Why are white nationalists always the "Trashiest" elements of society? The lower classes, the uneducated...

Why are white nationalists always the "Trashiest" elements of society? The lower classes, the uneducated, the physically malformed, etc.. Why aren't we the beautiful, the powerful, the intellectual, etc..? Shouldn't this be the case since we're superior?

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> we
You wish, Shmuel.

>Meme flag
>Attacking white nationalism with stereotypes

Do you lefties even try anymore?

I'm sick of amerimutts thinking they're white and running around with a Nazi flag screaming for white nationalism when they themselves are low iq mongrels. Put an American next to a pure blood European and you'll see how autistic they look.

heres a fun game. Go to google images and type in "[insert your country here] couple" and post the first result

Wrong white nationalist are quiet and subtle. We are waiting for the right event to happen. This event will galvanize people into select groups. One will be white nationalism, and it is what will prevail. The game that is being played by the globalists will be their own down fall.

t. Shlomo

The "Neo"-Nazi trash are Aryan wannabes. These white niggers deserve to be gassed like The rest. The real white nationalists are the intellectuals who'll keep their ideals under the radar lest the Jews discover their identity.

So which is it, white supremacists with white privilege who wield all the power, or dumb uneducated rural bigots with leprosy?

You are superior.... the same way jews are gods chosen.....
Keep living in lala land my dear demigod

Reality Pill: No slayer is racist.

Picture any of THESE guys spending time online whining about minorities fucking "our" white women or seeing any minorities in video-games. Lmfao.

Reality Pill: No cool, chill, low cortisol slayer is going to spend a single minute talking about races. If you know any of the nerdy race-talk buzzwords such as "haplogroup", your incel ass belongs on uncool aspie populated forums, specifically, one ass cheek on Sup Forums and the other on stormfront.

Meanwhile, legitimate slayers are soaking sun with friends of all races not having a damn problem on their mind.

Racism comes from incel nerds who stay in on the internet all day or from lower class subhumans that either can't get laid or have to settle for uglies. Slayers and handsome men in general have a very positive outlook on life and don't hate other races as a result of it. Most slayers could care less about politics, they are too busy living the life.

memeflag and "we"

Try harder, rabbi. You're doing shitty work.

Yes... commit self genocide in the name of purity. ... lel
You are one of the wiggers to be gassed.... so IQ

That guy on the left looks like a regular old dude.

I'm trying to figure this out myself. I have a theory that they lack some necessary human connections and relationships so choose to lash out at society, excuse their failures and try to latch onto something as an identity? Not sure just yet.

Reality Pill: These are fags.

Fags might suck a black dick from time to time, but in general they hate 'em.

You'd know these things if you weren't in fact one of the incel nerds you're rambling about.


Because you fucked your families retarded for 150 years and drank the hookworm you dumb fucking wastes of life.

>this isn't my D&D meetup
>photoshop stretch tool
>rare irish caveman in sunlight
>gigaton white sun
>loud n' proud
>stranger things
>too beta to grow a mustache

On September 30, 2009, at approxima
tely 2:39 p.m., th
e Deutsche Bank
Employee, a Deutsche Bank supervisor (“
Deutsche Bank Supervisor”), and 1MDB
OFFICER 1 had a tele
phone conversation regarding th
e requested $700 million wire
transfer. During this conversation, 1MDB
OFFICER 1 falsely represented that the
beneficiary of the $700 million wi
re was PetroSaudi. In truth,
the beneficiary of the wire
was Good Star. Their exchange, conducte
d in English, was as follows:

Because successful people are smart enough to hide the fact that they're white nationalists from the general public.

Only the ones with nothing to lose fly their true colors. The rest of us need to function in polite society but also have an implicit understanding of reality.

>Those moments in public when brown people behave badly and you share a knowing glance with other white spectators

show us your flag

It's eugenics you kike. How else do you build upon the foundation of perfection?

WTF is there a glitch in the matrix or something?

>meanwhile at ops place


Correct, only faggots look like that. Enjoy the AIDS I guess. And being a genetic dead end.

They've been sidelined so many times by society, they have nothing left to lose, so they dont give a fuck about revealing their full power level.

Because the only white nationalists you will see on tv and internet is your everyday retard.

But if you can't allow youself to understand political counter marketing, there is little to no hope for you. On the other hand, it seems this meme has been forced by some butthurt shills these days, so I will asume you are just another self hating failed blowjob that caved into the self extermination meme.

>Why are white nationalists always the "Trashiest" elements of society?

>The real white nationalists are the intellectuals who'll keep their ideals under the radar lest the Jews discover their identity.
Wow very courageous of you, "intellectual".

one of iranian couple - pretty /comfy/

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Hardships must be endured to come to enlightenment and the greater good.

I like to imagine that there are thousands of attractive smart people who secretly agree with me too. Unlike you, I know that it’s just my imagination.
And you’re a faggot.


To Me natsocs are as kikey as kikes.... replace talmud with eugwnics and you have the same thing. "Muh people are gods chosen, this gives me the right to take a hot shit on others.
You dont hate jews. You want to be them.

Im a very smart, educated and handsome spic and I've been researching Adolf for sometime and i can tell you he wasn't a racist at all. Im a National Socialist

Yeah pretty much

Both. The wealthy and genetically superior whites live in cities. They don’t care about racial pride, because, like all noble people, it’s beneath their notice. They have better things to think about.
Rural whites are poor, addicted to drugs, and living in squalor because they are trash, live like trash, and think like trash. They care about race because they are largely unemployed and have nothing better to do than to sit around blaming everyone else for their problems.
Most of you supposedly American white surpremacist cunts are Russian trolls who are trying to stir shit up.
Fuck you. Get better jobs. Putin is raping you.

Simple really, its the same case as with psychopaths: the rare, highly intelligent psycho will remain in the shadows, as that is a far more effective way of moving across life (hence the high % of psycho traits among business senior management and some other high-income, high-power individuals. Read Rob Hare for example). The majory of psychos, like the majority of nationalists, are brainlets, and they, like the vermin they are, will be eliminated by society in one way or another.

TL,DR: if you see them, they're idiots.

Thats not true race is very important! Identity is also important.

>he left on his jew indicator

They're slipping.

Whats your opinion on non whites that get triggered by white trash racism....? Are we just falling in line as planned thus turning into lefties or maybe we should ignore and risk the plague spreading

It's obvious you don't know a lot of
white nationalists. I know a few that
are geologists and mathematicians.

Ever see a gathering of leftists? I think the majority of people at Charlottesville looked better than the average far leftist.

ummmm sweeeety, coastal and urban retards can't find their arse from the ground or feed themselves to save their own lives without outside intervention. You will forever be cucked by rural and suburban chads

You're referring to those who are openly white nationalist. Many, many more are white nationalists but keep it to themselves because of the tremendous costs.

Why does white nationalism have to national socialism?

Why are they exclusive? Because nazis?

Grow up.

Pretty accurate.

The ones who denies or mock about it are nerds larping as nazi warriors.