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since the dawn of time, humanity has shown nature who's boss. Anime simply perpetuates this tradition.

men are nothing but semen dispensaries

Is this yuri?

They are 2D you stupid sperg.

Why is this show so trash?

Both of these shows are excellent.

Urara is kinda lame.

Wait is the bottom one urara? then if so it's also trash.

Both of those shows are flopping, so what does that tell you?

>Nature intended us to use our teeth to play reed instruments.
>It intended us to brew poisonous substances that were too toxic for microbes so we would have something to drink during long ocean voyages that we never evolved for.
>It intended us to have enough free time to sit on our asses and bitch about Mongolian animation

Goods shows don't sell.

Yea it's cute but watching paint dry is more exciting.

Tells me the nips have shit taste, per usual.

> always lesbian parents
> never gay males

I can't help but think there's some internalized sexism if one is cool but the other is not.

meidora is one of the highest selling shows of the season, retard


I think one girl from Akuma no Riddle had two gay parents.

Millions of years in the future our descendants will be highly adapted to anime.

How do you explain this?

>(***,647 pt) [*,*21予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]

Say again?

Fact that it comes out on the 15th of next month and hasn't broken 1k yet is not good, retard.


Yuuri and Victor have a dog. Cats are superior but they are family too.

Is Dragon Maid the closest thing Japan has to SJW shit since it supports non-traditional gender roles and families?

I think the only way you can adapt to anime in a way that doesn't hinder your chances of reproduction would be either hating it or liking it super casually and ironically. Gigguk and Digibro come to mind.

Are you retarded? Sailor Moon did this decades ago.

what are the both titles?

No. Tohru was more than willing to fuck Kobayashi when she spontaneously grew a dick.

Are posts like these ironic or unironic?

You wouldn't ride your waifus dick?

maybe? :(

How do kids like you find this place?

>not fucking everything that move
Are you really surprised with this, nigga?

N-no y-y-you're the one who's lame!

Say that to my face nerd


Tooru would've fucked Kobayashi anytime, anywhere. It's just that Kobayashi's not willing to give her virginity to a dragon.


Literally autistic.

Since when yuri pandering is good idea? they were flopped most of the time.
Kyoani should just jump fucking off from Yuri train. All of their best works are straight romance series anyway.
>Koe no Katachi

That it is only a matter of time before #LoveWins in Japan.

ESLfags please go.

There was also K-On with a planet worth of yuri.

We clearly need more yuri hetshitter.


Only K-On.
And it doesn't pander to yuri as hard as Maid Dragon nor Hibike.

Is there other yuri related anime this season besides those two and Nyanko days?

Gabriel Dropout

i agree

I'm finding it really meh on the yuri part, Raphi was promising but they just keep doing gags and being mean-spirited every episode

Those two are the gayest. Gabriel has some teasing too. How gay is Nyanko? looks kawai as fuck.

This took entirely too long to be posted

Not this season but just go watch Sakura Trick.

You can watch it all in 10 minutes, it's the cute kind of gay

Yeah, but Gab & Vigne are pretty much confirmed at this point.

>Since when yuri pandering is good idea?

Madoka and Love Live?, you said pandering

When is the Citrus anime supposed to come out again?

>cats are superior
Opinion discarded

Cats are the weeb pet of choice, are you not a weeb, user?

I think Japanese culture is kind of creepy and not at all desirable
I just like their cartoons

Tohru is Kobayashi-sexual, Kobayashi is proper maid-sexual.

I don't like you

Is this most realistic portrayal of 3D women in 2D?

i agree.

>I think Japanese culture is kind of creepy and not at all desirable
They're like wasabi-flavored Americans.

People aren't that fucking different, and they're closer to us than they are further away.

>**9位/**9位 (*11,461 pt) [*,**5予約] 17/05/17 映画『聲の形』Blu-ray 初回限定版
>*92位/105位 (**4,836 pt) [*,*45予約] 17/02/15 響け!ユーフォニアム2 3巻 [Blu-ray]
>***,300位/***,269位 (***,648 pt) [*,*21予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]
What went wrong?

>Ching chong

You forgot Hibike

I rabu reibu really thay gay? I remember Homu turned gay in Rebellion.

Yeah, I don't.

Kyoani is so good at making anime they make every scene to look romantic and emotional, it's not intentional they are just that good

It gets gayer each season, tough you will find most of the gay stuff in side material , tough Sunshine really upped the gay

Meant for

Hibike is modern class S. Cool show but yuri wise is terrible. It beats me how some yurifags paid attention to it over pandora or flip floppers.
Yeah, in the mango it doesn't fell much like two mommies and a baby dragon.And they explore a bit more how dragons perceive human society and family . Hell, it even seems like Tooru has a small chance with Kobayashi.

>secret garden of lillies
Ultra gay. And oh shit, it sounds good.

Yeah, this is gay propaganda now. Kyoani knows fully well that lesbians are expected to grow out of this shit by adulthood. Trying to brainwash a new generation of dykes into thinking this shit is okay.

>posting this without the pasta
Why is this aloud?

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.


Madam Ritz would like this.

Yuri fags need to be gassed

I wonder what it's like being a man, typing this all out, and then having to look at yourself in the mirror.

Wasn't Ritz confirmed to be a guy.

This, tired of faggots deriving their morality from nature

Nice try, son.
Go to sleep.

If only.
Most yuri undertones are more definite than those vague romance undertones in shows like Hyouka.
Subtlety is nice but being overly subtle reeks of writer's inability to write good romance because they have no experience.

Yeah, "Nature's Plan" or "God's Plan", they are the fucking same thing. Different words, same shit.

u a troll i remember the percnt of peope who r gay ar elike 4% not even much get destoryed

That was based on a very old profile when she did porn. Plus once she made a drawing in her blog where you see her from behind and she looks like Sera. Chances are she is a tomboy with short hair lesbian mcs as her self inserts.

Is this also KyoAni's atonement for what they did with the yuri in Hibike?

i only know those draconic lesbians, who are the other ones?

Not gonna tell ya.

Indecent harlots!

I know, i ask with no hope, people here think that hoarding information makes them superior.

Come back when you've watched more than five anime, Sup Forums.

kon is pure. PURE!

I want to be cucked by Tapris.

urara meirochou

Shut up Saku, go get a threesome with Nina and your lesbian twin moons.

No, Sup Forums is just a place that hates it when people ask things they can find out themselves easily with little effort such as a reverse image search.


I'm on Sup Forums, so I'm pretty much a little girl already.

Who's to blame for the death of yuri threads on Sup Forums? I haven't seen a decent one in months

The 4chanX reverse searches never work. Others demand that i save and upload the images.
A nigger would rather type a retarded "go fuck yourself" rather than give information.
It's really pitiful seeing people think themselves superior because they have more chinese cartoons under their belt.

>The 4chanX reverse searches never work
Weird, mine works always fine.
Not on the OP image of course, but on this Maybe you should update your 4chanX then.
