Eminem's "Like Home"
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>Cause like a dictionary, things are looking up
Wow, I used to be a huge Eminem fan, but this is just too much. Is there a more retarded line than this?
egyptian magician give me ammunition im overstaying my welcome like 12 seasons of homer simpson
Jake Paul-tier lyrics desu
At some point you realize anyone who's mainstream enough is in it just for the money and will do whatever the kike pays him or her to do.
Slim "Michigan Is My City" Shady
>You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off, Nazi
I do not see a way y'all differ
And all you got a race card biggot, the swastika with your name carved in it
Should be your trademark, cause it's all you played off
And you just took the plate off, so I guess it pays to feed off of chaos
So basically, you Adolf Hitler
Reddit is cumming so, so hard right now. That was nauseating.
>Someone get this aryan a sheet
>Time to bury him, so tell him to prepare to get impeached
Stopped reading there, lol
what a fucking sellout to the kike
That’s not Marshall Mathers. A real fan would know.
that's an awfully hot cawfee pot
At what age did you lads grew out of Eminem ? Me, unironically 22
>talks shit about Trump for banning trannies from the military
>even though he literally made his career making fun of faggots
I grew out of Eminem in highschool. Relapse was so disappointing, and Recovery was so fucking corny that I dropped him ever since.
This desu, he hasnt put out a decent song since 2003. Hes an old man trying to be relevant. He needs to go back to popping valiums and leaving everyone alone.
Just when I thought em couldn't cuck any more he releases this song LOL.
>So basically, you adolf hitler
Wow, it's almost like his words are like a dagger with a jagged edge. He'll stab you in the head, whether you're a fag or lez. A homosex, hermaph or a trans'a'vez; pants or dress? Hate fags? The answer's yes.
Homophobic? No, you're just heterophobic. Staring at his jeans, watching his genitals bulging. Those are his motherfucking balls, you'd better let go of them. They belong in his scrotum; you'll never get hold of them.
This album is being blasted left and right, people are tired of this political bullshit. For a lack of a better description it’s virtue signaling taken to its extreme. His previous albums were “political” as well, but those were more anti-establishment and anti-evangelical in nature; this is straight up liberal bullshit and that’s why nobody likes it. The former rebel is now fighting along with the establishment to try and attack the counter-culture candidate that is now in office.
What glorious times we are living in folks, Eminem should have gone full fuck it and put all the SJW, Trannies, Mentally ill, Democrats, Kiddy Diddlers, Commiefornians on full blast. Instead the old man chose to keep himself willfully ignorant and endorse the deep state faggotry.
"Dear Mr. Toilet, I'm the shit"
drumpfy btfo again
Didn't wanna piss your base off, did ya?
Can't denounce the klan, 'cause they play golf with ya
You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off, Nazi
I do not see a way y'all differ
And all you got a race card biggot, the swastika with your name carved in it
Should be your trademark, cause it's all you played off
And you just took the plate off, so I guess it pays to feed off of chaos
So basically, you Adolf Hitler
Is this actually it, LOL?
Jesus christ this absolute fucking trash...wow
>45 year old rapper who's way, WAY past his prime and is slowly fading into obscurity with the younger ones is doing literally anything he can to get headlines and stay relevant
Cor me shocked
Essentially every music superstar does this in some way when they begin to fade into obscurity, it's basically just a tell-tale sign even they know their days are numbered and are already reaching their end.
Trying so desperately to cling to relevance
The eternal edgelord, 50 years old, wearing depends.
Anybody want to make a lulzy Sup Forums project out of destroying whatever's left of this old wigger's career?
It's ridiculously simple; all we have to do is make images like this (this one took me literally 60 seconds to make) that prominently feature actual lyrics from his past songs that show examples of him being bigoted towards homosexuals and women. Make them visually appealing and be sure to use a recent picture of him, so younger people who may not be as familiar with his back catalog will make the connection.
He becomes rich and famous basically by being a pottymouthed white boy who raps about raping women and murdering fags, and then 20 years later he thinks he can just sweep it under the rug and become some kind of champion for progressive values? A United States comedian-turned-senator was just forced to resign because of a 20 year old photo of him making a grabby hand gesture at a woman's tits. Imagine what we can do to someone like Eminem.
Let's show him what happens when you mess with Sup Forums.
>your booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
this album is such a convoluted mess that it comes off as straight up stupid
He goes from calling trump hitler, to crying about kim, to saying sorry to his mother, to praising hailey, to raping women, to having people eat is turds
No shit, this is the chorus of one of his songs
'Cause nobody likes me, everybody hates me
They want me to go eat some worms
I hope you offended
And drag my name through the mud, through the dirt
But I'ma make you eat your words
I hope you offended
You can try to hold me down, but you better let me up
'Cause you're only gonna make things worse
I hope you offended
'Cause I swear when I get up I'm never gonna let up
'Til everybody eats my turds
>45 years old
>all the money on the planet
>looks 65
Your IQ declines as you get older. Eminem will continue to get worse as time goes on
I'm 20 now, I stopped listening to his music unironically like 5 years ago.
