Implying I and young japanese can fuck a girl

>implying I and young japanese can fuck a girl
>implying economy will be fine with rapid declining population

This is why we need 200000 immigrants per year untill 2100

Get back to work, boot.

It’ll all balance out when the old people die. Just stay strong and don’t take any goddam refugees. You’re my only hope Japan.

Less talking more making me a holo-GF you fuckin chink.

proxy faggots always coming on here trying to speak broken gook english

He is either a proxy or an English teacher

why can't you fuck a girl? aren't they desperate too due to the lack of men in the dating market?

>This is why we need 200000 immigrants per year untill 2100
Why are people responding when he's this unsubtle?

because sage is a thing

Your country will save itself through automation and AI.

Go to bed kimuchi after jackin jackin gerkin

>responding to bovious english teacher shitpost
There's a similar thread about this every week or so

can I bang your girl, OP?

>OP said I and japanese
>OP's grills couldd be your rainbow neibors.


Idk why people call you proxy, larper blah blah. To me you sound like genuine Japanese (others are real larpers). I'll be sure to inform my fellow countymen about Japan's need for immigrants. We will do everything to get you 2000000 immigrants per year until 2100!

Ah, Mr. nip. Haven’t seen you in a while, took a break from Sup Forums but good to see you

Fuck, if the internet here get's shitty I'll come to your city.



All you need is some really, really good doujins that put marriage/having children fetish on the head of the japs.

fucking hell, you again with your refugees?

What people don't grasp about Japan is that there is NO POPULATION PROBLEM in the cities, which is where almost all the economic activity is.
The big cities are still growing at a slow, manageable rate as people move in from the countryside.
Depopulation is only a problem out in the country. It's a problem because there are fewer services for the old people. Fewer opportunities for people who remain. And maybe most importantly, fewer farmers. Average age of farmer in Japan is over 65, soon there's going to be a shortage of Japanese rice.

So you bring in immigrants, who are mostly going to be from SE Asia. Are they going to move to Shikoku or Tohoku and become fucking rice farmers? Of course they fucking aren't. They move to Tokyo or Osaka and work at Lawson.

I used to think immigration to Japan would be a band-aid solution to a temporary problem, with potential long-term consequences. Now I realize it's not even that. It would solve nothing and help no one.

There was an anime called "I can't understand what my husband is saying" that was pretty good and can contribute to that, short episodes to be watched on the train about a young couple

That is happening here as well, so what is the solution to the no farmers problem, i thought that with the advancement of technology it would be an easier job, and that it would require less people

I bet America would spare you its anime addicts.

In my country the only farmers who are still farming are big business farmers. These farmers automated everything and are rolling in dosh. Capitalism solves everything.

So the declining population in Japàn is a literal non-issue like global warming?

>implying you are Japanese in the first place
I'd say stop this shit, but you are here every day of the week.
God I wish the Japanese will start making robot workers (yes, kind of ironic if you think about the etymology of the word) and kick y'all out...

Hey another daily hsoah from the english teacher!
Seriously I hope a car runs your head and cave it in
Fuck you degenerate masochist scum. Get lost