It's over. It's finished. You killed it. Your "Red wave" is fucking finished. At least in America...

It's over. It's finished. You killed it. Your "Red wave" is fucking finished. At least in America. You fucked the one thing that will bring tens of millions of uncaring youths to the polls. You fucked the one thing that would ever convince diehard republicans to vote across party lines. Every single republican that allowed this to happen is going to be purged, and your party will be buried in the anger you've awakened in this move of evident and clear money based corruption. Your president will be impeached, and every state you hold dear will fall one by one like dominoes. No enemy you ever could have had could have destroyed you so wholly as you've done yourself in your thirst to sate corporate greed.

It's over for you. The rise of the right is thus quashed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>w-we ned tu sev teh internetz leddit
>dey gonna charge us fo dem vidya gaymes

Enjoy the next few years. They will not be pleasant for you. The left is about to make a triumphant return. Alabama was only the beginning.

they say wolves have big teeth. ajitprop's are yuuuge. welcome to kosher brand internet. where we charge you 412% more each year for a tiny sliver of what you used to receive. Kind of like cable now. Get out your fucking transistor radios. Funny we have threads on the third temple. And then walls. And then fucking paywalls. YAY FOR ISRAEL AND FOR SHAREHOLDERS HERP DERP the eternal brown boomer strikes again

Basically, if the GOP stuck with being an oposition party they would be okay. But thanks to Trump they lose fucking Alabama to a pro choice democrat. If you ever needed proof that the common people are turning against the GOP just look at that. While the dems got problems, they atleast are as fucking retarded as the gop and the alt right. You all got played hard.

>The left
>Triumphant return

look at fucken toblerone bars for crying out loud. this will be toblerone web. nice 350 gram bacon we have now yes. little fun sized bags of chips known as "air"


I know, it's laughable. I'd have laughed too a few months ago. I'm not laughing now. That's just how bad you've fucked up. It isn't even funny.

A democrat won because republicans had literally one of the worst candidates. And he barely won at that. Enjoy losing 2018 hard, then enjoy an additional 6 years of Trump. Screen cap it

>the left cant me-
>nobody finds the right funn-

Eat a dick nigger.

only a tiny amount would to be retarded enough to vote trump in for a second term, we'll see him lose by a landslide.
>inb4 hurr durr b-but no one gave him a chance last time, le meme magic will see him through again xD

It's over. It's finished. You killed it. Your "Red wave" is fucking finished. At least in America. You fucked the one thing that will bring tens of millions of uncaring youths to the polls. You fucked the one thing that would ever convince diehard republicans to vote across party lines. Every single republican that allowed this to happen is going to be purged, and your party will be buried in the anger you've awakened in this move of evident and clear money based corruption. Your president will be impeached, and every state you hold dear will fall one by one like dominoes. No enemy you ever could have had could have destroyed you so wholly as you've done yourself in your thirst to sate corporate greed.

It's over for you. The rise of the right is thus quashed.

If you are legit Sup Forums, you can't not FUCKING LOVE this dude. He single handedly took a dump on EVERY FUCKING PERSON simultaneously and then proceeds to mock them.
He is a bigger winner than Donald could ever dream of. The fucking salt mine holy fucking shit.
And the internet will always be there you niggers, only thing is that kids won't get it, or be contained in the /gaymur/ packages. Which is a good fucking thing.
If you know anything basic about networking you will be able to do LITERALLY everything.

Need more Pepe's like this

sup reddit

There's no way Pai doesn't browse here, he's definitely one of us


You forgot to change your flag bro.

Keep crying small son. Keep crying. You just can't get over that loss, can you? Keep being poor. Keep being lazy. Keep being useless. You're a fucking disgrace

Won't they stop caring once they slowly realize over time that nothing's actually changed?

If was easy to convince them with the "THE INTERNET IS DYING YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY $10 PER WEBSITE AND $3 PER GOOGLE SEARCH" but now that NN is actually gone, they'll see that was all bullshit.

Truly best girl

Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of liberals were like "meh won't bother voting seeing as hillary will win easily anyway", don't think they'll risk having the Trump dunce win again.

OP is objectively correct, cuckservatives can't help but shoot themselves in the foot every time

Also this NN repeal will have a lot of conservatives voting against him as well.

Enjoy your 15kb/s on Sup Forums in 10 years

you are a useful idiot to defend the interests of google, netflix, youtube,facebook and twitter congrats you are a uninformed puppet!

Not even. Republicans had their chance to wield power in this country, and they gave it away instantaneously for money. They're going to be knocked from power, and Net Neutrality will return in some form. All they really succeeded in doing was destroying what could have been their rise to power.

