Apparently you can be charged with murder if someone dies of a heart attack because they are a fat piece of shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a heart attack? source?

Stand in Front of a Train.
Get hit by train.
Have heart attack.
Conductor is charged with murder


Don't worry, our system is retarded.

It let's emotional faggots change people with whatever they want, and that usually means they fail because the crime doesn't rise to that level.

It was manslaughter at most....charging his with first degree murder or (((terrorism))) means he walks free.

Whole thing was a set-up, nobody is going to jail

I wonder if they'll show both takes in the court room

It will be really easy to prove that fat hamveast died of heart failure/attack
so I guess this headline is just populism to get you riled up about sth.

Also why the fuck would they go for first degree?

You don't have a chance in fuck at proving premeditation

Fake news

That's for tort law, not criminal.
>Murder, other than capital murder, by poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, or by any willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or in the commission of, or attempt to commit, arson, rape, forcible sodomy, inanimate or animate object sexual penetration, robbery, burglary or abduction, except as provided in § 18.2-31, is murder of the first degree, punishable as a Class 2 felony.
There's no way Fields can be convicted of first-degree murder.

Even better then because the standards are even higher meaning a conviction is slightly less likely.

Assuming he has a competent lawyer.

>criminal law does not vary by jurisdiction

He's going to get some light sentence regarding being a little too irresponsible with his escape from attack or something - basically they'll concede it's a case of a kid getting spooked and fleeing and slap his wrist saying "you weren't too spooked and in so much danger as to be reckless like that" and that'll be that.

The point is that what the normies and reddit are going to get is a headline that says "Charlottesville attacker convicted", and by the millions they're gonna peel away from that feeling vindicated, and the ones that bother to check deeper aren't going to be numerous enough to matter.

you can say that before he chose to drive through a crowd he was hoping to kill people through trauma both physical and mental which cause heart failure

They probably got their hands on his private messages and shit like that. Even "extremist videos" could count as inspiration, they do the same with muslim terrorists.

>First degree murder

No fucking way is he going to get convicted of first degree. This is prosecutorial overreach, the best they could hope for is 2nd degree.

They've done it to Cantwell so this should come to no surprise.

Prosecutors always do this bs now where they charge with first degree but then tell the jury "well you could go for second instead if you feel that makes more sense."

>they'll concede it's a case of a kid getting spooked
of what, protesters?
like the ones who made him get into his car and drive too fast into water street perhaps?

>No fucking way is he going to get convicted of first degree.
and maybe that's exactly what the prosecutors are thinking, eh?

the ones that were striking his vehicle and breaking its windows directly prior to him speeding away from them

WOOOOOOOOOOOOW how was I supposed to know! this game is bugged

Doesn't America use jury system? Wouldn't that kinda be easier to convict said guy if they get left leaning jury duty people?

>The point is that what the normies and reddit are going to get is a headline that says "Charlottesville attacker convicted", and by the millions they're gonna peel away from that feeling vindicated, and the ones that bother to check deeper aren't going to be numerous enough to matter.

No, they'll Brock Turner him.
"This Pround Woman of Colour killed her Rapist and was convicted to six years of prison living with the worst of the worst. This Degenerate Nazi was given a slap on the wrist for killing a girl. Reblog this for two years every day!"

>this passes as white in USA
Goodness gracious, how horrifying.

that's a possibility
or they'll trayvon him
either way they're not going to face it

Why Nbc posting a meme on Twitter?

>guy drives car into crowd
>people die
>get charged with mutder

Really stimulates my lobes

this is fucking bullshit. They're going to turn this guy into an "example" even though he literally didn't do anything wrong and was trying to get away as self defense before that fat piece of garbage got in his way. If this guy actually goes down for these charges I'm moving to Finland

the lady might be gargantuan and unhealthy but her heart attack might have been delayed another year if this retard didn't drive his car into a crowd

you know, assuming this isn't some false flag operation, which isn't completely hard to conceive of

>The Central District Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, Virginia, declared definitively to Newsweek that Heyer’s cause of death was no heart attack.
Just because you spammed meme on Sup Forums doesn't make it true

fuck that moron

Protect your country with your life. Many of the friends I consider "white" in normie-life are of similar complexion. My blue eyes are becoming less and less common in a sea of brown. Sure, whites can have brown eyes, but it's pretty disheartening (especially at a college where DIVERSITY is pushed everywhere) to feel out of place in your hometown. I can't remember the last time I saw green eyes, when I honestly think about it.