>those lyrics
I didn't even know he has a new album, thanks for the heads up lel
>tfw all celebrities must sell out to the kikes in the end in a desperate attempt to stay relevant so they can fund their cocaine addiction
It's sad
He wouldn't look as retarded if he actually dressed/groomed his age instead of wearing foundation and dressing like a 20-yr-old.
He could've made a comeback with a thoughtful, mature album, laying out his stall and taking some clever shots at people to indicate his thoughts. Instead it just comes across as childish autistic screeching.
The amount of 'yes' men surrounding him during the production of his new work is obvious.
Jesus Christ. I think before buying any rap album, people should take a moment to google the lyrics and read them out loud to themselves in a conversational voice. This whole style of music is 90% production; I have literally never heard a rapper who doesn't sound like shit once you take away the backing track. That video of Eminem doing the freestyle in the parking garage is so cringy I couldn't even sit through the whole thing just to laugh at it.
I am sad about this. Gonna still listen to the MMLP at least once a month so.
Whatever he is doing now, he still was absolut fucking gold in his early times.
It's like he forgot how to rap, maybe that Eminem replacement conspiracy is true
You don't put arrows into a bow you fucktard
Who told you that, your nigger friends
t. Archer
This shit sucks so bad it makes me want to become a white supremacist
16 I'm 25 now and looking back on alot of his old songs they're pretty cringy
He's like the emo genre of hiphop
i just notice this
hahaha you fucking lunatic nazi conspiracy theorists actually believe this gun tier type shit? Spencer is warning us always into this. You're making us look like lunatic Eminem's LOL picrelated
He really should switch to a proper suit and tie and move onto mature content and not "mature" content
>defending transgenders
The absolute state of music
looks like a wax statue of a 70 year old keebler elf on meth
This is incoherent, it sounds like what a Buzzfeed writer having a stroke would write.
I'm absolutely baffled by the state of this album, no kidding. The stuff he put out, apart for the BET things weren't that bad.
Heck, even campaign speech had decent lyrics, his verse on revenge wasn't bad. Walk on water, corny as fuck, wasn't bad. Why the fuck, would you open your album with a song that's basically you saying you're in search of perfection? How the fuck did no one tell him "em, this is pretty terrible".
I expected him to go off on trump, he hardly did that. The rhymes were weak, the songs even weaker.
I unironically think he put this out as a form of career suicide so he can retire and be left alone in scotland
If you've listened to anything past his first two albums you should just off yourself.
>scientists have successfully cloned goats
>M&M is hip hop G.O.A.T
>will the real slim shady please stand up
Has he always looked that fucking strange? Is he getting tons of work done, or something?
Sounding borderline insane has always been one of his calling cards retard. Eminem's popularity comes down mostly to his rapping skill and creativity with lyrics.
ITT a gaggle of screeching right-wing harpies listening to rap for the first time after finding out a rapper's not being PC.
Amerimutts loved it when their country stars were caterwauling songs blasting Obama but now they want politics out of music again all of a sudden.
>read them out loud to themselves in a conversational voice.
Is there any genre that doesn't sound stupid if you do this?
Marshall mathers is dead
he doesn't even sound insane on this album nor is he creative with his rhymes.
oh yeah, he did that one bit where he said "you're an eight" but pronounced it as 'urinate" and linked it to r kelly, that was great yet, very great
Does Em have money trouble? This album smells more desperate than Nicholas Cage choice of movies.
Speak for yourself, brainlet
See, you couldn't even write a 2 sentence post without reminiscing on something clever he wrote
He's got thousands of those kind of moments, that's why he's one of the most popular rappers in the world
Up until he started saying non-PC things about muh president he was actually more proof of white supremacy
He's pretty much still saying non-pc stuff so your argument doesn't fly.
Hey man, Cage movies are a National Treasure too.
>not being PC
>normie trash thinks spouting establishment talking points sprinkled with profanity constitutes non-PC
Wow. That's fucking brutal
hide m&m threads; sage mathers threads
some of you will avoid the temptation to give him money, but talking about him will lead the weaker-willed to become curious
this is how Trump won
Jesus Christ, how the mighty have fallen.
>Alicia Keys
tttssssss fuckin home run
He looks strange because you're probably not used to seeing a 45 year old man dressed like an edgy high school kid.
read the thread retard, most of the people in here are at least generally familiar with most of his previous work. And you can objectively criticize this album without even getting into politics; this is weak.
