
So what the hell was that Echoes 3 Freeze ability all about? It still baffles me every time I reread or rewatch Part 4.

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Black Pucci

Well shit, thread just moved right after I posted. Reposting.

Why is Jojo so hated on? Being called the new bronies, people getting triggered over Jojo pictures/reaction images, saying Jojo is shit, etc.

I just don't get it. Browsing and posting here, Jojo threads are honestly pretty damn chill and often has some great discussions. Of course we got our own stupid memes and shitposts but really Jojo threads are infinitely less cancerous compared to other threads like Re:Zero threads.

Acts 1 and 2 are the beat
Act 3 is the bass drop

Nah, we're chill here in our containment threads. But out in the wild, people get really bad.

>I'd post that picture of Midler molesting him but people get mad about it because one of the pictures has mild vore implications
What? I've never seen that picture.

This. Some of the worst Jojo stuff I've seen is outside of these threads barring the fetish art, of course.

People hate it because they watched the first episode, didn't like it, and assumed the rest of it was just like the first episode.
And they think anyone who likes it has shit taste.

I'll explain it

For some reason, the series got a outta nowhere boost in popularity from actual normalfags everywhere in the net.

now at this point its still so so. but them they started with "jojo reference" schlock, after that the fanbase outside of Sup Forums became tainted.

Why Sup Forums's fanbase kept their cool you ask?, if i had to guess its because their are older

Really? Just how bad is it?

DIO unbirthing Giorno

Sup Forums tiers of bad

Contrarians is the best answer I can give desu.
Not to mention the anime being extremely mediocre in comparison to the manga, so some faggots tried watching the anime and started shitting on Jojo solely based on it.
>inb4 f-fuck u elitist!!
The fan base is total shit tho, that's undeniable.

That's called anal vore you sick fuck

It's because of the To be continued roundabout trend on apps like Vine

Vampires have incredible control over their bodies and cells, to the extent of DIO being able to use his brain-cells to grow mind-controlling flesh-buds. There's nothing to say he wouldn't be able to give himself a pussy.

>How to get guaranteed replies: Jojo edition

"Hey guys, Jojo is so awesome and the best, and other anime is shit. Especially *insert new popular anime*"

You know fans of Undertale or kid cartoons are? Its like that.

Ahh, so that was the cause eh?, makes sense.


He fucked Ungalo's mother.

There's nothing he wouldn't do to abuse Jonathan's body.

Does it really? Does it really get as bad as the "T-these videogame characters are real people! Y-you are worse then Hitler for even THINKING of doing a g-genoci... T-the g-word run"

I have a hard time believing that.

Yes, just look around for a bit my man.

There's a reason Sup Forums jojofags keep their head down even when the manga isn't that bad.

What's the best translation to read for Part 7? I read JJCA for early Part 5 and all of Part 6, but I thought there was a lot of bad grammar and the translation felt too literal.

I meant more like they insert Jojo into everything and think anything to do with Jojo is the hottest shit even if its cancer. I guess in the long run, Jojo fans aren't nearly as bad as Undertale shitters.

Not even close to how bad Undermeme shit is.

And Undermeme isn't anywhere close to how bad the Bronies were, either.

>Y-you are worse then Hitler for even THINKING of doing a g-genoci... T-the g-word run"

Pfffft. Pretty good one.

Friendly reminder that half of Dio's DNA is from Dario.
Dario was probably as hot as Dio when he was young, this is what Dio would've looked like if he didn't become immortal (and likely the =true reason Dio became a vampire), and this is what Giorno will look like when he grows up.
What I'm saying is that Ungalo's mom could've been hot and Ungalo got his ugly genes from Dio.

Or maybe DIO and Jonathan being one gave a little too many chromosomes for Ungalo to handle

So basically. Reddit ruined something yet again. That makes sense, thanks guys.

Dario was visibly incredibly old though, and fucked himself up with alcoholism and possibly other substance-abuse. It's not fair to claim that a guy who could well be in his sixties (or older) gave Dio 'ugly genes', particularly given that Dio was beautiful as a child and as a young adult.

