Why are young men dropping out of society?

Why are young men dropping out of society?

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because it's comfy


The society doesn't want young men

Because they're expected to do all the shit their grandfathers did but with none of the rewards. What incentive does a young man have to participate in society now? I did it all and I wish I'd just stayed at home playing video games while collecting neetbux.

My father never paid taxes , had a license , and never had more than sex with a woman after my mother. Woman have been shit since 60s he says. Im 27 and celibate after catching std from cheating fiance. It ain't just young men. Spirituality is all that's worth pursuing.

are kids not worth it?
my girl is 33 and clock is ticking for her?

You say society like it's an important thing. Society is shit right now, people flee danger and agony.
Everything is feminized, cattering to women and the weak.
More like soycity.

gross dude, im trying to drink coffee over here.

what's your definition of dropping out?

Yeah same , even army + religion + job +being interesting couldn't save me from destruction at the hands of the vagina jew

>it's another episode of beta NEET cope

Oh look, it's another let's shame men further for making their own choices thread.

>Woman: Men are sexist and racist
>Men proceed to fuck off
>Woman: Wait, come back, I need your support to raise Tyrone's baby REEEEEEEEEEE!

I wonder if most of these threads are created by desperate Roasties or pathetic beta simpletons?

They have nothing to offer. They know it and become betas on NEETbux.

the alarm stopped ringing 10 years ago champ

I'm 30 and finished COD WW2 last night, truly the most kino of campaigns. So comfy visiting europoor and headshot'in nazis.

I also smoke copious amounts of hash to really get the full premium immersion experience. Much satisfying than a sea of brain dead retards we call "Society"


Go watch the new Star Wars and you'll know why.

wash your sister.

Sadly this is the only thing men have going for them these days, Vidya and media. No real incentive to actually do shit anymore because there is no reward. People do things because they know something is in it for themselves, if there is nothing in it, they will not bother.

And there is a LOT of it to play and watch.

Because they realise this society is at it's end.
Why bother being part of something that's trying so hard to destroy itself?

Is black mirror being used as a slide thread theme? I've noticed another one where you used a Muslim guy/white girl screenshot to distract.

>Vidya and media
Women know this and they are actively destroying it. It's over.

If we did not have escapism then we would be forced to address the problems of society. We will not face those problems and struggle until our escapes and comforts are taken away from us.

>Why are young men dropping out of society?
Because we still can.

Same reason Roman citizens left the cities, forcing the elite to fill the cities with barbarians: they did no longer accept to be fleeced out of their wealth.

congrats on your autistic children

The rewards aren't worth it.

Also, society is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really gay.

Its super gay out there.

Not allowed to be successful, so we either embrace being losers, or suicide.

Seriously not rocket science.


Not only to destroy itself, but also the men who are dropping out.

This society is for white men what the gulag was for the workers paradise.

Literally corporate slavery without any identity, ethnic cohesion or non-materialistic morals.

To function in this degenerate shithole called (((western civilization))) you basically have to become a nu-male beta soyboy without any will to defend his own existence.

There is no positive, masculine role model for white men today, only genocidal and self hating propaganda.

I don't think anyone is prepared for what would happen if white men weren't preoccupied with stupid shit. The chaos sown by muslims across the globe is just a drop in a bucket compared to the tsunami of violence and hatred that would be directed towards the undesirables and their masters. Yet here they are actively taking away everything that pacifies us.

Civilization is built on four key premises which turn's a man's desire for sex into productive labor:

1. Men want sex
2. To have sex, a man must marry a woman
3. To marry a woman, a mad must impress her father
4. To impress her father, a man must have a good job or prospects

When these fail, as they are failing now, men lose their incentive to work. After all, men are happiest hunting and fishing. If there's no sex at the end of the tunnel (or if sex comes easily to him regardless) he's going to fuck off into the woods (or to a convenient replacement simulation).

Indeed, remember the term: Bread and Circuses?

When that is taken away, you can imagine the chaos. Wasn't there an article posted here about someone saying white men should do anything but be Nazis?

>why are men dropping out of society
Because its easier than actually trying to be successful. Before a man would just go out and live in the woods if he wanted to escape, now all you have to do it boot up your computer.


oh good, it's this thread again.

true, modern slavery is based around the promise of warm pussy in the after bachelor life, one of the last carrots left to keep you pulling

this is one of the main reasons why you keep hearing how great sex is and that you do want it, it's also free so no problem for them

This. My bed is fucking comfy


My good friends from high school havnt done anything since graduation. They're dishwashers and servers that spend every dime they get on pot and drinking. They don't own guns, don't vote, most have never had a serious relationship, and have no aspirations of anything greater. They live in a house together that one of their parents pays the rent on.

