Why is this character development so hot?

Why is this character development so hot?

Because vampires are hot. I think humans are instinctually attracted to apex predators.

Are subs out ?

But their hair is the same length

Is that the same reason why dogs hump my leg?

No, I think that's because you trained your dog to lick peanut butter off your sausage

>getting bitten by a vampire is described as being better than an orgasm

the BD isn't even out

>vampire saliva apparently contains a huge amount of MDMA

That would explain this.

I thought that was other series. I thought it was supposed to just hurt like fangs usually would in Monogatari.

I mean, I'm sure that our masochistic hero has learned to love it by now, but still.

It's canon in the Monogatari universe too. It's stated in the Kizu LN that getting bitten by Kiss-shot gave him pleasure. That's what this lewd expression is trying to convey in the movie.

Is Kiss-Shot/Shinobu End still the true pairing ending of this series?

>you will never penetrate kiss-shot's soft neck with your fangs

why even live?


Still is user

Because sexy vampire couple.
>Deathtopia is gonna appear next volume .

perfect couple


>expected ss
>got shota on loli

Could have been better

ss is too popular these days. shota on loli is at least something you don't get that much.

Literally built for sex.

Just be happy that someone made a wish-fulfillment manga for Shinobu.

There's no monogatari doujin featuring shota on cake though. Imagine this suffocating this kid with her udders.

>this kid
That's Shotaragi.

That would be rape.

It doesn't say "I'm addicted to your french kisses". Who translated this?

Unless there is another line lower that wasn't shown in this pic, because then that's probably the line

there's a line that wasn't shown in that pic



Shotaragi was built for getting raped by big fat milky tits.

Shotaragi is for getting gently loved by Shinobu in any form.

So where can I find a busty, blonde Romanian woman with fangs and golden eyes like Kiss?

Kiss-shot is German, user.

The most intimate and close relationship in the series. Hitagi can only dream about something like that with Araragi.

She cooked a french dish in Acerola Bon Appetit

>Acerola is native to South America, southern Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Central America, but is now also being grown as far north as Texas and in subtropical areas of Asia, such as India.

If Acerola is her original name, does that mean Kiss-shot is latina?

> If Acerola is her original name
Her original name was Laura(if TL is correct). Deathtopia called her Princess Acerola.

And the country she's from is mentioned to have an Emperor and is implied to be made up of many small kingdoms and duchies.

Just like the

How the fuck can people argue about cat,crab, and snake when this exists. I seriously question some peoples taste on this website.

>2014, Tsukimonogatari
>"This is the beginning of the end. The beginning of the end of the story of Arararagi Koyomi."

>We're only just now getting the prequel

Is this shit ever going to end or what?

> Is this shit ever going to end or what?
I hope it will never end.

I don't remember Araragi's regen hax being that powerful.

It was really powerful in Kizu.

Then again, I guess if Seishirou could regen over the course of hundreds of years after being blown into dust, I suppose Kiss-Shot's servants can pretty much regenerate from anything.

That's pretty much exactly how powerful the book describes it as.

> I suppose Kiss-Shot's servants can pretty much regenerate from anything.
It's true. They are immortal lucky motherfuckers. Seishirou is a faggot though. He rejected the greatest gift man could imagine.

I mean, it sounds pretty annoying to have to single out some bastard to eat every month.

Mostly adult form.

Good price for the opportunity to be with the most beautiful and the most purest woman in the world.

Yeah, but it's part of the reason she was so depressed iirc.

Araragi saved her from despair and gave her reason to live. He literally devoted all his future life to her.
Seishirou just killed himself.

Part of it, but the big thing was her loneliness. It's still probably best for her that she doesn't have to kill on a regular basis any more.

Of course. Never dying

It's also the best relationship he has in general, even with all the baggage.