If you allow your children near a transvestite, you are just as mentally ill as they are

Especially that transvestite. Good Lord.

i-is that real?

who would allow that thing near children? kids are easily terrified by dogs, ffs, let alone that thing

what fucking country is this

If i had a kid they'd be surrounded by them don't even care.
fuck off op

Just Satan doing his work. Remember, our society is run by people that believe he is the good guy.

A trans person saved my friends life one night

Tranny's are usually the result of early childhood trauma that was never addressed, and they're possessed


wait, what?

It's a common thing these days






>black male/white female in the book


OP pic is making me so mad !
ww3 when?

Thanks for posting this. I really need more images like this to red pill a few parents that I know.


Every parent who's ok with that shit need to be gased... seriously.

If your kid claims to be a tranny, and you don't bully them to suicide, you're a bad parent.

Reminder that this shit is more subversive then Jews will ever be. When the only thing that can come out of your dick is pleasure through another's shit box... Then rather your life revolving around children and family, it revolves around expanding your sexual selection pool.

If your kid even begins to think they are a tranny you are a bad parent.

That girl with the snake shirt really tied the picture together.

Literally Satan

humanity was a mistake


You're a moron. My parents were great to me. Equal parts nurturing and discipline.

Transgender is a state of being that happens. If you can't fathom as to why it exists with out your mind drifting to sexuality? I can nearly assure, you are not intelligent.


LMFAO this is Sup Forums af

Yeah, it's learned behavior. Just like being a fag.

So at 5 years old, despite being a cub scout and already a green belt in Judo. Boxing as a kid.

I learned this behavior?

How did I learn this behavior?

Oh AND too mention. I went to a baptist church every Wednesday and Sunday until I was 12.

>Inb4 Molestation or abuse acusations which never happened because pol can't think.

i'm okay with this as long as there's no ridiculous outfits

You're asking us to do a exposition of YOUR LIFE. Something we can't possibly do, nor do with any guarantee of good faith behind it(this being the internet) since we are not you. All we know, is that while genetics can play a large part of mental illness, it often times takes environmental triggers to manifest it. How about you tell us the first memory you have of wanting to be a girl?

It's mental illness. They should all be tossed into a fire.

This. Tell us your first memory of wanting to be a girl and any traumatic experiences that you recall.

Doesn't stop most of pol from assuming they know what causes transgender. When even the science isn't concrete on it.

Remember being extremely young. 3-4 years old and just thinking my body felt wrong. Had the sense of that I should've been born a female. The trauma I suppose came from the fact is that my church talked negatively of LGBT. I begged God to fix me. Make the feelings go away. Then I started asking after a while of silence, for God to make me a girl or let the feelings go away.

I started thinking God hated me. My church also said that Children that died went to heaven automatically. So I started laying on the road. Til my father yoked my ass up and made sure he was with me at nearly all times.

Thats about it related to when it manifests. Plenty of trauma after that when I was hard core repressing.

But user, gender is a social construct. There is no male or female. I think you cannot born as female. You can select from an indefinitve number of genders.

Oven yourself my dude

It's fuzzy


There is only male or female. Gender style is the only thing that is a social construct.

Otherwise we'd have seen a society where the men are the pretty birds and women are the strong short haired efficient types. We have only seen variations on power structures that STILL reinforce what a male or a female is.

Stop thinking we're all SJWs. That is idiot level thinking. It's falling for the divide and conquer techniques to cause division. Easy to identify differences cause people to associate some one to think one thinks a certain way. With out letting one be judged by their works.


t. faggot

why do they have to dress up like star wars characters or meme devils?

If as many jews died to the plague as normies died to the plague, our problem would be solved. That's 220 million for who doesn't know. total.

God you Americans are a joke if you're actually trying to take the high road on this one. Have fun with your China tier internet.



Then don't have kids until u change ur stupid way of thinking.

Every country has their faults. Yours? Good intentions paving the highway to Hell. Seeing the good side of people that aren't good for your people.
Americans are prideful of their ignorance. It's pathetic.

>Going back to how the internet was before 2015 is China tier


People are only paying lip service to this crap.

My brother was recently disciplined by his human resources department for making derogatory comments about a transvestite coworker

The HR manager started the conversation by saying we have no evidence against you and it is your word against "hers" don't do it again blah blah. It was literally a heads-up so he wouldn't incriminate himself even smirked at him during the interview and apologised saying a complaint was made and he had to be seen to investigate the issue

That doesn't make being a tranny ok.