Nope, detective was cross examined today and said no evidence he's a member of any "hate group" or any such activities in his phone or computer.

He was originally changed with 2nd, they sprung this at today's hearing over "public outage". The few seconds between backing up and ramming the crowd cannot fit premeditation.

>first degree murder

Last I saw it was an in the moment crime, not premeditated.

they claimed a helicopter has video of him backing up and then accelerating.

the helicopter that mysteriously crashed

He still never hit her.

So how did she die then?

Holy fuck those horrible “fashy” haircuts are so cringeworthy

She was knocked over by other bystanders and had a heart attack. There were webms posted here closer to when it happened.

harder to get a conviction

That's weird.

Traumatic arrest. Heart attack is misleading. Anyone who perpetuates this misinfo damages credibility. You have a lot of shit right but this makes us sound ignorant.

Good luck finding a jury who will aquit him.

It's what her mom said, right or wrong.

That's where it originally came from.

>frantically removes bullhorn

>implying they didn't drug him and get a confession on tape
Never underestimate CIA niggers.

there's a video of it. might not get posted at 4 am, but you can clearly see her in the crowd. she is never hit by the car. she's off to the side and trips over her own fat feet. cardiac arrest.


Lmao, it means he's going to walk.

Second-degree murder was already virtually impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, so you can just forget all about first-degree murder.

And no appeals either, double jeopardy means he walks out of that court a free man forever.

They said the same thing about Zimmerman.
Beyond a reasonable doubt is no joke.


Yes, that's correct.

If you commit a crime and somebody dies as a result of the crime you are guilty of murdering that person, even if you didn't intend to kill them at the outset. There are some limitations - the risk of death or grievous bodily harm has to be reasonably foreseeable and not an outside chance - but that doesn't apply here because death or grievous bodily harm is a reasonably foreseeable result of driving a car into people.

If I go into a servo with a loaded shotgun and point it at the teller, and then while reaching to take the money accidentally discharge the weapon, then even though I never intended to murder the teller I'm still guilty of murder.

Premeditation doesn't have to be sustained over a long period of time. The intent to kill can be formulated in an instant.

and you're still reasonably a massive fat fucking faggot, you know that?

Is this some sort of golf caddy convention?

Unless you are an ilegal alien, then you can shoot random people in the head (((by accident))) and be free.

Why is it more important to you that "your side" be (perceived as) the winner than that truth be known and justice be done?

Are you so ignorant that you've just decided that "your side" is always truthful and just?

Yup, felony murder rule.

This is nothing new OP. Guy's a fucking dumbass and he's going to get raped on prison by Jamal.

I don't really have a point nor have I read virtually any of this thread mate, I'm just kicking into random people online

He'll walk. It's how those cops that murder people get away with it. DA overcharges with first degree murder.

See, the thing about first degree is that you have to prove premeditation. In an arrest there can be no premed just manslaughter or second degree at best.

This is a clear signal that the DA can't or won't convict him and is letting him walk.

Oh, and if anyone here has a family member killed by a cop always always push manslaughter. Always.

scared and heading away from home? Some accurate details about his plan to get gas or something would be acceptable but ive searched and found nothing

right in line


Assuming this is real and not some false flag bullshit it all depends on the competence of his lawyer. Remember the Boston Bombers lawyer wasn't guilty either but his lawyer worked for the other side and threw him under the bus.

He'll easily get off.
Boxed in with nowhere to legally go but through the crowd. Protesters standing on the road had no right to be there blocking traffic, thus pay the price when a driver is forced to flee.

I can't wait for the salt.

Where do you think you are? Most here want to exterminate commies, jews, and nonwhites.

Premeditation can be formed in an instant.

If felony murder is the same as constructive murder I'd run the case like this:
The mens rea (guilty mind) is present for assault with the vehicle (whatever you want to charge them with, in Australia it could be any of a dozen crimes).
The actus rea (guilty act) is present when he assaulted her with the vehicle.
Constructive murder doesn't require a mens rea because the mens rea transfers from the original crime.
The actus rea is present in her death.

Therefore constructive murder.

He's going to be found innocent and there's going to be a nationwide chimp-out involving 90% of America's black population rioting and yelling "DATS RACISTS DIS IS PROOF DAT ALL WYTES R RACISTS"

The victim may not have been a nigger, but trust me: I personally know a nigger, and he said that shit like this will lead to a race war.

Buckle your fuckles, there's going to be a lot of monkey blood...

