Is this is a good enough reason to be against Net Neutrality? I love when reddit loses

Is this is a good enough reason to be against Net Neutrality? I love when reddit loses

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Luke Dies.
Leia doesn't die.
Yoda Returns.
Snoke Dies

Fuck you nigger.

Big if true


Merlin dies.

>watching (((disney))) star wars
top lel

Nope. The only reason you should be against Net neutrality is that you aren't a communist or some sort of left leaning parasite.

Lmao I love you, star fags can go fuck themselves

>Leia doesn't die
how does this makes sense besides feminism?

>Leia doesn't die
Isn't Carrie Fisher dead tho?

>those antennas
Are redditors NPCs?

>Are redditors NPCs?

you know it.

Lmao how do fat neckbeard Redditors plan on doing anything?


>Thinking you're cool cause you're a "4channer" and not a "redditor"

You're just like them


I don't think I'm cool at all. I just hate reddit with a passion. "Look at funny picshure XD" "we fight for righetousness over the internet XD" I loved when they backed Bernie and got btfo and I'm going to love when they lose NN and cry some more.

>"Look at funny picshure XD" "we fight for righetousness over the internet XD"

both of those things Sup Forums does though


I was promised no more burgers, why am I seeing burger flags?
Go overreact somewhere else faggots


fuck off

Reddit's idea of righteousness is protecting the trannies though. Sup Forums's idea is traditional values or watching the world burn.

I do agree though the funny picture shit is something that happens here too often, although reddit's idea of funny is far worse

Fuck you nigger

Ching Chong still watches that crap.
Here's another spoiler - you have a 3" dick, that's 7.5 cm if you're too stupid to do the conversion.

this based poster convinced me to visit hong kong

>Sup Forums makes fun of reddit
>Sup Forums gets triggered over reddit af media being spoiled to him

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

>Is this is a good enough reason to be against Net Neutrality? I love when reddit loses

reddit would lose if the world was nuked and everyone died.

does that make you want to root for the extinction of humanity?

Lucas never should have sold, but 2 billion is hard to turn down.

Kind of does, to be honest with you family.

Doing the opposite of what reddit wants is a rock solid indicator that you are on the right side of history.

30 years from now there will be history professors laughing about who wrong that hivemind was about everything.

This isn't at all the same thing. It's another pointless retarded war Reddit is trying to fight just like when they tried to elect Bernard Sanderstein. We lose nothing by watching them get destroyed in these petty battles.

ending NN is basically a tranfer of power from one set of jews (google, faceburg, jewtube, netflix) to another set of jews (comcast, charter) either way we are getting fucked up the ass.

I'll just leave this here.

It was good enough for me. When that many faggots are screaming for one side, I get on the other. Eventually I went ahead and found out what it was about (none of the screamers ever really said) and sure enough they were stupid.

Do people still care? I mean yeah, when I was eight. What function does it serve today?

>behead reddit
are those 4channers?

I like how they represent redditors as white alien creatures. The truth is not far off, they are deformed ugly pasty monsters like pic related

>Is this is a good enough reason to be against Net Neutrality? I love when reddit loses
There wasn't the "net neutrality" regulations before 2015.

Was the Internet on fucking fire before 2015?
That's right.

My understanding of it, admitting I didn't look in to it very much, was that while there's the possibility of all those shitty scenarios redditors laid out, those are balanced by the free market and their consumers. Net Neutrality would be giving control of the internet to the FCC, those fine people who did such a great job of keeping radio and television censorship-free. It was such a clusterfuck that the FCC themselves even voted against giving the FCC more power.

666 kb file tells me all I need to know about Reddit shit

Anything that upsets / triggers the fuck out of redditors is worth it.

Actually reddit also makes one of the best cases against Net Neutrality

>inb4 "hurrduur r/The_Donald is 4 fagz" it is.

r/The_Donald would defend anything if it came out of Drumpf's disgusting mouth so naturally they defend against NN.

Now I'm kind of conflicted, I'm not sure if I hate 99% of reddit or the 1% of r/T_D losers more.

>Hate Leddit
>Hate Obama
>Give ISPs power to deny access

Obama tried very hard to set it on fire with the helicoptor raids on peoples houses in other countries and asserting ownership of the .org and .net TPDs globally and trying to pressure other countries to take down or block sites

Europe has some anti censorship / privacy laws specifically to stop king niggers wild rampage at the time.

Obama gave up ICANN as a way of saying sorry and to stop countries like Russia and China just disconnecting from the internet entirely or starting their own internet and root dns setups.

To answer your question - yes it was on fire because Obama set it on fire for the Weinsteins in hollywood.

Net neutrality was also just another power grab that didnt solve the problems king nigger said it would

Fuck Obama

>not browsing r/The_Donald every single day to worship God-Emperor Trump

>not triggering leftist with posting Molymeme videos and puting Sup Forums pastas on Facebook

>not roleplaying as Melania Trump while sticking a MAGA© approved dildo into your ass

Are you even redpilled user?

It is, but there are good economic and long term stability issues with keeping net neutrality. Especially since all new web infrastructure was being made at a slower rate than the demand was growing in the two years we had NN.

God bless you.

to be fair, does Reddit EVER win?

Can confirm this happens in the movie.
I really want to go on reddit and PM every single Net Neutrality faggot this.


Literally no, it's the anti-thesis of being remotely intelligent. As in being a Contrarian is just admitting stupidity.


Implying there was any other reason to vote for Donald Trump. His soft racism and universal hatred among niggers and women made him Sup Forums's candidate. I can't think of any real policies of his that are remotely reasonable or feasible.

If reddit overwhelmingly supports a certain subject, it’s usually bad.

Reddit liking a certain politician or regulation has become a pretty good indicator that it's overall awful for anyone that isnt a Reddit user.