ITT Overrated Shit
ITT Overrated Shit
Kill yourself
yeah it's overrated, but that doesn't mean it's bad
Every time
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
I'm gonna watch these.
Will I be disappointed?
Darker than Black? More like Darker than SHIT.
Darker than Black? More like Browner than SHIT
Code Geass, Madoka, Gintama and Hibike.
>it's underrated
Monster bored the hell out of me.
I really don't get where the praise for it comes from.
no, it's definitely over rated
Beck, if I wanted to watch shitty bands, I would go see Tool live.
Can someone post the pasta before this thread gets deleted
One Piece, if I wanted to watch a good shounen I would watch Naruto.
Fuck no
Death Note is overrated
Monster isn't
That's a question nobody can answer except you because you are a beautiful and smart human who deserves a good live.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, more like Legend of the Galactic Homos!
they're both over rated, but still good. death note is over rated because people rate the whole series, not just after the death of L
>He won't stop taking it!
The absolute madman!
In both of these cases, manga was much better.
Death Note
No Game No Life
Full Fuckin Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Ergo Proxy
Almost all 'closed in game/fantasy' world
Almost all pseudo intelligent elitists shit
All normalfag casual shit
Post the pasta already, faggots.
Aria, a show about nothing.
How did you guys manage to make five posts before this one?
Koi Kaze, if I thought incest was wrong I would stop having sex with my little sister.
Part 2 of Jojo is the most overrated JoJo part
What the fuck were you trying to accomplish with that spoiler tag you autist.
So only moeshit
Aria, a show about nothing.
Serial Experiments Lain? more like Serial Experiments LAME shitsux
Shirobako. If I wanted dull, pretentious and unaccurate commentary on the anime industry would watch nothing because it would be SHIT.
Love Live! Shitty rip-off of K-on!
Kill la Kill, nobody kills. Having QUALITY fanservice with huge tribute to classic overrated shits doesn't make it good.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso? moar leik SHITgatsu wa Kimi no Kuso, right?
Nana. Literally KEKS and SLUTS the anime. Fucking awful.
K-On! Now, this is WHAT I call MOESHIT.
Clannad, shitty anime and even worse VN. Better read a book.
Bakemonogatari, more like Bakamonogaytari. Pretentious shit for pretentious faggots who haven't read proper literature. No plot, and no animation either.
Panty and Stocking? More like slutty and boring
Uchoten Kazoku? If I wanted to see an eccentric family I'd visit my family in the south.
Samurai Flamenco, homosexual bait. Tumblr-tier anime
Non Non Biyori? More like Non Non It Bores Me!
Gundam? More like GunDUMB
Barakamon, if I wanted to watch Barack's bullshit, I'd turn on the news.
Aldnoah Zero/10
Berserk, random shit fight. Shitty shounen is shitty.
Akame ga Kill, makes me want to use an AK to mega Kill myself
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun? More like Gaykan Shoujo Nosucky-kun!
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - Emo lol so randum XD bullshit
Hyouka, one episode in and I fell asleep.
Gunbuster? More like Nutbuster.
Diebuster? moar leik Shitbuster.
I didn't realize what was wrong until after I posted
pasta/10 list
is there a series out with subs already?
I'm watching this right now. On episode 5. Please tell me this has a decent ending? hate how rushed are the ending of anime nowadays.
Monster is like the complete opposite of rushed. I personally liked the ending, even if it's a little open-ended.
Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT
Darker Than Black? More like Browner than Shit!
5 Centimetres Per Second? More like 5 Wallpapers Per Second
It's good, but it's not as good as hunterfags make it out to be.
LOGH, Haibane Renmei, Kino no tabi. Either long ass shit or just plain shit with no meaning told.
Yuri on ice
Mononoke, if I wanted to see a crossdressing, homosexual pothead wearing make-up, I'd move to Brazil.
Jojo is shit.
Madoka, Kill la Kill, Koe no Katashit.
At least once? Yes. Every time? No.
I have a friend who is constantly trying to get me to watch this
Gundam, if I wanted to watch a real robot I wouldn't because it would be fucking retarded.
Its very slow, If your going to attempt it don't marathon it or you will fall asleep.
Neon Genesis Evangelion, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home.
Immense waste of time.
Welcome to the NHK, if I wanted to watch a loser, I would stare at the mirror.
Why does it look so beautiful if most of the story's just gonna suck?
Kind of agree. While the comedy is still good the animation itself hasn't really held up well.
For the OVA/Movie? Sure. For the show? Not really, once it hits Netflix it'll probably skyrocket though.
Agreed, but still good.
Agreed, and likely to be trash.
Nope, deserves its praise.
I hope this is bait. If anything it's underrated.
I'm liking Monster so far but I'm only like 10 episodes in. My inner edgelord psychologist tells me it's 10/10.
who doesn't like a show 100% about dick metaphors?
I'm having an insane amount of fun reading the manga and I had just as much fun watching the anime. Lives up to the hype imo
Hellsing, Twilight except shit.
Ass pull plot: The Animation. It's main selling point is the fact that fansubbers decided to TL the memes.
Legend of the Gay Lactating Homosexuals.
read the manga anime only covers like 1/4th the story
also the CG scenes they used when playing instruments trigger me
Azumanga Daioh, shitty ripoff of Lucky Star.
haha i know right? i love these existential dread memes. can't wait to die!
Isn't it the other way around?
Code Geass, if I wanted to watch homosexuals pilot robots, I would watch Gundam Wing.
It's not for teens
Baccano. It's like messing with your media player's seekbar.
Gundam 00, if I wanted shitty character designs I'd watch G Gundam.
>Legend of the Gay Lactating Homosexuals
Haruhi. Watch it in any order and it's still shit.