Oy vey, shut him down

BIG happening in Sweden today.
Palestinian journalist who critized jewish media and confronted them dies of (((heart attack))) at age 33.

One week after confronting shekelmaster lvl kike media mogul (((Robert Aschberg))) in his home.



>inb4 6 gorillion "muh tinfoil" kikeshills

Other urls found in this thread:


>Palestinian journalist who critized jewish media and confronted them dies of (((heart attack))) at age 33.

Dead muslim. Problem?

Fuck off Omar Ackbar


Sup Forums has really gone down hill

his last facebook update, just hours before his death. Seemingly in a good mood, promising to reveal more on (((Aschberg)))

Kill yourself

Shills, this the face of who you are shilling for

amerifat defending his jewish overlords ... why am i not surprised?


his father, the jewish communist banker Olof Aschberg

Muslims die, Jews die.
Let them die.
Don't root for either of them you idiots, create more tension between them. Let them eat eachother while we watch.

>Bechir Rabani

Any nothing of value was lost.

except that jews don't die, they only get richer and fatter

actually he was the bravest and most outspoken journalist in sweden, he confronted the high-upsof (((Bonnier))) media in there own homes

Fuxk off worthless american.
Its not his ethnicity its the circumstance of his death that arouses suspicion.
Post more about mooore in your designated amerithrwad when euros talk about internat politics.

another casualty in the muslim war against kikes.

Hopefully, this could lead to better relations between us and muslims. In the coming revolution we could finally finish of the jews, and send the muslims home with a big bag of jewish prize money, win-win , we will share the wealth and live hapåpily ever after in our native homelands

Waffle post, best post

Fucking Aschberg.

>reports on the suspicious death of a well known journalist

Good riddance. Fuck Palestinians

>H-have my sister Ahmed, l-lets be Friends

inte direkt nån man ringer om man vill ha en barnvakt...

These shills are just the fucking worst. They are so easy to spot.

So, was this guy murdered and framed as a heart attack? Or was this the heart attack gun?


it's very early to say, but everything about it is just so suspicious.

he critisized some very powerful people, including Thomas Mattson (pic related) head of swedish newspaper (((expressen))) and as previously mentioned (((Robert Aschberg))) notorious media kike. He used their own methods of harassing people at their homes against them. Guess he upset the wrong kike this time...

Why dont you just murder these people. The kikes clearly dont give a shit about the NAP.

Not all arabs are bad people. Bechir Rabani was a good guy.


it's up on Nordfront


Aschberg is completely untouchable, his jewish family enriched and bought power within the union org, LO, that controls large parts of swedish politics, with stolen gold from the victims of communism in Russia, mostly from dead christians. His family despises the Swedish people and has created their own jewish cancer within the power center of Sweden that is politics, media and intelligence.

He runs an 'illgegal' center, called EXPO, that registers every swedish citizens political views and ideas, if they can get ahold of them, and sits on a database for ever crime commited which you can obtain from the courts. They use this information to maintain political control since EXPO works closely with both the socialistic government and the big media companies.

Part of this is what the now dead guy tried to expose and go after, the first to my knowledge to go public. Just a few days ago. Nothing to see here goys.

he lives on södermalm by katarinakyrkan if im not wrong, this fucker walks among us as if hes untouchable, I bet hes surrounded with armed guards though...

He was obviously killed and because he dared to confront powerful people. This country is beyond corrupt.

Wouldnt it be fun if som(one) visited him with his friends?

>Palestinian journalist who critized jewish media and confronted them dies of (((heart attack))) at age 33.
Good. One less cunt in the world.

winter is here, streets are slippery, maybe he slips and falls on a knife or something...

The man is very clever, he made himself into a 'lovable' media figure, all criticism towards him runs off like water because of it. People simply do not believe nor want to believe anything bad about him. He doesn't have much to fear out in the public. Yet.

Lol fuck you. Jews have a right to a homeland, it's their right. Don't be a supremacist.

>Don't be a supremacist

Because the idea of Blood and Soil means everything ethnic group gets self determination. It's why Hitler allied with the Japanese.

>suicide by kike
If one day I get too tired of this life I know how I want to go.

Yeah. Winter weather demands thick scarves and gloves.
Wouldn’t want to be (caugh) by the winter cold.

jews are already trying to unite jews and muslims against europeans

it would have to be a sharp knife I suppose

whiter than most americans

I have deep respect for this man! He fought for a ethnic white sweden and exposing immigrant crime while knowing fully well he is not one of us! Most honourable arab!

Bechir is dead`???

That's the look of Mossad if I ever saw...