.... Net Neutrality was ended. America gave up its "freedom" to the Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, ect.

feels frog man

Imagine the outrage is a straight white female tried to read children biblical stories in a public library

>why do they have to dress up like star wars characters or meme devils?

Nah I'm with this guy. Sure I would like society to share my beliefs, but if that's not possible they should jst be respectful about not. Dressing up as a demon to praise drag whilst reading to kids is not respectful. Some faggot who wants to dress up as a modest women I mean its weird as hell but go ahead.

I explain and you don't even seem to have the attention span to stick around.

Godammit at first this shit reminded me of Him from the Powder Puff Girls, now it reminds me of Frieza from Dragonball Z- another sexless, horned monster villain.

Im starting to see a fucking pattern here.

Real occult studies also say that Baphemet ("satan") is a sexless, genderless goat or devil creature.

Please never have kids

That’s terrifying to me as a grown man I don’t know how none of those kids ran out screaming

Is it too late to throw them into reeducation camps to make them God fearing straight America loving Conservative Christians?

You have distinct memories from age three?

Any other old pollacks besides me realize this place has been overtaken by corporate and anti-freedom shills?

No, it's very obvious.

Any of you guys out there want to off themselves, please take this thing with you, will truly advance humanity, thanks

You're new aren't you


Sure do. I remember getting lost in the woods at the age of 4. Three years old? I remember going to disney world and riding a plane that went in circles and up and down.
A memory of escaping my crib when at my grandparents. They were playing a card game, drinking and smoking. I crapped my diaper so much that poop over flowed from it and onto the carpet. I remember escaping out the doggy door at my mom and dads and riding my big wheel to the dirt ramps at the construction site. Being brought back by the cops.

You are lying. Children at that age barely have self awareness.
I know what causes it. Mentally ill degenerates that visit libraries and normalize their illness to children so that those children can be groomed into that same degenerate lifestyle before they are even capable of making their own decisions in life.
That's lovely. creep around with your dilated holes and creepy fucking costumes predating on children and twisting them into the same lurid degenerate life you have. aren't you special.

I totally agree.

Bush is NOT a Jew.
Blame the Jews! Blame the Muslims! Hurry they're on to us
(C)lowns (I)n (A)merica

Wow. America is fucked.

Seems to a lot of people that it really isn't obvious. I have to assume it is the Pre MAGA wave. When Pol started showing how influential it could be.

Think some one took notice and used mass shilling to influence against reactionary thought and become progressives. Except they don't realize they're actually progressives.

The only title this new wave can claim are Racialists or Theocrats. Very few believe in freedom now.

Been here since Sup Forums was created out of n. We were more about Libertarian beliefs in the beginning. History has some how changed to say it was a containment board for Stormfronters.

Night is darkest just before the dawn MAGA

The smug smile on that faggots face makes my blood boil.

Just want to imbed her teeth in the back of her throat with a wooden bat.

>You are lying. Children at that age barely have self awareness.
Well I did. Also I am a fucking genius, so kiss my ass brainlet. I'm not shilling for any bullshit. I'm just telling the truth as close as I am able to approximate with what my senses have fed me. Also, I just looked this up, apparently its a phenomena for autism spectrum types. That we can some times even pull memories from being a baby.

>I know what causes it. Mentally ill degenerates that visit libraries and normalize their illness to children so that those children can be groomed into that same degenerate lifestyle before they are even capable of making their own decisions in life.
You're UTTERLY wrong. My story doesn't fit that at all. I know a few others that were Military and appeared to be alpha males their entire lives and were never abused.

>That's lovely. creep around with your dilated holes and creepy fucking costumes predating on children and twisting them into the same lurid degenerate life you have. aren't you special.

If you can't be reasonable? You can fuck right back off to wherever you came from.

What do you think psycho do with little kids. They groom them and........

what would happen if l would take away my kid from there? would l be arrested?

Why do I even fucking try? Place has become so overrun with meme politics that real discussion rarely happens any more.

Only within the bounds of what the established Sup Forumsitical arena...


Kids blood plasma used for what? Sicko


Ummm looking for victims? Sick fuck

Américans need to be killed filthy degenerates reeeeeeeeeee

You would probably be arrested and your child taken away forever.

Those are pretty good stats user but wtf is with Satan going commando on the side there

I can't even begin to imagine even the most progressive cuck letting their wife's child anywhere near that freak. What the hell even is that?!

They are looking for kids to invite to "pizza" and "hotdog" party.

We need Trump to go super sayan.

Hear, hear!

>any kind of sodomite is better than any other kind of sodomite, they're not all equally damnable
Hell is for ever!