Net neutrality

Whenever I hear people talking about net neutrality being repealed, the first thing I hear is "It means that you have to pay for youube". Makes me cringe every time.

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The only argument I hear about not repealing net neutrality are what ifs. There are no sound, solid arguments. Whereas it's proven that removing net neutrality can have serious positives for the consumer; such as cheaper rates or quota-free media streaming. We don't have it here in Australia and it is a godsend.

Alot of people dont take net neutrality seriously because of all the overreacting

It means that you have to pay for youube

3000$/month social media packages

hello customer,
check out our new websites catalog!
for only 2$/month the basic offer will let you have access to up to 50 websites!

with our new premium social media package, you can watch up to 3 youtube videos per hour! and read up to 100 twitter messages;isn't that amazing? u'll have access to twitter during the day and 10cents the additional Kb during the night.

for adults we are planning on having streaming access to 3 websites, including:, and even

That's not going to happen. It hasn't happened anywhere in the world that doesn't have 'Net Neutrality' in place. Just because you fearmonger that it will happen doesn't mean it will.


They're retarded NEETs/18btw/OSRS trolls. Either or all.
Of course, there could be some blue in there.

>for only 2$/month the basic offer will let you have access to up to 50 websites!

Holy fuck, I can save 100$ a month on my internet bill. Where do I sign up?

All the arguments are "they might do xyz". People would create a new isp that doesn't make you pay for certain websites. However, I am pro net neutrality because it stops the possibility of having to switch ISPs and all the other junk.

they literally block and throttle sites and they have been doing it for years

The fear comes from the idea that there are too many regulations to allow people to create new ISPs if they're not already mega corps. At least that's what the pro NN libertarians say.

What if they restrict you because of pseudopolitical bullshit like
*does not include the visit of sides like Sup Forums, we distance us from anything that has to do with that side.

what is the reason to repeal? I dont believe its to save the consumer money..

would you still call that internet? the whole point of the internet was the freedom of havoing access to everything at equal qualiity

Two year old rules that have never been implemented that ((they)) want to control and not the fcc

>freedom of havoing access to everything at equal qualiity

not really, you can connect to any other ip address, but you can only download as fast as they can upload

the server has to pay for upstream bandwith, that has always been like that

>what ifs
>Not a very real thing that was happening widespread in the 00's that caused this push

>Pro NN
>I don't want the option for better service

You can't change your IP's apparently. Guess that old gypsy women was right

its a distraction something big is going on

And now under these new regulations ISPs have to be transparent and make it clear what websites they are slowing down and why. No ISP is going to do that now, due to bad press. If anything there's even more protections to stop throttling.

>And now under these new regulations ISPs have to be transparent and make it clear
If they didn't do it before, why would they start now?

Because it's now required under law or they get fined huge amounts. Do people against the repeal even read the legislation that they are against? It's painfully simple.

>Because it's now required under law or they get fined huge amounts.
Telcos literally did it even when Net Neutrality was in force despite being fined huge amounts. Again, why would that stop them?

Do people for the repeal even read the articles provided to them? It's painfully simple.

So then by your logic what will change now it's repealed? Under net neutrality they still throttled sites, so it's a useless law. But now, websites that are throttled and it is not made clear, they can sue the ISPs for damages. Couldn't do that before; which means that every mom and pop website will sue. So instead of the limited resources of the FCC suing, anybody can. This makes it much better for everyone.

>this happened before NN...

Well its like prison without doors- expecting criminals not to escape just because they said so. And thinking that free prison would solve itself

Wouldn't matter. Like 35% of people in the USA only have 1 ISP available to them due to regional monopolies

As a man who grew up in the 90s the complete horseshit that Soros has been throwing at people is insane.