Hey, Sup Forums

Hey, Sup Forums.

Politically-wise are legit "psychic" individuals incompatible with Democracy and freedom?

I mean if a person was able to just walk by and read your mind and memories of everything you'll do or have done doesn't this violate certain human rights laws related to property?
Or if he/she manipulates your luck so you're just unlucky all day or week because they want to be more lucky?
Or someone gaining access to a highly secure computer with their mind which happens to store information on a country's military, roster, secret documents etc.

If by some chance humanity were to direct their attention to their more creepy brothers and sisters would we exterminate them in camps on the pretext of them being born criminals and a danger to humanity at large?

So, what are your opinions on a situation like that? What would you do politically speaking if your media suddenly revealed and proved this maybe even open up civilian style jobs for them. Hate or nah?

Oh and here's something cool to read.


btw we're not here to discuss /x/ stuff like if its real or not let's say hypothetically like what if the holocaust wasn't real and so forth.

So this isn't an /x/ thread therefore mods pls don't delete

honestly if I knew for a fact psychics existed I would make it my life's purpose to exterminate them all

>legit "psychic" individuals
That million is still waiting.

Why? Is it because of your religion or something?
No, I admit a scenario like that can make people rather angry seeing as how you never know how dangerous one of those type of people can be.

Just wondering

Mein neger

user, Do you trust me?

What do you mean?

OP most won't believe me but i am psychic and i can tell you that this already happens on a smaller, more unofficial way. our society always violently extricates those who know, understand and especially speak the truth. there are many ways in which our society is sick and psychics can see that and for speaking up about it we are made pariahs.

i mean the consequences of immigration, for example, are going to be fucking horrible. as a psychic, i can see those consequences, feel them, literally FEEL all of the pain they are going to cause people. speaking up about it though has always gotten me into a lot of trouble. and this is just one example. every facet of politics is the same.

these are just less extreme examples of psychics abilities being considered "dangerous" by TPTB. the examples you cite would be pretty rare though. those are extreme cases i would say.
jesus why, please tell me. most actual psychics feel all of your pain and only want to eliminate it so that they don't have to feel it anymore. even from a selfish point of view there's nothing "bad" about them. and the ones that don't have to feel your pain still don't want bad things for you because they can understand where you've been and why you are where you are.
1) he's a confirmed con-artist and 2) no it's not, he ended that 3) he basically just imposed unnecessary and unrealistic conditions upon anyone with any real abilities in order to get them to "back out", or in some cases just stopped responding or outright refused legitimate people who tried to take his "1 million dollar challenge" for no good reason. he is a con dude. don't get fooled by his con. and remember that he only ever ended up "testing" a few people because his negotiation process was so retarded and biased and hostile. so he says "jeee, why didn't anyone show up to claim it?" when the real reason is because he shut them out if he knew they were going to prove him wrong.

You ruined my setup.

I know

The eternal slav strikes again.

>feel them, literally FEEL all of the pain they are going to cause people. speaking up about it though has always gotten me into a lot of trouble. and this is just one example. every facet of politics is the same.
Empath, great.

>the examples you cite would be pretty rare though
There's a reason why I used the word "civilian" in my OP thread.

Look at this way, even though you're just an empath who can't shut it off when things get too dicey you still have the potential to harm people because of the emotional connections you can establish with them.
I'd probably go to hell for telling you this but try to feel "angry" or "harm" while around people and you'll notice how they react the same way.
You suffer them, they suffer you, emotionally ofc.

i can shut it down when i need to
it's not right what you're saying though. it doesn't work the way you think it does. an empath doesn't usually effect other peoples emotions, that's another type of person, one who isn't "psychic" in any way (like literally the total opposite). there's no word for them though (just as theres no word for most "types" of people in this regard). but maybe you'd say "someone with a strong presence" or something like that. an empath isn't like that. they're more the curious type. more the listening type. the people you're talking about are more the types that (in a psychic sense) are standing on a soapbox with a megaphone blasting their opinions and points of view at you whether you like it or not. empaths who know how to control their issues are usually the only ones who can actually block those people out and rise above their influence.

You're actually not that far from learning to project emotions.
Think about, you're "receiving" data on everyone's current emotional status, therefore you have duplicate of this data within you as an emotion, so if a person feels anger or dread you feel them as your own within you but slightly separate and with origin depending how keen your edge is.

You can effectively learn a lot about a person just from "feeling" them, in fact I'm pretty sure this is actually how telepathy works not words just action and effects hence why people consider it and maybe rightfully so dangerous though I'm sure important people are "shielded" remotely.

You practically can harvest the agitation of normal people miles away and direct that at another person or mass effectively augmenting the chance for a violent outcome or just toying with them.

