Why did they start hating whites in the first place? What's their reason?

Why did they start hating whites in the first place? What's their reason?

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Jesus opened the abrahamic religion for other folk (including whites) so they betrayed him.

pope told them jesus stole their Matzoh

They dont hate us, they just love themselves much more than anything else.

Because whites have been persecuting them for 1000 years

Whites are the SECOND most dominant race. Gotta beat down the competition.

They hate everyone because they are God's chosen people. They were ordained by god to be at the top of all humanity

The BWC.

because romans burned down their temple
and kicked them out of their own city

they were money scammers, they basically fucked with everyone they could in europe since medieval,

so europe fucked them back with anual pogroms, then fuhrer happened

they view themselfs as medieval noble viewed peasant, their crime is less than our crime

so they decided to try to eradicate whites, cuz no goym may be more powerfull than them


>What's their reason?
whites are the only race on earth that can think and build civilization properly.

if the whites wake up, the jews are done for.

They never let grudges go. They just fuel them.

genocide probably motivates spite pretty strongly

Because they're Foreskin Chewing Demons, that's why.

White gave them their homeland and fights wars for them to keep them safe lol. Are you fucking retarded?


They are literally the spawn of Satan.

More like they've been plaguing us for 2000 years

Even if it happen as it did (a genocide), they caused it

Sheckle Masters

To put it in words...

This too


You jews are trying to place yourself at the top and you are only breeding hostility and resentment.
Do you think this is a good idea, or bad?

just save this and read later



and also

Mega Ultra Jew? No....he is legend

You know how it is, Mega Ultra Joo Supreme Overlord. You faggots always end up in the rope. You plague us for a century or two but at the end, the day of the rope will come.

Why? Couldn't you sheckleniggers stay wherever the fuck you came from?

Goddamm if I could go back in time I would go to ancient Babilon or some sheit.

>"Yes yes, I came from the future. Shocking."
>"What do you want traveler? What is your warning?"
>"Well, you see, mr. king Cirus the Great -in the future we call you the Great btw- you see those joos?"
>"Yeah... Why?"
>"History tells us you let them return to Judaea"
>"I was thinking about it..."
>"No. For them, the rope."
>"The rope?"
>"Yeah.... I'll explain it all later just.... The rope."
>"Even the...?"
>"Yeah.... Leave no one"
>"Goddam what are these people?!"

>pure aryan

chinese would probably be crueler than whites though

jesus fucking christ, sunscreen
ok lemme schmear this mud on myself

Georgia Guidestone. Got to start somewhere

>Why did they start hating whites in the first place? What's their reason?

They want to rule the world.

And white nations are the largest obstacles in their path.

Normie Jews are indoctrinated with the same Holocaust propaganda as everyone else throughout childhood, except it's amplified tenfold. Inevitably this causes them to fear and hate the goyim for what they did to their people. The higher-up Jews likely engineer this.

The Jews are ugly and destroy society while whites are beautiful and raise the standard of living.

They cannot exist without their host but instead of gratitude, they want to rule over the host. To create consistency for this cognitive dissonance, they grasped at irrational hatred.
I'm under modern communism rule. I know.