what was that site where you have to name all the worlds countrys as fast as you could, there was timer also.TELL ME PLEASE!!!FUCK.

pic related, it was like that and you had to put countrys in right place.

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last time i did that test i got something like 70 countrys correct. i m not fucken proud i should probaply kill

wasn't that ?

hmm. i think im not clicking that. no offence ?

sporcle has a countries of the world quiz

no that wasn't what i was looking. keep digging useless faggots.

Sup Forums is fucking shit. all you retards can do is some retarded memes...its a discrase to humanity that such idiots exist in this planet. fucking die yourselves.

bumb. i want answers. now.

And wtf does your whole thread have to do with politics you useless piece of mongol rape baby?
Go fucking die in a lake, we're not your personal army faggot

you just made this politics now. You fucking oil-nigger. Fucking whale-killer.

oops, i thought you were norvegian. my apologies. but denmark sucks anyway.

At least I don't have to learn Swedish in school

delete that. im serious and sad at the same time.

It was posted yesterday, check the archives

thank you canadian. where can i access archives?

Jetpunk, now fuck off.

shut up or emus will tear you a new asshole you fucking crocodile fucker

lol nordic countries clashing like they have real problems

First world problems, you wouldn't understand

Danish is cool because it's encrypted by default


what does "4plebs" means? i tried to check out dictionary, couldn't find.

what do you mean by encrypted, muhammed?

Dumb twat.