The elections are on sunday, the Two candidates are Aljandro Guillier for the current coalition and Sebastian Piñera for the homosexual elderly scammers coalition.

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Bump cause it's an ongoing election and actual politics, unlike trying to kill obese youtubers.

Ignore me faggots I don't care.

I couldn't give less of a fuck. Go home.

Hey take a bump

>He thinks you phisically have to be on Sup Forums to post.

>2017 elections
>not voting for based Piñera

>The elections are on sunday, the Two candidates are Aljandro Guillier for the current coalition and Sebastian Piñera for the homosexual elderly scammers coalition.

So you are voting for the Soros backed, progressive globalist Guillier, with 0 exp on politics??


> The elections are on sunday,
> the Two candidates are Aljandro
> Guillier
maximum leftist commie cucked cryptomarxist

for the current coalition
> and Sebastian Piñera for the
> homosexual elderly scammers coalition.


Current senator and the mouth stays in the same place.

Also Soros gave money to the broad front in an attempt to divide the votes and make Piñera win in the first round, stop being naive he and Piñera share stockholds even.

Senator for the region which i happen to live, where he has done nothing for us...
Keep living in your deliusional socialist utopia kid
You will grow out of it eventually

What do you want?, ask now and something can be done.

Which one's the most Pinochet-esque?

spotted the cryptomarxist

Oh really?
Guillier insider?
Proof or gtfo fag

I'm in this video, esto es el cine arte alameda fuimos con el tito escarate y el dioscoro.

eso no prueba que seas del comando, crees que con lo que yo te pida solucionaras los problemas de mi region?

Mason, fireman and radical weon.

Estoy en la comisión de programa, si tienes un problema especifico puedo colarlo en la agenda antes de la elección.

Whoever let’s you uncuck the Germans that used to teach you War is okay in my book.

Don’t give up the Mausers and hell marches

Deportar a los inmigrantes ilegales o con condena, weon estan descuartizando gente estos colombianos culiaos

Salud, somos la region con mayor indice de cancer y suicidio, destinar mas recursos y especialistas

Medio ambiente, este polvo te mata y los desechos industriales en el mismo mar q nos baña


Over my dead body.

Sounds reasonable, resolution 15 it's still valid and we have been making nods to the right under the table, deportation of Colombians it's second after Bolivians but the recent wave of Colombian crime it's worrysome, the problem with specialists is that most of the people that goes to antofagasta it's low education people looking for job, most of them chileans too, and proffesionals avoid the city, a real solution it's to funnel funds to the Antofagasta university and try to make more proffesionals there but they will flee anyway,

I'm from Huasco so I know how dirty that sea can be, but the green resolutions are being opposed by the right wing, that's going to require an hydroaysen level of protests, but it has to be done anyway, maybe we can trick the broad front into doing it for us (poor bastards always get used).

there was one but he lost

La gente se va en parte porque estamos sitiados por los colombianos (peruanos y bolivianos no son tan peligrosos/flaites, son honestos y trabajadores la gran mayoria)
Es una ciudad peligrosa, sucia, y enferma
Pero hay trabajo

Se agradece el hecho de ser escuchado al menos, siempre he sido medio lefty pero Sup Forums me red pilleo brigido... y con lo de Soros y el FA me terminé de aburrir

Prometeme que no caeremos como Venezuela

Venezuela has issues, our main problem it's Lithium, Ponce Lerou has the extraction rights and that's the battle that we have to fight now, if something can make water is for that side, and I'm over here.

The problem with Antofa it's housing, but if we let the real state sharks to gain more power, things can go wrong too.

I wish it was simpler but it isn't, only thing I can do it's to keep pushing for clean energy production and made that desert make even more money.

Se sabe

Que tanta tribuna le dan a Tellier dentro del comando?
Tiene peso?

>there was one but he lost
Well then, who's the most economically right person running?

does that mean two commies?

I smell another commie purge.


No one gives a fuck dumb mapuche shitskins wannabe-white.

Irrelevant brown shithole which will be flooded with niggers by any of those two faster than any country in the world

Cry more Schlomo.

who the fucks the ayys going for this time?

That's an small village full of military personnel.

I hope.

does i smell treason in this thread?

Tip lel spicy opener, op

What a ridiculously shaped nation.

Is red good?

Pay debts

who is the /pinochet/ of 2017 chile?

Seems like they are both highly liberal, no?

it was jose antonio kast but he lost and now we gave a commie and a neoliberal, so pick your poison


Abandon thread. Better luck next time.