I think facebook memers are more of a culprit this time.

>Giorno will look like this when he grows up
He's using Johnathan's body and sperm so he'll end up aging like him and you could maybe do a punnet square to figure out the phenotype ratio

not only leddit but mal and crunchyroll enablers, with a bit of low tier meme scum like twitter and the like

Go search on /d/ for the gdf thread, it's there.

and since you reposted that, I might as well repost my reply.

People hate JoJo now because
>it got popular so it's not "obscure" anymore
>the initial hype from sudden burst in popularity due to the anime
>retards still being annoying in other places, posting inside jokes left and right just like the bronies did and never shutting the fuck of about JoJo
>the anime attracting a huge influx of new fans, and while that in itself is not a bad thing, it attracted a lot of people that are more on the normie side, and "crossboarders ruining Sup Forums culture"
>some jojo memes reaching normie status, which makes all of us look bad

That's for the people who knew about JoJo before the anime, as for those who don't know shit about it, they just get annoyed by it because of its fans, because they tried watching it and didn't like it, or both.

Go back to Re:Zero threads then. Sorry we aren't as obsessed with Rem.


Ungaro's just a druggy. They all look like that once they've been on meth for a while.

Post cripple and cowboy.

Are you forgetting that Dio's mom was actually hot?

Post cosplay


>still reading jojo meme series


I meant gfd, sorry. Anyways, I'll link you the post

Fuck what everyone else says, early SBR is cute.

Yeah but imagine if that guy except with intact teeth and a confident facial expression. It would quickly cross over from "ugly old dude" into "badass old man" territory.



It's different, but was really good in parts. It had the best aspects of the part 5 and 6 style with more time and detail.

Daily reminder that Part 4 ended badly so it is never a Great Days.

I disagree with it being similar to 5's, but it's definitely got Stone Ocean all over it.
kek, I had forgotten how much of an asshole Johnny was to Gyro this time, fuck him and his newspaper.

I've never seen such a collection of relentless meme posters

Like dozens of posts in a row, unrelenting. An episode could be released, and before the day is over there would be edits of whatever random newer memes are out there for it.

To be fair to Johnny I don't think he intended to fuck Gyro over, he just got overexcited about a clue for the next corpse-part. Overall Johnny was really supportive and encouraging of Gyro's role in the race, and actively held himself back at least once so that Gyro could finish before him.

I dunno though, I see a lot of part 5's style here, with the nose-shading and the eyes but without the DSL of 6. I'll post a comparison-pic soon.

part 4 manga was shit so anime was shit. simple logic

3,5 and 8 are best of jojo. rest is meme

See what I mean? The profiles in particular strike me as very samey.

>part 4 is shit
>part 3 is best


here have a (you)

>part 5 is good

The main villain is literally an anonposter.

all your jojo shit is produced because of 3, 5 and jotaro.

here is your (you)

Is it morally wrong to kill someone who (unprompted) tells you that hamon is better than stands?

Threadly reminder that we're getting:

Great Festival happening on the 19th
>Event announced 2 months after the first airing of DiU (June 21st)
>DiU cast doing things
>Performance of CNBT, Chase, and Great Days at the event
>Possible reveal of either the Rohan OVA or Vento Aureo (There was a similar event called The Last Crusaders that announced part 4)

New JJL chapter coming out near the 17-18th
>Spoilers a couple days before
>Highway Star 2.0
>Yasuho might do something with the tooth
>More Gappy

WonderFest Winter 2017 starting on the 19th
>SASs: Gyro (Painted), Johnny (Prototype*), Funny Valentine (Prototype*), and D4C (Prototype*) *They could also be painted, but this is the first time we'll be seeing them so we don't know.
>Statue Legends: Rohan, Giorno, Gold Experience, Bruno, and Sticky Fingers
>Maybe more?

