How do you plead?

How do you plead?

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Is this Heather's obese ass falling down and having a heart attack and NOT getting hit by a car, but her death being blamed on a white nationalist who they are saying that he ran her over but offer no real proof publicly that it was the car that killed her???????????

Who was he Sup Forums?


Use a proper file

They're going for 1rst degree, they might as well not show up.

The left is going to go category 5 when he is acquitted, and Trump will order the guard to use live ammo. Screencap it faggots

No. It's Becky.

Under the letter of the law, he should walk.

The people on the road were in the wrong, while the car was acting legally. Given the fact he was under fear for his personal safety, as these people made it clear that they were out to commit violence against people with his beliefs, when his car was attacked, he fled in the only direction he could legally do so, which was forward and through the crowd.

When he found that his way was blocked by a car strategicly left in place by the protestors and his car was still under attack, only then did he break the law and reverse the wrong way up the one way road.

There is a reason why the media stopped reporting on this and hyping it up. They know he isn't in the wrong here.



the jewcats are gonna be piiiissed

yeah, okay, barrister
when you can change your adult diapers by yourself we'll admit your opinion
fucking larpers on here are pathetic

Doesn't 1st degree imply some kind of planning or forethought? There's no way they get that to stick.

They probably no he'll get off but the prosecutors have to make it seem like they at least tried to get him convicted of the worst crime they could conceive of.


Nice rebuttal. The complete lack of any actual argument on your part was compelling.

Everyone already knows that fat cunt died from being away from the ocean too long

That's funny as fuck

fat ugly bitch, nothing of any value was lost

and so your movement ended like a loose diarrhea expelled into a forest filled with virginal male autists