Do you people ever get tired of being wrong?

How many racewars have there been predicted so far? How many have there actually been?

>The Dodge Challenger crept up, reversed, then accelerated toward the crowd. As he watched a surveillance video of that moment -- the car barreling toward people protesting a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last summer -- Marcus Martin grew angry and cursed out loud.
>Prosecutors played the surveillance video from a Charlottesville restaurant in addition to a video from a Virginia State Police helicopter monitoring the events.

>implying the law and/or common sense is more important than leftist feelings
Everything you've said is correct, but he's not getting off. I hope you're right, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

>He'll easily get off.
>Boxed in with nowhere to legally go but through the crowd
Didn't that guy drive to another city just to get boxed in?

>If you commit a crime and somebody dies as a result of the crime you are guilty of murdering that person, even if you didn't intend to kill them at the outset.
Here is the thing, fuckface. James did not commit a crime, the people blocking the road during STATE OF EMERGENCY yelling our streets, they were commiting a crime. The people chasing him down the street and hitting his car, they were commiting a crime. Heather Heyer who was blocking the street during state of emergency, she was commiting a crime.
So the example is like this!
Someone is minding their own business when all of the sudden they get assaulted. They defend themselves by knocking the assalient to the ground. Unfortunately the assalient is a fat slob who dies from hitting the ground.
Now, is the person who got assaulted responsible for the death? No.
Simply repeating over and over that James was breaking the law does not make it true. And it actually matters who started it, and it's clear it was the mob chanting "our streets" during state of emergency started it. It's clear from what video there is, that they were chasing his car and hitting it.

kek I had to make this

literal nazi tries to run over a crowd of protesters, kills a woman.
>No fucking way is he going to get convicted of first degree
you've got a strange understanding of how the world works

I presume that you have evidence for this.

He drove to another city to attend a rally, not to be violently assaulted.
America is a free country, yes?

Uhhh... the video footage of it happening?

Yes, cite the specific line you want evidence for and I will provide it.

from the bricked surface pointing towards this way

He's going to be railroaded but he already knew that when he agreed to play CIA patsy/stooge.

Cnn are the same ones who claimed it was ISIS inspired. If there is video of that, it changes things, but I won't take Cnn's word for it.
Pic. related is from an actual muslim car attack in Sweden.

He drove to another city and kept driving until he ran down a crowd. Something tells me that's his fault not theirs.

is that you clantanon?

Hope he knows a good lawyer.

... oh wait he does...

>guy drives into a crowd
>one bystander who wasn't even touched by the car dies of a heart attack
Yeah, first degree murder, clear as day

It's a pedestrian mall closed to vehicles, besides the fact you can tell the car is going straight through that intersection from the video.

Take it to the other intersection further up and turning on to a the way road with no option to leave it looks like this.

Shit. I missed the clanton trial. What happened?

So? If you get hit outside of a crosswalk it's not the drivers fault, you broke the law by crossing. Had she not been breaking the law she wouldn't have been in the situation that made her fat crusted heart fail.

The driver didn't stuff carbs and fast food down her throat for years, the driver was just DRIVING and people were in the STREET. Anything that happens to them is logical given their actions. Stand in the road, get hit. Now if he swerved into the sidewalk then maybe you have a case, but that fat bitch was out being a violent protester in the street and was part of a group of agitators blow it out your ass white Knight

>and kept driving

Clearly that is incorrect as evidenced here

>the lady might be gargantuan and unhealthy but her heart attack might have been delayed another year if this retard didn't drive his car into a crowd
You really think he is the retard? He is an idiot, for sure, but he is the retard?
Stray dogs shows more common sense then leftists mobs.

Crimes of passion are second degree.

But what if the trauma was the CPR? No video of her being hit by any vehicle but there is video of her getting CPR.

That isn't premeditation though, that "heat of the moment" and in reaction to direct events. Killing your wife in the act of cheating is not premeditated. But killing her later for cheating is, both are still murder. You can't instantly premeditate something.

This was my thinking. Is the chest damage consistent with chest compressions?

That's not exactly how it works here. 1st degree requires "malice aforethought". If they can't prove his drIving into the crowd was intent to harm, rather than escape the protesters attacking the car from behind, 1st won't stick. Escaping attackers isn't a felony.

>drives into a crowd
he wasn't wearing glasses so technically he could drove into anything

>literal nazi
Funny, the detective found no evidence he is and said so in court when asked.