It felt bad to have Gyro fail again by such a retarded reason, Johnny could have waited a couple of minutes, but I sort of get, still felt forced tho.
Wow, you're right, Abbacchio and Diego look a lot alike in those panels. The shading in 5 seems much stronger tho. I can see the similarities, but they come across as very different to me. I do like 5's style the best, so I might be biased.

because there's a lot of spergs that do treat it like bronyism and obsess over it. constantly spout memes and references to it and act like they've never consumed any other piece of media. i've seen a lot of threads on other boards derailed by jojo posting. its just one of those things that attract spergs, what can ya do.

kind of reminds me of when kill la kill was at its peak and normies wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. sadly the anime adaptations probably aren't going to end ANY time soon, so i guess i gotta tolerate it for the remainder of my adult life.

Also, is there a torrent/mega link of a collection of all the jojo offshoots like Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan? I've not read any of them.

What does [FUCK YOU] do?


Can change any metal element into a different metal element.

Hear me out on this: I think Josefumi is half joestar half zeppeli

The joestar part is from his father, the SBR!Joseph Joestar, Kira's grandfather. It parallels Josuke's relation and explains why he has the joestar birthmark

As for the zeppeli part, we're told at the end of SBR that the Zeppelis left italy but nobody knows where they went. That means Araki can bring them back in at any time no matter what the setting, and it just so happens that Josefumi's mom was a blonde like the zeppelis

Obviously that's not enough to go off of on its own, but it's not all. Look at soft and wet's bubbles: It's stated explicitly from their very first appearance that they're not air bubbles like stray cat used, but soap bubbles, just like the ones caesar zeppeli used in part 2

>turns the iron in your blood into lead
You're either need to put some stipulations on that, or it's one of the strongest stands ever.

>one of the strongest stands ever

Better yet, Lisa Lisa in this universe is actually Johnny and Gyro's egg baby.

Any solid metal. Like nails or coins, or an aluminum baseball bat. Nothing bigger than a car though

Which one of them laid it, though?

I was mostly exaggerating, but if it can just turn any metal element into a different metal element, and there's no catch like a short range or a minimum quantity or the user needing to touch the metal, then it's OP as fuck. Anything that can kill that easily is OP as fuck.

>Slap ground
>Earth becomes liquid mercury

Stands are never that powerful. Mariah would be able to make people explode and so would N'Doul depending on the specifics of his Stands.

Don't overthink this shit. If you take it literally the implication that some Stands move at light speed or faster alone is a giant 'fuck you' to physics and makes zero sense, even from a narrative standpoint. Stands do what they need to when they need to.

>roundabout memes getting popular on vine/twitter/facebook leading normies to dio memes and snowballing from there
>series is quite literally nothing but pulp fiction and western culture references
>attracts normalfags who complain about other shows not just being more jojo

Also the fact that the vast majority of anime fans in the west who aren't braindead weebs are ironic shitposters to some degree makes hating it not simply easy but a breath of life

It's not hate, just jaded cynicism

Gyro. He mounted Johnny's unfeeling dick in the night and got himself ass pregnant.
When he laid the egg, he freaked out and gave it to the first person he saw to raise it when it hatches.
Johnny had no idea about the baby, now named Elizabeth, until George brought a girl home.
He went to his grave not knowing that his daughter in law is his gay egg daughter.

I just know is that it's autistic.

So does that mean that SBR Joseph is the product of incest?

Yes, again.

Search for the pastebin, it's on reddit

He acts exactly like regular Joseph, except he has an excuse this time.

what do we think of this man?

Good guy

Does this answer your question?

Good guy

the goodest guy
araki shoulda gave him some pussy so he could have had an heir somewhere down the line, if DIO could do it so could speedwagon

A true bro


He is my husbando and I wish more lewd doujins of him were scanned

He wasn't after pussy

Part 1 and 2 dubs were great, prove me wrong

protip: you can't

"JoJo is just a bunch of dudes screaming at each other" - Digibro 2017,

Best boy forever and ever even if he's not my husbando and he's not for sexual


Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter

Anime is just a bunch of people screaming at each other

No, I can't. I like the dub.

Friendly reminder that Digibro only watched the first 6 episodes of DiU and then dropped it.
Also, his favorite anime is K-On.