If Trump wanted to bring back prohibition, Sup Forums would support it

If Trump wanted to bring back prohibition, Sup Forums would support it.

Go ahead. Tell me I'm wrong.

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I wouldn't

Spot on.
Do you know how much money we could make?

>Go ahead. Tell me I'm wrong.

you're wrong

Fuck no that would be too far.

I don't care, I make my own beer, wine a d mead. I also have a small pressure cooker still

Are you potheads always complaining about how alcohol is worse than weed?

Why the fuck would I care whether some alcoholic junkie can get his daily fix of whiskey or not? It would be no problem for me since I’m not a depressed maniac who has to rely on drinking every single day for entertainment

You spelled slavery wrong drunkie

You're wrong.

That's right! End that degeneracy!

I'm all about moonshining.
I already operate a still out of my basement. Shits gonna be huge cash.

I dont drink so i dont care outside of it creating another black market

Alcoholic here, I would not support that.

As a Minnesotan, I am fine with this, we have deep roots of being a distribution region for alcohol coming in from Canada during prohibition. I would love to get in on the trade, plus St. Paul was a sanctuary city for booze runners in that era, I'm sure we can get the SPPD back in on the fun of providing us protection. Let's do this boys!

I would just continue to buy moonshine as I've always done.

>t. Appalachian

l'ebin based isalam man

>back to mobster ways

T_D would,

Sup Forums, nah

Hey I would trade alcohol for weed in a heartbeat but I admit I am pretty atypical. You didn’t really think pol was one person, did you?

I'd support Trump, but only because I trust in him and Im certain prohibition would merely be a stepping stone in one of his grander plans

I would definitely allow this
Less woman drinking wine or getting wasted at bars hooking up with whoever’s next to them
They could actually spend time at church and work on their lives instead of just trying to find whiskey dick

i prefer weed anyway. Id love to stick it to alcoholics and social drinkers alike

Why is Sup Forums so funny right now? Is this the comedy hour I’ve heard so much about??

I actually might support it. I've got about 20 different recipes for beer and a handful of wines and malts. I've been really lazy about brewing my own lately, but I'd be rolling in cash in 6 weeks or less.
Bootlegging runs in my blood, pal.

He could impose the death penalty for jaywalking and I wouldn't care.

Too far for what?

You expect people to go into a civil war against the Jews or muslims or blacks, but you don't think they can handle being without alcoholism?

drinking is fucking degenerate

You know who directly profited off that in the 1920s?

Another one:
Most weren't "Italian mobsters"

Sup Forums will support anything it thinks is contrarian, newfags and Reddit have let themselves become defined by their opposition. This place has actually become the edgy 12 year old everyone else already thought it was.

I'd support it and then produce black market liquor at a ridiculous price and make a fuckton.

Way wrong

>implying Sup Forums isn't the edgy version of t_d since the election.
this place is as bad as white demographics.

What part? N. Carolina here.

i'm okay with less drunk drivers

half of us are from reddit lol

>not implementing measure to reduce consumption of the Alcoholic Jew
Good Good goyim, anti-alcoholism is anti-semitism! Its literally the Holocaust all over again!

happy fishes in those days

Right - I am against alcohol anyway, not that I would fight against it but if you could replace pot with liquor - Im in. Not that corporations would allow either to happen but damn - I would go with it

there's literally nothing wrong with that

>if if if if

he wouldn't
however lefties would
>b...but lefties usually promise legalising weed
Canada still waiting for Trudeau to legalise it are they? lol