I don't know why they failed. They had every opportunity to succeed. Every time I go home the rift between us is bigger.

>Plays Vidya
>Smokes weed to escape reality
This is bait right? Get a job, find Christ and only smoke weed at parties.

Because they are white.

Why should i get a wife and children? The idea seems good but in this day and age with woman that demands to be treated like a princess. Only reason to get good job is to get good woman and afford some hobbies and raise kids. Most relationships tanks because of debts and a cheating wife. Family life, swedens biggest family site have a forum where woman talk about lovers and say sometimes it's good to cheat and encurage it. Why the fuck should i even risk going throu an divorce where she could take everything and end up hearing your kids calling your whoring wifes new boyfriend "daddy" in the house she got in the divorce. If you are not an idiot that needs fancy stuff for several thousand, like an sports car. you need an airfield to enjoy it properly or a new cellphone that did exactly the same shit like the older version then you could actually just get by with 700$ a month here. Wageslaves are idiots.

>working for a society that actively replaces you and makes your own history illegal
thanks I'll pass

You don't get to drop out of society. Even that is a sociopolitical stance. Brewster Kahle sold my upbringing as a latchkey kid in the internet to aol for 15 million who sold to Amazon for 250 million. We aren't afforded the volition to drop out of society.
Wickard v filburn.

No their not you'll just be making little versions of yourself that hate you and want your money.

Sweden is a non-country

Because society is inherently broken, humans aren't meant to live as we do.

>Women are feminist whores
>Jobs are meaningless and workplaces are PC diversity centers
>School puts you in debt slavery and tries to indoctrinate you

Some people just don't have that motivation for greater things

It's sad, I guess you can use them as a yardstick for your own success though. Ask them why they're doing what they're doing- maybe try inspiring them

They are just big kitties my dude,

If I hit 30 without a woman worth my effort you can best your ass I am getting a Cougar.

Most young men are clocking out, as has been stated, because there is nothing in it for them.

Working and living in South Africa, I have very little motivation as is, to even get up in the morning because I know that as a white male, I can be gotten rid of quicker than shit down a toilet at my job just because I am white.

At least in vidya you can have fun and achieve something or at least feel like you are. The work place is like walking on glass shards.

>>Jobs are meaningless and workplaces are PC diversity centers

this is starting to kill me
80% of my coworkers are literal diversity hires with poor/no work ethic and yes the job is also meaningless

Men :
-cant get wife material women/married
-have to wage slave for life for some greedy cocksucker jew with any prospects of owning house,land .
-society/monetary system wants u litterally dead and replaced by shitskins and niggers .

Gee i wonder why men are opting out for vidya , huh,really makes ya think faggot and your garbage 1 in a week slide thread


KEK i love making fun of LE BUCKO man

Go in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and ask yourself aloud.

Have kids for muh race if you wish. and yes the clock is ticking buddy. Better impregnate her with your seed fast

Because women are garbage now and bettering oneself to attract a mate is pointless when you are just going to either get cheated on , lose half your stuff or both


>Because women are garbage now
Maybe it's the men who are garbage, just sayin.

This is partially true, my grandparents lived wonderful lives in the 1950’s with a comfortable future knowing that they’d have good paying jobs everywhere and an even better retirement plan. Nowadays we can’t even enjoy a majority white population anymore because of how many brown people are being imported! On top of rising prices with stagnant wages can someone in this thread please tell me how this I.S a good future ahead of us??? Fuck the Western world, I’ll play no part in some scheme that a Jew made to destroy us in the first place.

>modern woman aren’t garbage
Lmao that was a good joke

It’s both. The “””men””” here like to hitch about how awful (((roasties))) are, but all they do is watch anime, play video games, and sleep. Women being garbage is just a symptom of men being garbage, once men stop checking out of society, grow up and actually start being men instead of 27-year-old children, women will stop being so awful

The entire purpose to a male's existance is to impregnate a female and care for her and the offspring until no longer needed. This purpose no longer exists so there is no drive to accomplish the things necessary to fullfil that purpose.

I want.

You might as well man.

>to function in this degenerate shithole called (((western civilization))) you basically have to become a nu-male beta soyboy without any will to defend his own existence

Fucking this, man. And don't think that the third world is free of it. More and more young Brazilian men follow the same path.

The only real way we can deal with it peacefully is boycott. Boycott of the labor market, school, banking system, women, etc. Who has money become NEET, who doesn't have money work in something that gives the least economic support. Don't strain yourself, give the least possible financial gain to (((them))).