>Is there any genre that doesn't sound stupid if you do this?
Read the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" and the lyrics in OP's post side by side, you tell me which one sounds better. Also, my point was mostly that rap as a genre relies on production and catchy hooks to sell records, and when you take all of that away you just have the rapper's lyrics and vocals, which usually sound like ass without a catchy track underneath it. Case in point, Em's cringy freestyle BET video where he tries to dig on Trump.
Sup Forums raps better
>High IQ prerequisite for creating successful rap
He orange. Dat funny.
9th grade when my wigger phase ended, I was 14 so 17 years ago.
There weren't any yesmen around him for this album. Eminem wasn't the primary creator of the album. The Jews were. Eminem just followed their orders.
You know you're shit when you're stealing lines of shiat lepoof
Drump is a nazi
He wont devide us
Muh niggers
>letting some roastie write for you
this might be the worst album i've ever heard in a long time
her real name is Hafermann, the plot thickens
I watched TRL everyday after school in 9th grade in 1999/2000. I was never really a fan of eminem but the hype was real when he started topping the charts back then. His songs were pretty good, I mainly remember forgot about dre but I think he had one other big hit from that period that i'd recognize. I stopped watching TRL after 9th grade and don't really know any of his other music.
Honestly thought the whole wigger culture thing was pretty dumb but it was kinda cool when his persona was new and the hype was high.
I just listened to the entire album on jewtube. I know Eminem's been a bitch about this whole Trump thing, but I try to compartmentalize in order to enjoy different forms of art. I still listen to plenty of his older stuff.
Gotta say honest to god though this CD is pure trash. Politics aside (I think it's only 3 out of 19 songs that really bash on Trump) this CD feels like a demo that Eminem had a little too much fun with experimenting with quirky new beats.
He's lyrically skilled, that's a fact. But his technical capabilities peaked with Rap God in MMLP2. His rhyme schemes and tricks peaked with Relapse, which had many impressive rhymes regardless of how you felt about the album itself.
Content is shit
Beats are worse
Choruses are so forgettable and subpar
0/10 would not pirate. Worse Eminem studio album to date.
hahaha jesus christ what a faggot
I grew up in a wild hood, as a hazardous youth
With a fucked up childhood that I used as an excuse
And ain't shit changed, I kept the same mindstate
Since the third time that I failed 9th grade
You probably think that I'm a negative person
Don't be so sure of it
I don't promote violence, I just encourage it
I laugh at the sight of death
As I fall down a cement flight of steps
And land inside a bed of spider webs
So throw caution to the wind; you and a friend
Can jump off of a bridge, and if you live, do it again
Shit, why not? Blow your brain out, I'm blowin' mine out
Fuck it, you only live once, you might as well die now
Kek, eminem.
From trailer trash to supreme goy.
He's really fucked up on this one. Some of these songs are truly god awful.
"Unbreakable" is pretty good though, decent flow despite all the political shit. Then again, Eminem isn't exactly new to race baiting and politics, White America for example, which was also good.
Either way, early 2000s Eminem is dead. That level of quality is never coming back.
>nobody outside nostalgia pop stations play your songs anymore
>even the station that bears your name can't be bothered to play your shit
>jump on the political bandwagon for one last attempt at being relevant
>big comeback freestyle is so lame everyone feels sorry for you
>managed to surpass "fucking magnets" as meme material
>new album is receiving horrible reviews
>Dre is leaving angry voice mails
>squeeze yourself into the tattered remains of a robin costume
>look at yourself in the mirror
>reminisce of the glory days of being an edgy retard on Mtv
>ghost call Carson Daly while thrusting your hips
>hear a crack
>its probably broken
>suddenly a familiar beat echos from down the hall
>a single tear of joy runs down your cheek
>think you finally earned the admiration of your ex-wife's daughter
>she's listening to that Toucan Sam-looking nigger with 69 tattooed on his face
looks like hes got aids.
Too much black cock?
time = 31:06
>cause this type of pickle that we're in is hard to deal
I thought I heard that, but then I thought it's too stupid, even for him, and that he must have said "this type of predicament is hard to deal", but no, he said the pickle line.
Not since Rapper's Delight have I heard a line like that.
I almost feel sorry for him.
>"this type of pickle we're in is hard to dill"
This is the guy who rapped about stabbing faggots in the forehead
Cage isn't poor. He's just very enthusiastic about making movies.
>>"this type of pickle we're in is hard to dill"
That made me chuckle
only good verse.
This one speaks the truth , he's gone way to soft to even be called slim shady anymore like 00' em would spit out a line about joining trump in kicking the slimes out , not this shit.