Boruto OP.

Surprisingly. Never imagine that normies would like so much Cuck: The animation.

Isn't this AOTS contender with Youjo? (Forget about about Rakugo.)

I guess liking anything related to romance or drama is suddenly a characteristic for normalfag.

You like to be the special snowflake, huh?

this year? Fuck no

this season? maybe

Go back to your all female cast anime NEETboy.

NEETs BTFO. Anime is a normie hobby now.

What kind of retard thinks that a normie would enjoy (or admit to enjoying) extremely lewd/ sexual anime?

>caring about facebook polls

But they dont see it as lewd stuff they see it as normal behaviour cuz thats how normies act

If I showed one episode to my local nigger they'd be rollin and roasting me saying shit like "LMFAO DUDE YOU WATCH THIS FUCKIN HENTAI SHIT BRO"

>Niggers are normalfags
Normal fags watch it for the drama and as I said they see the drama + lewd scenes as normal behaviour and they not relate the series to hentai cuz all the hentai have unrealistic setting

Most of them are people pretend to be a normalfag. I know one dude is exactly like that. Real normalfag would spend time for sport/games/party/friends instead of anime.

They're normies, they see sex in animation as hentai. Period.

I'd be made fun of to the extremes if I showed this to my friends, or drama-loving females.

So they see sex scenes in movies and tv shows as porn?

the fact that it's the most overrated and second most watched first season makes it "normalfag".
also, no one but a moron would overlook the fact that this show is a shit excuse for animation. instead, you see everyone praising it for "beautiful animation" and "superb art" when it has neither of those.