Narancia is so cuuuute!
2nd for naranciafag needs to leave
I think if they're gonna change anything in part 5 anime they need to make this a reality
Post your freshest OC you made. it doesnt have to be good
Why is Jobin scared of his dad, Sup Forums?
If he's more scared of Fruit Dad of all people instead of Gappy, something's definitely off.
He is, but you need to calm it
there it is friendo
stop giving him (you)s you fucking retards
He's arguing with himself
He doesn't want his dad to take his beatles away if he finds out he's doing evil shit
Now thats a plot twist
Holy fucking shit, just got to this part and I'm speechless. What the fuck Araki?
Not as crazy as when Kakyoin came back.
>an episode of How's the Higashikatas
>Jobin took away Gappy's fruit
>Fruit Dad grounds him and takes away his beetles
>"But Da~~~d, my son's going to die of rock cancer!"
>"If you wanted his fruit, you could've just aske~~~d."
>Jobin learns the importance of sharing and splits even with Gappy
diu jojoniums when
Not me
But he's so cute
Yes he is.
Narancia just said that your post is false and stupid.
Check em.
This nigga walks up and slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?
Just wait for King Nothing's cataclysmic real ability to be revealed.
diu jojodoujins when
i think we reached a conclusion.
naranciafag did not acknowledge this post, much like how doppio forgots about what happens when diavolo takes over. when carnefag takes over, he forgets about the post.
naranciafag = carnefag
I would punch him for assaulting Narancia.
Power is growing. like my ass
Is Dio a cuck for impregnating Giorno's mother with Jonathon's cock?
Tell him that she had 4 butt cheeks and that by touching her, he has poisoned himself and there is no escape.
Tell him there his shirt is full of rhombuses which have 4 corners.
fuck off bitch Narancia is mine skank
If you told him he had four limbs would he cut one of them off?
I'm not carnefag.
I hate that guy plus he did post his face in here before which I would never do.
Fuck you fucker who are you?
Nah, he'd count his head as a limb
Penis and head are limbs so he has more than 4
It would be extremely painful.
who the fuck are you cunt step off my Narancia you fucking piece of dog shit
Fuck you fucker he's my wife.
If singles, Naranciafag dies and gets 72 Narancias in over heavenu
Only 2 of those posts are mine.
Numbers on Sup Forums don't have power over me.
uhm Narancia wouldn't want your ugly ass you smell like shit 2
He loves me fucker.
>thread going downhill only 50 posts in
I'm going to eat some more of the Delicious macaroni and cheese Narancia made for me.
Man it feels good to have him in my life.
No he don't so why don't you go over to i don't know Doppio or something
Delete this now
This slander against my wife.
Fuck you fucker Narancia is my wife and if you say otherwise
my head hurts
All that mac and cheese has to go somewhere...
Narancia is my husband though so like kys
fuck you fuckers you fucking idiots
why does my head hurt so much
nice try carnefag, but we already have photographic proof.
you are simply leaving in a false reality dominated by your other-self.
you need to get yourself checked before some stand ability splits your personality into two bodies and you end up impaling yourself.
If 1-5, Vento Aureo anime confirmed with David Pro at the helm
If 6-8, Vento Aureo anime confirmed with Toei on the helm
If 9, Vento Aureo anime confirmed with Blind Ferret Entertainment on the helm
If 0, no Vento Aureo anime
I'd kick the shit out of whatever anons are perpetuating this shit IRL
real naranciafags or not
>Vento Aureo anime confirmed with Toei on the helm
>complete garbage fight quality on the part with the best fights
>he got null quads
Please stop acting retarded I'm not carnefag my head just hurts.
Nice gif though.
How do you plan to do that?
Why are people arguing over Narancia he isn't even that hot
But would you feed them and grope their chubby asses and manboobs?
If 1-9, numbers on Sup Forums have powers over Nfag
so im watching part 4 and im wondering is that guy and actual alien or just a stand user
This is pathetic.
Yes he is.
That's disgusting
So what?
I'd means I would. Meaning I would if I could, jackass.
But I would make it merciless
o shit Naranciafag is immune from numbers
If 1-9, Nfag gains one pound in his ass in the next week.
>if I could
So you can't because you're a little bitch ok then fucker.
If post ends in literally any number, we just report Naranciafag and stop whining over this.
That's disgusting.
Dubs confirm, Report and ignore naranchiafag like you are supposed to
I'd pull your eyes out of your sockets and press my own shit into them, then poorly shove them back in
This macaroni is so good.
Yeah right
>ywn forcefeed Naranciafag macaroni
That's just disgusting and edgy.
Fuck you fucker
I would never eat your macaroni
ya'll have any of narancia?
I didn't want to believe it at first, but he's obviously an alien, Araki just made it ambiguous and refuses to confirm it
You don't have a choice.
Stop that now
Fuck you fucker!
Check these, compatriot:
nuke this thread and permaban this faggot(s)
and while you're screaming and blind, I would hold you down and pull your junk out and pulverize it with a brick until I feel like you got what you deserved
Does Naranciafag have a big ego, or does he have one of those fetishes where he gets turned on by being shamed?
Also MODS please delete thread, it isn't worth it. Maybe taking Naranciafag out while you're at it would be nice.
Not until you do, skinnyfag. Don't want your wife to be a big guy? Well, he is;
>for you.
thanks user
you just made my night that much more enjoyable >;)
I bet you fags miss cuckfag now. Because naranciafag is free to shit up the thread unchallenged.
Attention is fun I've noticed. Ngl I've baited people before, there's this weird rush of giggles for making a retarded post and having people jump on it
First of all I am fat but Narancia is skinny and fit.
So fuck off.
Again you're like an edgy 13 year old
My head just hurts
I'm am trying to post in peace
Just want to browse Sup Forums eat macaroni and drink gatorade
I made this months ago
There used to be an user who posted staving black Narnacias with food when naranciafag posted those shitty pictures.
I guess he was defeated now since he can not photoshop narancias if naranciafag does not post pictures.
I hope the fatfags would drive Naranciafag away
I'd probably get sick of listening to you scream with each whack, so I'd use the brick to break your jaw open and then slice your tongue out with whatever I can find that has a sharp enough edge
but it only needs to be just sharp enough
Just make a FUCKING waifu thread in /trash/ already
Stop acting so damn edgy
I don't want to