Polcucks will deny this

>Polcucks will deny this

Other urls found in this thread:


Posing as the false revolution made by two brothers who turned transexuals..

good appeal to authority there anonymoose

every day until it gets through shills heads

And won’t defend this

I live in a tan area and get 200mbs..soooo fuck off

It's probably fine.

>tfw I live in a blue area

some people just want to watch the world burn.

People are still going that cringy "anonymous" shit?

I live in a blue area and get 3 mb/s

I'm fine, I'm in the blue

I can't wait till these rural and suburban retards get throttled the fuck off my board

The solution isnt socialist internet because the ground work sucks. Its laying down more fiber which can now be done.

liberals are attracted to cringe stuff for some reason

It's a CIA op now.

Pretty crazy they're still trying to go through with it when the jig is clearly up. When nothing happens because of NN being repealed they'll have realized they shot themselves in the foot fear mongering.

I don't appreciate you laughing at me mister. still waiting on my tinkles

The Wachowskis didn't write V for Vendetta, retard. Alan Moore did.

My speed is 41.79 Mbps nice.

>Republicans voting against their own interests
What's new?

I live in a blacked area and I can get up to 1Gbit/s

red state residential gigabit connection for $60 a month here

>Democrats voting against the future.
Dilly Dilly to you.

>Tfw live in dark blue
I guess Jew York has its ups

Im going to post this every single time now to illustrate the kike shills making "muh throttling" argument are nothing but kike shills



Lucky. Id trade the cable broadband package for that. Theres no option here but 1 ISP for me ;[

Hey nigger. What under Title II protected throttling?


Transparency? Something not only de facto practiced by ISPs but also enforced by the 2010 Open Internet Order as ruled in Verizon v FCC in 2014?

Bullshit. Lived in both red and red/blue areas. Always had 50-100mbits. True, lived in a larger city.

What is the source for that? I get around 20 when the map says I get 10.9.

This map is retarded and fake news. I live in Mississippi and they have it completely under 18 mbs but I get 50 max. There's no reason to believe the rest of the map is anywhere near accurate

He said as he wrote about le redpill

You could browse on 56k nigger. You should realize this is actually detrimental as we'll have to actually meet up in real life with actul opsec and making things happen in physical space not cyber. That is if what you're saying comes to fruition.

Imagine how much of a faggot you need to be to believe this.

>tard ruins the US internet like people warned him he would
> i d-don't need it anyway


>live in Texas
>get over 200Mbps for $50/month

fake news

Polcucks hate anything liberals like. They don’t understand at all what they’re doing they’re IQ distribution is lower then niggers

More urban areas will have faster even in shitty Mississippi

Also, it’s not talking about speed numnuts it’s the lack of providers in those areas

>Can’t stream 12 hours of degeneracy a day

Wow that sucks

It's a fucking distraction to what's actually important. This why all the leaders in the tech industry keep their children away from devices. This also doesn't address the point that this all a what if scenario until it becomes reality.


I pay $40 a month for 150 Mbps through xfinity

> he needs 30mbps to browse Sup Forums
Maybe if you didn't have two 3k-resolution streams running 24/7, you'd notice how much of a first world problem 'throttling' is. That's only assuming that your low energy horror fantasy comes true, which we won't know until next year.

I live in NYC and get 150Mbps down and up. I could probably upgrade to gigabit for a bit more.

So yeah my speed will be fine - the guys that are screwed will be the rednecks where only choices are comcast and smoke signals.

>implying at&t has to throttle me in the western kentucky area
The lines are slow because it's god fucking embarrassing for city officials to accept faster fiber optic lines.

>Prince George's County, MD
>more than 60% faster


>rural and subruban retards kicked off board
>urban people the only ones left
>only the people who have experienced diversity first hand left on Sup Forums
>tfw Sup Forums becomes more radical

>blocked from downloading games in general

that is some prime fear mongering

haven't seen it done on such a scale since Americans voted for the patriot act

life was better before internet anyway.

Kikes took it over, same way they took over (((Atheism.))) When your membership requires nothing more than a $2 Halloween mask it's easy to infiltrate.

>Admits PG County resident

Totally and utterly disregarded.
Like all the leftists who scream "YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE, YOU RACIST SEXIST MISOGYNIST HOMOPHOBIC TRANSPHOBIC ISLAMOPHOBIC BIGOTED NAZI ALT-RIGHT SCUM!!!!!!" into our faces and then say "Hey, uh, why don't you support us in this cause, you're only hurting yourself, see, believe me, I just want what's best for you, too!"

Those fuckers want the internet to be a giant leftist echo-chamber, that's what they fight for every fucking day, to get right-wing sites banned, boycotted, shut down, silenced. I'd rather burn it all to the ground than to let them have it all to themselves. Especially since nature is on our side, and they rely on abstract theories and make-believe. Concept-wise, the destruction of the internet would create many more right-wingers; life itself will deal out the redpills by the truckload.

>oh my god, the greedy jew that cares about nothing but money is going to make my internet speeds so slow it'll take me a week to download My Little Pony porn!
>but I'm still going to pay for their internet
>because canceling a now useless service would cost the jew money
>I can't stop paying the jew
>because the greedy jew that cares only about money would make less money

I almost feel sorry for Golems. It's hard to be angry at an unthinking kikecraft automaton that's just obeying the commands it was programmed with. Killing them is more mercy than anything... freeing the liberal from slavery.

Oh no, companies can make MONEY! How horrible!

Nah bro I'm white but we do have the best niggers in the country, outside the Beltway at least.

No one cares about your nigger king internet whatever. Have a drink on me

other than 2 states, looks good to me
alabama needs to be affected more

lol spot the shill

>Live in red state
>Get 65 Mbps


Montana Here
80 Mbps via Century Link @ $45.50/month

This map is lies. My area is listed as slow, everyone I know has a 100-200 Mb/s connection.

Also, shocking that the 1,000 people who live in Montana aren't worth laying 10,000 miles of fiber for lmao

Better dead than red
That's why I'm a democrat

where is this picture from? i live in MT and i and everyone i know have at least 40mbs. that was the cheapest the cable company offered. they are also in the middle of putting in fiber throughout the entire state.

>Century link in my area.
>Literally goes around my neighborhood.
>Stuck with cox cuck plan.

disregard, i just tested it, its 40mbs as advertised but i get 75mbs down 15up actual speed. neat!

Damn, Washington is doing pretty good.
Feels nice man.

This shit is going to destroy traffic to my blog and my youtube channel.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck the greedy companies that are always trying to get richer.

How the fuck am I asposed to make money now? Thanks FCC.

shut the fuck up you fucking nazi scumbag isp shill