>there's no word for them though (just as theres no word for most "types" of people in this regard)
So, basically something like a phantom, or ghost?

i dunno. it took me a long time to sort myself out so i wouldn't even think in terms of doing stuff like that.

i like that Sup Forums has people that actually kind of understand this stuff though. if i imagine writing something like this on reddit, even in the psychic or supernatural forums, it would be either people calling me crazy or spouting off fag new age horsecrap because they LARP as new age spiritual gurus or some stupid shit and basically nobody who is attached to any of that is for real cuz that stuff is just the extension of social brainwashing and con artistry

no no what i mean is like there are things that don't have words. they don't have language associated with them because they're so alien and unknown to our society. the vast majority of people i guess can't really experience other peoples emotions and states of being the way an empath like me can, and they can't "see" things on that other plane (whatever it is) so they have no concept of the fact that there are different "types" or souls / beings / existences whatever, and they all interact with the energy of the world differently.

best way i can explain it, if you know anything about circuits, there are nodes on the circuit they all do different things. you have transistors, semiconductors, resistors, you have the paths for the electrons to travel. all of these components are interacting with the same energy (electrons) but they all interact with them very differently and do different things. that's what people are like from a good empaths point of view too except on a much grander and more complicated scale.

No you can definitely accidentally affect other people. But an empath will care more than almost anyone about other people because they can put themselves into the others places. So generally they will affect others in a positive way a vast majority of the time.

lol tell me how to effect other people

>it took me a long time to sort myself out so i wouldn't even think in terms of doing stuff like that.
Why not? It's not referred to as a "gift" for nothing.
Though I'm sure you're capable and perhaps not influenced enough to do whatever it is you wish with it, good or bad whenever you've achieved enough progress in understanding. Besides if my personal theories on the structure of psychokinetic potential is somewhat valid IRL I'd say you're entry level tier in the world of psionics so there's much more things to do and learn past just being over-empathetic. I'm sure you will make a great doctor.
This ofc if you weren't LARPing all along.

>i like that Sup Forums has people that actually kind of understand this stuff though. if i imagine writing something like this on reddit, even in the psychic or supernatural forums, it would be either people calling me crazy or spouting off fag new age horsecrap because they LARP as new age spiritual gurus or some stupid shit and basically nobody who is attached to any of that is for real cuz that stuff is just the extension of social brainwashing and con artistry
Don't get cocky, just because you'd lucked out and found a semi-decent discussion doesn't mean that you weren't just a needle's head away from landing into shill central.

Ah I get it. Something like parasites with no connection to the host energo-system past siphoning nourishment for survival.

But I doubt they're legit "blind" as you describe. Could be some form of shielding. If people can block their minds from intrusions whose to say how many immortals walk among us old as the planet itself yet appearing human or weak only because they're good at masking their potential some way.

>Why not?
it's not my nature dude. IMO someone becomes an empath because they're the "listening" type, in a psychic sense, not the "talking" type. it's a more fundamentally passive personality type and i can't deny for a moment that i have a pretty fucking passive personality. it's an interesting idea, controlling peoples emotions, but it genuinely doesn't interest me or appeal to me in any practical sense. we don't really get off on having power over others i don't think.

>Don't get cocky, just because you'd lucked out and found a semi-decent discussion doesn't mean that you weren't just a needle's head away from landing into shill central.
hahaha no really man, i really appreciate it. i think you really know what you're talking about honestly. i gotta go though. gotta go do some stuff, mostly food shopping. take it easy bro

hahaha i dunno there might be some truth to what you say about immortals and people just really know what they're doing, but IMO and from my experience there's a lot of people who are literally just so obsessed with themselves they don't see anything else. also IMO there are energy forces, call them demons or possessions or just incoherent energy, whatever it is, that just enters into a person and fills them up so much that there's no room for anything else to enter. that includes the thoughts and emotions of others.

alrite anyway i really do gotta go. thanks for the good discussion bro, take it easy, good luck with life

Good bye, have a good one.
Also thanks for your contribution ITT.

>So generally they will affect others in a positive way a vast majority of the time
Hmm I think you might be right. If passivity is what enables it maybe activity will diminish or enhance it.

Though I'm pretty sure it's probably one of the reasons why a person like that would probably have an easier time in studying medicine or applying aid in any hostile diplomatic sphere long enough for the main guys to sway them by successfully applying pressure afterwards.

>also IMO there are energy forces, call them demons or possessions or just incoherent energy, whatever it is, that just enters into a person and fills them up so much that there's no room for anything else to enter. that includes the thoughts and emotions of others.

Odd, that sounds like something a "Hive mind" entity would do.

In fact I'm not really the religious type but I recall Legion from the Bible, a demon that possessed a man and referred to itself as "many".

Perhaps real demonic possession is in fact a less subtle telepathic influences either from a human or probably stellar/space source.
An unconnected and untrained mind can't possibly keep control or function properly when you've got the connected minds of many entities all converging inside your body.
It would most certainly explain the accounts of superhuman strength, babbling incoherently or just doing freaky shit instead of secretly taking over the world without people realizing for starters.

Food for thought... thanks.