Jokes aside. I feel it would be kind of easy to just get away with it if it was late evening. The streets are literally empty after 20:00 on weekdays in Södermalm.
It just requires good timing.
Might be a reason for why he doesnt have a twitter

Ja, han är död, tyvärr. :(

Citat från Nordfront (www.nordfront.se):
"Enligt källor som Nordfront bedömer som mycket trovärdiga led Bechir Rabani INTE av någon sjukdom utan dödsfallet kommer som en total chock."

old interview with him and Tobias from nordic resistance movement youtu.be/2Bw6h1BxDM0

The guy he exposed is a huge media personality, a communist and works with (((expo)))). Also his grandfather was a high ranked bolsjevik-jew


someone whos 33 years old and trained without drugproblems doesnt just die like that

its probably that fucker aschberg and his kike lackeys

Theyre muslims. They'll get around to it.

>fought for white sweden

Were these the same shitlists that were spoken about here awhile ago? A website was doxxing people to create a problematic person list for future reference iirc

I dont think he's the type that casually strolls götgatan by night. Even less so now, but at some point he must leave his home for whatever reasons. One could hope a junkie finds an oppurtunity for revenge...

Vila i frid, Bechir Rabani. Den goda sidan kommer att segra - sanna mina ord!

fuck off kurwa

he had done a lot of research on the kikes that came from YOUR country

thanks for bump

/nu-pol/ loves based shitskins advocating for the white race because they are too weak to do it themselves and then they wonder why said shitskins fuck their women, BASED S rest in piss all shitskins are vermin


Yet another MIDF thread trying to make us care Palestine. Boring.

>b-but if you don't support Palestine you support (((kikes)))
Fuck off with your false dichotomy, will you?

he had a scoop on aschberg he was going to release today

How is this being reported in sweden media?

Or it just isn't?

thanks for bump

No reports at all, it'´s full "shut it down mode". Only alternative media is reporting on it

>Shilling for shadow assesinations.

it isnt

wont ever be reported

It isnt

But they reported on him attacking Israel?

>Robert Aschberg
A powerful jew.
He saied his yacht to save refugees in the mediterranean sea.
100% jew!

Don't worry Mahmud, I know how to sage.

>shadow assesinations
Worked for you country tbqh.

Kikes killed him. I'll ally with shitskins over kikes any day of the week

jewberg, we are onto you.

JIDF detected

They were fairly public, this type of killing is for cowards.

I am merely saying he has done his fight correctly, he eliminated at least one shitskin.
Yes we need more "heroes" like these

This! Perhaps somebody should give ((())) a "heart attack"...

>I know how to sage
must be that high jewish IQ

Is this about helicopter rides?

Don't bother with them, they are just trying to garner sympathy for Palestine. No white person would be interested in tribes fighting.

>trying to kill me a kike based on nothing
Great shilling here, buddy!

It says "exterminated like mice".

59 commies dead in operative in argentina

Bumping this again. Just about the only fucking journalist left in Sweden who questioned the status quo has died from a heart attack like breitbart and Sup Forums would rather entertain slide threads.

>muh mahmud
fuck off already kike shill
Im not a fucking muslim

Not shocked.
Asch((berg)) has been harrassing swedish girls who accuse mudslimes of raping, he has been sailing with a group of leftist retards trying to save rapefugees while promoting it on film, etc etc.
The group of leftists going around saving rapefugees from drowning were sponsored by open society aswell (Soros).

He's an enemy of the western world.


>No white person would be interested in tribes fighting.

Yeah right.

Och vad tror du att du ska åstadkomma med ditt rashat, om man får fråga?

Det enda du gör är att avskräcka folk från nationalismen.

we must make it look like an accident

Bumping for achmedmichael hastingsven

It legitimately was a heart attack, guys.
His heart got attacked by venom.

>Im not a fucking muslim
Why would you push the notion that I'm a "kike shill" then? I calmly and clearly explained why I don't care about your Palestine without defending Israel.

Are you buttbuddies with your "Swedish" friend there?

I'm calling about the conflict between kikes and mudslimes in Sweden. No matter who wins ethnic Swedes lose. There's no point in defending some palestinian for a Swede.


Im not a muslim you stupid kike, do you think only muslims dislike the jews?


Palestinians don't control the media or the banks or the EU.

They have no control over who goes where, they have no finger in the decision making.

>completely ignoring my point
No, only muslims care about some faggy palestinians.

(((heart attack)))

no, the KIKES are worse. JESUS

Our media, The organizations and lobbies against nationalist groups - the deep rooted jewish power structures... versus people we could easily deport if we wanted to

WE cant deport these kikes and they will continue to shill for more immigrants and more restrictions on free speech and anti-nationalism.

Very nice, you're too smart for us but you're still sliding the fucking thread. Why don't we talk about this comment that actual rape victims are being suppressed and harassed to perpetuate the plan to Islamise the west? Are you some sort of misognyst that doesn't care about innocent girls getting assaulted? Oh my in the current year and all.

Yet their muslims friend are fucking up the country too. Get rid of kikes - you're still in danger zone.

>no, the KIKES are worse
False dichotomy YET AGAIN. God, you aren't even trying.

You’re so dumb to think you’re this has anything to do with Muslims just because he’s an Arab.
He called out the master Jew of Sweden behind the bonier family and got a heart attack right before releasing part 2.
You’re a retarded nu-Sup Forumsack.