Could you beat her in a fight?
Hint: You can't
Could you beat her in a fight?
These threads are stupid.
A fictional person is incapable of coming to an appointed time and place to have a fight with a real person. Therefore, they would lose by default.
In her own fictional universe she is also incapable of issuing such a challenge, so I cannot miss an appointment with her within her own canon, thus making me immune of the defeat by default.
The only way for us to fight would be in a secondary fictional universe, where an [imperfect] copy of her opposes a fictional representation of myself. Such a fictional representation of myself is not identical to me though, in a number of important ways. It is therefore, and despite the name, not representative at all. The entire match would be pointless because it wouldn't prove anything except whether its author's disposition leans more towards me or my opponent. It is a meaningless exercise and could only serve as masturbation fuel, if you happen to find the sort of fantasy stimulating.
The only sensible way of measuring myself against Haruhi is outlined in the first paragraph. Which means, Haruhi loses against me by default, every time.
I'm specially trained to fight anime girls.
How? With the dick?
your autism is showing
She probably could take down with a surprise attack but on a frontal fight i would have better reach and strength so it depends of the setting and how pragmatic she fights. I'm definitely slower than her so I would try to knock her out or subdue her before letting her grab something she could use as a weapon.
Actually I might be able to defeat Haruhi in a fight if what she wished for was for me to be a strong opponent.
She seems to be pretty grounded in reality when comparing herself physically to other people. She admitted Kyon and Koizumi are stronger than her because they're boys on one occasion.
So yeah, Haruhi is confident in her skills as a girl but probably prefer to "fight" smart if she's forced to face a male opponent since by default she deems herself outmatched physically.
I can if I convince her it'd be interesting and exciting. I think I could theoretically make her give me her powers that way too.
What would you have done during this scene Sup Forums?
Yes. She's a little girl.
Not that you'll get to keep em for long. Remember there's a second conciousness inside Haruhi orchestrating everything. Even supposed hijacking of her powers.
What's important is that she sees herself as a little girl.
Stick it in.
She'd probably beat the crap outta me
She's actually pretty strong. While Kyon can manhandle her, the opposite happened too.
It's possible if I caught her off guard.
I'd just get Kyon to do it. He's itching for a bitchslap to her face.
I'd beat myself in front of her if she asked me to
actually watching the entire endless eight is giving me nausea.
Weakling. Man the fuck up and do it for Yuki.
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