>Won 3 out of 11 necessary elections

>OK guise I'm srs now!!

Your tears are powering up our Jew Death Ray so keep crying bitch!

We all know the Establishment let the Dems cheat because Moore beat Strange in the primaries.
Alabama is deep red, but a lot of their state politicians are corrupt as fuck, just not in a way that normally fucks the populace.

But keep thinking you can win in 2018, and that the cheating in Alabama won't be exposed.

>Wins one fucking seat in an off year, during a special election.
>Gloats as if 2018 and 2020 have already been decided for the Democrats.
>Completely ignores the fact that over half of the Democratic caucus will be up for re-election, and some of these incumbents represent highly red states such as Montana, North Dakota, West Virginia, Indiana and Missouri.

Serious mental gymnastics you got going there Skippy if you think one piss ant victory signals a swing back towards the Left.

Tbh FCC looks like the most Jewish kikery ever jewn.

My name is David Brock and I'm a pedo faggot.

A zillion more things are going to be done that will piss people off before a blue wave comes in.

We're just getting started liberals.

I hope this will happen soon my burger user

R turnout was depressed in AL because the candidate was shit, if the write-ins hadn't happened and turnout was equal to 2016 Moore would have the seat.


shall we sage or push towards bump limit?

Actually Sup Forums uses very little data compared to most sites with userbases this large, so if anything accessing here would be faster than average now that Net Neutrality's gone.

Not going to bother responding to everyone telling me I'm wrong. The end of your red wave. Election after election of you crying the way you did the night Moore lost. You may consider that my response. I said it before, and I'll say it again. It's over. I'll be coming back to Sup Forums the day Trump is impeached, to remind you of the domino you knocked over that lead to this chain of crushing defeats, and fall back into irrelevance.


It must suck being on the left right now. Were having a party over here

Pai is honorary Poo in Loo. I wouldn't shake his hand though.

>crying the way you did the night Moore lost

Yeah I remember all the #notmysenator and mass protests across the country when that happened.

The lies of the Jews will all be exposed in the end.


A party for the Net Neutrality repeal with a bunch of 65+ year olds?


Hopefully this will spread around the globe and then people are starting to get off this madness that is called "internet" and actually doing something in their pathetic life.

>internet is just a big meme which turns people to lazy fuckers who only complains and become retarded goats with weird fetishes.

You know there will be a recount in Alabama. You haven't won anything yet.

A party for every time we do something that causes you cucks to throw a shitfit. It's a non-stop party ever since the election.

Nigger bitch, you didn't 'win' Alabama, we 'lost' it. Jones is a shit candidate that will only last 2 years. Keep in mind you spent twice as much, ran character assassination on all platform nonstop, for weeks, receiving every endorsement imaginable, and you squeaked out a


NOTHING! You just don't turn it off!

>"#recount2016 #notmypresident!"
Just like the dems did. Continue to convince yourself you're winning, even as your opponent strikes you down. This board is going to be a really depressing place to drop by come 2019.

Pai's a fucking madman

libshits are all BTFO

i love that quote

Democrats are murders. They will murder anyone to get what they want.

Funny you even say that. I was right there with you guys celebrating on this board when Trump won. I've been on Sup Forums for over a year now. I guess I just forgot how retarded republicans are when they're in power rather than acting as opposition.

Stalone nailed that fucking role

Oy vey! It's anuddah shoah! Won't someone please think of da SJWs!

here we go



Everyone is laughing right now at USA but they don't know that whatever happens in USA has global implications.
Do you think you're going to be safe? Companies will take example of USA and will collude with the government to get the same deal, or worse.


>I can't make it throughout the day without access to certain sites.
The genepool requires a cleansing of nuclear proportions.


Shareblue detected.


this had to be intentionally designed to aggravate redditors.

>fidget spinners
>online shopping
>"Can still ruin memes"

he has to be /ourguy/






yep, a recount for a fucking pedophile


Unless the ISPs go full retard right off the bat net neutrality won't be a top contender for pissing people off. Other stories will drop that make it look like child's play.


Thanks for your input r/T_D


Killing NN is even better than when Trump got elected.

>Kills NN
>Also kills weak lefties and other degenerated people

Love this and people needs to get off internet more and stop becoming low life creeps.






keks decided, fire and fury.


>all those salty comments







>this will make people become democrates
90% of people already had been polled against this
90% were not democrates


>soros fucking lost and the shills are in fucking tears.
Cry some fucking moar. Im jerking off just thinking about it