Race-mixing is good as by mixing the genes we create stronger populations

Race-mixing is good as by mixing the genes we create stronger populations.

prove me wrong Sup Forums

Intelligence > Physical Strength

How do you quantify stronger offspring?
How do you explain the innatein-group preference, half a century after the normalization of miscegenation?

This isnt a concern

Blacks and whites are the same species

Its already been tried, its called South America, they're a whole continent of losers.


doesnt that haz mat tat mean he has AIDS in the gay community

Natural Selection = The strong male genes are bound to survive. The weak genes are wiped off the human gene pool

Whites are the strongest people on earth though.

It does seem to yield great results a lot of times.

more genetic variation

As for the preferences I dont need to explain it as it has nothing to do with my argument. Some people will want to reproduce with members of their own group and that is ok.

Hybrid Vigor

You can't use a racist anti-white porn site as a example or whatever you're trying to bait. It's old. Also no one cares about those whores.

>Blacks and whites are the same species
Since when?

Show me where racemixing leads to greater genetic variation, and genetic variation can be considered a positive related to "strength"

ever heard of killer bees?

human hybridization makes killer humans

in other words, human trash


natural selection means whatever traits that would lead an individual to be able to survive and reproduce better in comparison to others

it does not involve the supremacy of X over Y in terms of ethnicity

Is that why blacks conquered the world?

Are you sure about that my wh*Te fiend?

I don't like nigs but honestly the human population is too big for natural selection to even matter. We'd have to have a human extinction event and no laws for "strong humans" to come around

species is not defined by culture

for two individuals to be part of the same species, they would have to be able to have the ability to interbreed and produce healthy viable offspring

if a black male and white female they will match this concept.

Race mixing isn’t good. Just imagine what happens WHEN race mixing finally reaches it’s logical conclusion (which will inevitably happen unless stopped) everyone will be a beige brown and the average global IQ will be about 94. We’ll basically just freeze in terms of advancing scientific and philosophical progress, and our children will have no ancestors of their own

But we have distinctive group traits that are important to us separately as groups. Intelligence is more important to whites than blacks

this is common sense and you should be able to visualize this mentally

when you introduce more alleles into the gene pool you are able to create individuals with better resistances and strengths

>Whites are the strongest people on earth though.
Jajaja jajaja jajaja

>as by mixing the genes we create stronger populations.
Every major ancient civilization was destroyed
by multiculturalism and race mixing you dumb
faggot. The most powerful and long lasting Dynasties have always been homogeneous.

group traits what?

>not a single mention of brazil

You can't cite common sense for a scientific claim

Sage, you earned my (you)s you shill

Brazil proves OP wrong

False. Certain species can interbreed and produce viable offspring. Neanderthals and Humans for example. However, not many are seriously arguing that blacks and whites are different species, merely that they different and may qualify for subspecies status.

Good joke tbqh

you are so stupid that you dont even understand this?

Uh, yes. Look up all the winners for worlds strongest man.
100% white

I agree, I'm tired of racist Nazi larpers trying to subvert the principles of civic nationalism and constitutional conservatism.

Gotta like that genetic variation like sickle cell anemia huh sure is useful to be able to avoid malaria in the first world.

Whats your point retard, Mayweather is black.

>Civilizations have been built entirely by people who are 100% white while negroes have lived in shit huts for well over 30,000 years.
>OP makes a claim with not a single scientific study to back the claims
No. You prove yourself right. Prove that half-breeds are superior to both their parents's race (on average).