Does your country even has a national architecture?
Does your country even has a national architecture?
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a little
No, everything was built during Russian Imperial/Soviet times, and Austrian/Polish times in Galicia.
Actually when I think about it. Yeah, we do.
No. Your architecture isn't even French, it's Italian.
our architecture inspired many other nations' architecture
Where is your culture.
Match this, euros.
A lot
Looks like something youd find in a Chicago suburb.
Wite bois cant compete
Fuck yeah we do
>The Tree of Life
Absolutely Satanic. Literally.
Holy fuckin shit.
If that tree is real thats bloody impressive.
Some of the proportions are wrong, but not bad.
Yep, that and nigger hives.
We did, but not anymore.
America's historical architectural style was neo-classical (see NYC or DC for examples). Unfortunately it was traded it for Walmart-tier post modernism.
forgot pic
Our most famous architect liked to design boxes with no personality.
Quite a few. It’s rare that they’re still used, and the significance of most of the styles is arguable. Most countries are like that.
Our architects work day and night to bring countries around the world our National style.
can you burgers post some pictures of Deep South mansions? i've always loved how they look
We got our shitty mud huts.
pic related
Brutalism was a mistake
Europoos BTFO again
The Fifth Avenue mansions are better.
TFW playing "hiding the missile in plain sight"
Definitely not.
Baroque I guess
Nice Italian architecture.
Only roccoco is french and it's shit.
There's no such thing as "national architecture".
Surprising that it's a Burger King and not a White Castle.
looks comfy desu
A huge number of buildings, most of which were built using goverment funds, and used to house goverment offices and archives, or used for buildings on college campuses at schools with major science and engineering schools, and also used for major transportation and communication hubs, were all built at a time when to major blocks of countries were having pissing contests involving who could make the best nuclear weapon and delivery system.
I wonder if there was a connection?
Gothic not french.
Just kill yourself.
You guys are cute
I must add while indeed our capital was founded by a frenchman, most of our significant buildings were designed by native maltese architects
Sorry guys - you can't compete.
My home city
R8 out of 8
We try, but nothing like Soviet architecture.
7.46764764479489 out of 8
best post
Where is this 0.53235235520511 coming from?
Commie blocks were sold as luxury appartements, until they started filling them with niggers and sandniggers.
that's a nice place to live
it would be a shame if it were to be....
We do you complete retard
I've seen the opposite. Started filling them with niggers and sandniggers until they became no-one-want-them cheap and then the rich buy them and gentrify them.
Looks like the shire or New Zealand, but the accent is less stupid.
Amsterdam is beautiful.
Shame about all the niggers and sand-niggers though.
They can un-beautify anywhere in 3 seconds flat just by existing.
I really like amsterdam, very comfy city.
You do
You do very much
we definitely do
I think you might
Sorry no
You do very much like france
a little
nice politics-related thread, sergei.
That is beautiful.
It is though
National identity is linked to architecture
you could say it's socio-political
>National identity is linked to architecture
There are a lot of cities just as beautiful but with less blacks. Like Leiden Groningen
17XX architecture here before the favelas
>europe is beautiful
>shame about the shitskins
>america is just horrible
>still full of shitskins
If we have learned anyting from the 1960s social revolution is that everything is political. In order to have an engaged citizenry you need common aesthetics to look up to
Rotterdam would be beautiful if it didn't get bombed to shit back in dubbya dubbya two. Now it's just a shadow of its former self.
The only difference is, we never really had astoundingly beautiful architecture to be ruined by said shitskins. The shitskins in europe want every old building leveled or turned into a mosque. And once they're majority in european countries, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
truer words have never been posted
These look horrible, even worse than our stupid sheds.
Pic is utrecht
Pacific north west checking in. We have these everywhere.
Strangely enough, yeah. It's called "Chateauesque" and it's fucking everywhere on old hotels and government buildings here. Canadians see it so often it barely registers to us anymore.
That's as European out of Europe as it gets.
;pls no bully
Yeah, that's the point. It's supposed to be French chateau meets Scottish castle, except with all the traditional rules (symmetry, consistent roof lines, etc) thrown out. It was crazy popular here for almost a century, but never truly caught on anywhere else in the world.
>America doesn't have a national architecture
Umm, sorry sweetie. Yes it does.
Southwest reporting in. Lots of land = large, single story ranch houses.
We have the same style of house in some parts of Texas. Not sure what you're going for there.
Kinda not rly
>but also this
are they comfy to live in?
national architecture in Africa is huts
national architecture in America is McDonalds
national architecture in Muslim world is ISIS training camps
national architecture in Mexico is southern border wall, but for some reason northern border wall is racysss
national architecture in Berlin and London is Dome of the Rock
Our country have schools, where you can learn foreign languages
Southern estates were largely built upon the styles of traditional Greco/Roman architecture. Another good reason why the north and south should have seperated long ago.
France has beautiful architecture especially the medieval/gothic
Think again cuck boys
It's not a russian style at all, it's arabic/persian with some russian features lol.
The days of deco were truly our best time.
This is in Washington DC
But it's "pseudo-russian" or "russian revival" style. Original late-medieval/renaissance buildings much better.
The Town Hall building in my home town.
The Canadian parliament building is gorgeous. The possibilities of that country. So squandered.
Are you by any chance retarded?
We invented Gothic architecture that's still used in American universities, my dude. Meanwhile you have nothing.