
>have friends
>average attractiveness
>have talked to or hit on many girls throughout my life with a variety of approach styles in a variety of different places
>every girl walks away and ignores me after a couple seconds of conversation
>every girl is repulsed by me
>still permakhv

I can understand why you guys get no girls, because you are shy and too scared to talk to them, but why doesn't any girl like me?

>inb4 Nobody replies

>average attractiveness
>every girl is repulsed by me

Just be yourself user.

>have friends
stopped reading there. go fuck yourself normie

Do you have chinletism?

you have low iq and a chopped dick, they can smell that cheese from a mile away

If you're being serious than try to get a girl through some of your friends. They might be able to set you up or you can at the
least meet them.

i wonder how he bobbles his head while sucking a big fat black hard sweaty dick

Im too shy to talk to white people

I'm too shy to talk to people.

Get them drunk

I know it's an oxymoron, but it somehow manifests in reality in my case

I know I'm a normalfag, that's why it's strange that I'm permakhv

Nah I just have a normal chin

The girls would just fall for my friends
They get heaps of different women all the time
After hanging out with people in public, every guy goes off somewhere with a girl while I'm left alone

Who gives a shit! If your not white your a subhuman

I have light skin with some brown spots but have dark brown hair and light brown eyes :(

this minus the nigger
OP do you stop talking? because thats usually the only way this could even happen, unless your talking to random girls on the street that is to be expected.
i knew this guy in NYC who picked up girls constantly. he was tall and had good looks but his main thing was he just never stopped asking questions. every little detail of a girls life he wanted to know (or pretended). even mundane stuff live details of her commute to work. but if she asked him questions he would lie half the time. never saw him with a girl for more than a couple days he would get bored easily. but thats my story, just keep asking questions girls like to talk about themselves.

I am white with blue eyes and brown hair

I have no problems with talking with girls
The problem is once I start having a conversation, literally two seconds in they walk away and ignore me

gtfo of Sup Forums you self help fagget


How can I birth white children to continue my race if every girl is repulsed by me

post leg.

Uh, you don't sound very confident.

Being in public hypes you up, I'm confident in public places


>every guy goes off somewhere with a girl while I'm left alone
>have friends
pick one

Maybe try hitting women within your league

I've been trying to reply, but it thinks every one of my comments is spam. Let's try again.

You think you're confident, but it doesn't seem like it. Women are like dogs: they can smell desperation and can see through false bravado.
A lot of women are like children: they are selfish and think the world exists to serve them. (Honestly, can you blame them? Look at the attention they get from white knights and orbitters.)

When talking to a woman, don't seem overly interested and be willing to walk away. If she's an obvious attention whore, don't give it to her or be kinda dismissive. This bugs the shit out of them.
>Why is this guy not paying attention to me? Why is he talking to my friends and ignoring me?

The real trick is to just not care; your life is great as it is and you don't even notice her. That's the kind of shit that intrigues women.

>he doesn't know why
Red-pill yourself, and stop whining about your personal problems on Sup Forums.

It’s cuz your underage and haven’t grown into yourself yet. Relax. Focus on school. Get good grades it will happen. Dont be a dick. Don’t be a try hard. Just be patient.

This isn't /r9k/

This graph is for fucking losers who can’t admit to themselves they need to work on their game.

Guys and girls go off to have more intimate time with each other
They don't want others around them at that time

I hit on both plain girls and hot girls
Both reject me, but plain girls are more brutal about it
Hot girls will just walk away
Plain girls will make a big show of the rejection or shittalk about me behind my back

Often in social situations I just talk to my friends and ignore girls
Never had any girl attempt to talk to me in those situation, however they attempt to talk to other guys

Then why am I the only guy I know who doesn't get girls all the time...
999% of guys get girls, not 20% like memers make out

I'm an adult

/r9k/ doesn't reply

What is your approach and what kind of girls are you striking up conversation with?Also the place matters as well.

do you have a bad reputation or something? this is not normal

this is a black pill.I know some hairy but muscly manlets that pull some prime tail one of which is bald and VERY adyghe.Anecdotal i know but it is the only example i have

Define adult?

If you are over the age of 24 you need to ask a female friend what you are doing wrong and reroll your whole strat.

Also when the plain girls shit talk what do they say?

I've fucked plenty of girls, married once (widowed) and am engaged to an 18yo (prior to me) virgin. Since girls will engage you I know you're not ugly, but this means your flaw is 100% your approach. Work on it, or pay me $50 an hour and I'll coach you ;^)

I was like you OP. I even got deep into fitness and working out and went to parties every other weekend, got a Tinder, got 500 matches, still a virgin, still never kept a girl's interest for more than a few text beyond girls that friendzoned me. So what did I do? I just gave up, at least for the time being. My plan is go to college, make money, get degree, travel a bit, THEN worry about women when I'm like 35. Your 20s aren't for fun, they're for work and building yourself up into what you want to be.

i really hate people like this. take your stupid winky faces back to faceberg

Gas yourself subhuman faggot ";^)" was a meme on here before the election. Go back to RTD you worthless piece of maggot shit.

Sometimes I am quick to the point
Sometimes I take it slow and just talk about random stuff that comes up
Depends on my mood
Conversations last a few seconds at most so it doesn't really matter
I strike conversation at parks, shops, public transport, wherever I happen to come across girls my age
All kinds of girls I strike up conversation with

I don't have any female friends

If they shittalk they call me absolutely horrid names to other people behind my back
It's like they are disgusted and feel violated by me even talking to them

I wish you heaps of luck
Since I'm 18 I can't even imagine waiting 17 years to get a girl
By the time you're 35 how will you get a girl young enough to have healthy eggs?

your using it unironically it is cancer and you are aids

Go to a homeless shelter with $50 and a bucket of chicken. You can have your pick of any woman there.

my mom had my brother at age 40 he is a 6'4'' blond haired chad who has a real job while I am a manlet blond who is 27 and makes 15 an hr and is a virgin. also it gets easier to talk to women as you get older but you will stop liking them as much if you don't get laid I think. I hate women now an want nothing to do with them

18 is not an adult. My life didn’t even really begin until I was 24. My late 20s is when I started landing girls without even really trying.

And there is something really wrong with your game. You need a hobby, some real goals, and a job so you can pay to talk to a female shrink and/or a dating coach.

Also don’t be a whiney try hard with girls. Be a driven try hard with a career. Girls like guys that into something more than just them.

it's all about confidence user, stop being a massive faggot

>27 and makes 15 an hr and is a virgin.

How's that working for you? I'm 28 and pretty much in the same boat. Don't really see the point in going on with it.

So are you saying you think my offer to coach this lad for money was serious? Are you retarded? I've helped heaps of lads on here for free because I want to help white folks anywhere they reside.

Nah you will grow to hate women, it's a difficult situation. You hate them for being women, and you love them for being women. You find a woman where the good outweighs the bad.

80/20 rules.

Being average is nowhere near enough for a man unless you live in some religious community where people still push each other to get married and shit.

Maybe you're annoying and unpleasant and you just don't realize it.

I don't know
I have been told by a friend once that he heard that many of people apparently don't like me
but this is down the grapevine so it will be distorted quite a bit

I don't hate women at all, but reading posts like yours make me afraid that I will turn this way in the future