It's actually both.

Lots of reasons. Some don't have the skills or drive or education to get decent jobs and know minimum wage work is for plebs so just live off of gibs.

Feminism has been slowly beating them down for the last few decades to the point where disconnecting is easier and less risky than trying to be productive or date. Getting married in THE CURRENT YEAR? Fuck no.

Racial quotas and tax incentives for companies make white men less likely to get jobs against dindus and things with tits so they give up.

Many are distracted by mindless entertainment.

I think the white male demographic in western society that is checking out is either consciously or subconsciously getting tired of holding up everyone else. Women and most minorities are net negative tax groups. The welfare state is buckling under their weight and white guys are saying "fuck this".

Because society has nothing to offer men. It used to be that men were rewarded for fulfilling their societal obligations, now men who fulfill their societal obligations are condemned slightly less than men who shirk those obligations.

>Be poor man generations ago
>Get married, have kids, and work to support your family
>Your wife respects you and helps support you by doing housework and being supportive
>Children are taught to respect you
>Even if the social elites don't care for you they at least have respect for the working man who wakes up early in the morning, works all day, and comes home to a wife and kids

>Be middle class man today
>Women are all whores, divorce rate varies for 50-70% across the US
>Your wife also works full time, eat cheap and greasy fast food because nobody has time to cook
>Children taught in school that men are evil and oppressive
>If you get divorced your wife will likely get primary custody and turn your kids against you
>The social elites no longer even respect you, instead praise minorities for not being criminals or single mothers for divorcing their husbands for alimony

Because society went to shit. I have absolutely no problem with working, doing manual labor, being productive,ect...but the problem is of cultural order. There is no reward, nothing to get up for.

Because women are worth more to society and speaking for myself here i always felt like I was being treated unfairly by society at large just for being a guy so I became a shut in. Now I am living as a woman and strangely enough I've fully integrated back into society and my life is better than it's ever been, I even get free meals and shit daily and I don't even have to drive anywhere, guys uber me everywhere for free

This. What reason do I have to spend the next thirty years working in a cubicle making TPS reports to make slightly more good goy point$ than I would if I just stayed at home collecting neetbux? Especially considering that if I do work the government will take half of what I earn to feed the niglets, and you can just about guarantee the government will take our 401K Greece style before we can cash out.
This society is dying, and in fact it needs to die, why work my life away trying to keep the beast alive for one extra day?

the posts itt are spot on. traditional gender roles have been destroyed by (((them)))

Can't beat them, join them

Transition turned me from a poor neet living with family to a decently successful young woman who parties nightly and has a rich social life. Its really fucked up but hey it's working for me

>Why are young men dropping out of society?
Because too much soy

>no pussy at the end of the tunnel
but there will be sexbots, whose fathers don't give a fuck about my job or lack thereof.

>why you keep hearing how great sex is and that you do want it
That feeling wears off though, and it's mostly a lie to begin with. Yeah it felt great the first time, but it wasn't the world changing experience it's made out to be, just a better version of masturbation. The cost/benefit equation of finding a woman to have sex with just isn't worth it anymore, especially when there are tinder sluts, 3d porn, fleshlights and sexbots around the corner.

Work sucks lel

its just not economically feasible to have a traditional life where you have an ok house with a stay at home wife and a few kids

in reality you'll be able to afford one kid in a shit apartment while you and your wife marry and then she divorces you because she'll make more money getting welfare than your job

so why even bother

Fuck off. The majority of White women choose to be trashy. Not too many White men wake up and say to themselves "Welp, it's a wonderful day to be poor, out of shape, and caught in a rut"

Meanwhile millions of White Western Women wake up and think to themselves "I want a nose piercing, I want ugly tattoos, I'm going to get drunk and suck some stranger's dick today"

Women have zero expectations set for them in society these days other than to not look and act like a hooker.

Meanwhile a man is trash because he's not pulling in 6 figures or high double figure salaries and isn't a Calvin Klein model with MacGyver skills.

why do my married friends never get laid after they get married and have kids? it seems like a shitty deal to me, and that's why i'm single for a reason...

Men have forgotten that they build societies and societies create success for men.
We must rebuild society. It starts with trust.
Find a way to build trust among other men and you're a lot closer to society than you might think.

They're being falsely imprisoned on fake rape charges due to police withdrawing exonerating evidence



>Now I am living as a woman
your mentally ill. kys

I didn't say I'm a woman lol, I said I'm living as one. As in I present and pass as a girl.