What's the verdict on Spencer?

What's the verdict on Spencer?

He just comes off as an inept queer to me desu

Other urls found in this thread:


>inept queer

he's terrible for the movement
it doesn't even matter at this point if he's a purposeful shill or just an idiot the result is the same

Third. Your description is flawless , your summation an accurate assement.

He's surprisingly bad at debate.

He has a nice haircut

hes literally a fed and anybody surrounding him is an absolute retard.

He's awesome

>inept queer
I would have said closeted fag.

He seems normal for a nationalist

He's a faggot trying to position himself as the leader of the "alt right" to get attention and money

Talks like a fag, looks like a dike and is a spook faggot

He is definitely ourgoy, and he is our only goy. Well at least the only one of us the mainstream jew media is willing to sometimes quote and talk to to represent us.

Hail Spencer.

Controlled opposition. He's there to consolidate the white movement under one banner so they can be more easily defined by the media.

I don't know about you guys but I definitely subscribe to the GOLD-tier AltRight.com subscription at $2500/month! I am not kidding!

>inept queer
Gonna have to go with this. I wish we had someone more competent that was willing to put themselves out there. Lot of smart guys in the alt right, but none of them willing to be a public figure/provocateur.

there is no movement

My take on this guy is that he was some fringe nobody that the media pushed to the top so all the liberals could be super scared & point to him as the nazis taking over the world or something. Spencer and the picture of the nerd in charlottesville carrying the nazi flag are their two favorite things.

good job man show your support to the cuase

there is in my bowels


we wuz kangz

Nope, we were the kings

That reminds me, for every alt-right party/conference Spencer holds, he should invite the comedian Kramer to guest host--- He is poison to normies for his nigger rant, so Kramer is basically ours now, Spencer could have him headline his alt-right meetings for a phone call. Make the call Richard.

Spencer is /ourgoy/ and you shills deserve death

It's obvious, he's a puppet who never says anything of substance and is meant to burn time making those who need someone in his place think he is actually accomplish something. He does nothing but look like a fool and does it for the shekel. Everyone should be able to see this but most are too retarded to acknowledge it.

He is NOT our goy. Also, we need to throw goy around until it becomes mainstreem. Also (Tay Sachs) Echo this.


Dickie's quite a lispy boy, pretty suspect.

>inept queer

10000% INEPT QUEER - not fuhrer material, would not follow into battle

Nice shill flag, faggot

The media has loved him since the election. He was a fringe nobody before 2016 but now they wheel him out like Hannibal Lector to whip the libs into a frenzy with the "NAHTZEES ARE CUMMIN BACK!" narrative.

>Richard Spencer gets A-list comedian Kramer to headline alt-right conference.

Make the call and save the alt right Richard.

Kramer wants back in the headlines anyway, and this is the only way.

They don't need Spencer to do that you retard, the left sees a Nazi in every conservative. Spencer and Dr. Duke are just their go-to Nazis of the moment.

This plant or not he is inept.

But they need to slap a face onto their opposition for maximum strawmanning. Alinsky's rules for radicals calls for it.

Inept queer sums in up pretty well

At this point, I'm pretty sure he's controlled opposition, whenever any right wing movement gains ground all they have to do is get Spencer to associate with it and it's immediately labelled a white supremacist group even though their movement wasn't about race at all

Sure but any one of us would do, and Spencer is attractive and funny, brings tons of normies to want to look into our movement when the left "exposes" him as an ebil Nazi.

My absolute favorite advocate is crying Cantwell.

>attractive and funny
What the fuck are you on faggot? He's a fat fuck with a ridiculous haircut.

Try harder.

More like a rich social pariah with a ridiculous haircut and a mad titty game going on.
He can't even get an actual crowd at his speeches. Only protesters and tons of media cameras.

What kind of crowds do you get at your alt right meetings?

>inept queer
well worded

I never heard this guy talk until recently and I was like he sounds like another Cernovich lispy dork

>Calling yourself alt right
Stop right there. Sup Forums is just a place to talk about mostly far right politics and current events. You TRS retards have done nothing but LARP and claim our memes as your own.

Post a political position that Spencer holds that isn't also held by the mainstream view of Sup Forums, I'll wait.

>he is queer
>he's a spook
>the media loves him

These are divide and conquer tactics appealing to the right's insecurities. Spencer is literally /ourguy/ and openly discusses politically incorrect views and positions and advocates for the white race; which makes him more valuable then any of you people that shill against him.

conspiracy theory: everyone in the alt-right is a jewish double agent


>Spencer is attractive and funny


But he is.
Also you're a fag for finding a man attractive.

You shills can't help but always use the word "literally" in a gay way and always post with that same leftist tone. You couldn't be authentic if you tried. Just like the spook Spencer.

this is the weird russian whore he uses as a beard to cover his faggism

I think you nailed it.

faggot here, the only people who'd find this pudgy jew attractive are subhumans. he's fugly and not golden ratio one bit


>thin eyebrows
>thin upper lip
>small mouth
>nose too small for face
>lacks jaw definition
>hairline looks middle school
>haircut that only mental midgets get
>low cheekbones
>fat cheeks

>dat nose

Richard Spencer is a mongrel nog no matter how passing he looks. racial hygiene is quite like homeopathy, the smaller the dose of impure blood the more devastating the consequences, since the mongrels dirty genes are concealed somewhat by their mixed phenotype, they also sully the culture through being more psychologically brown, in fact it's highly risky to even talk to them, which is why we're campaigning to emotionally remove Americans and Southern Europeans of all kinds from this board through bullying


>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%

US mongrel shilling for mongrelisation. Nothing to see

looks like an egghead

in what world is he attractive to people

they should have just hired a fucking model for this project, lol

>far right politics
>not the alt-right

Are you a confused bot?



Then watch from 1:30:18 - 1:30:38: youtube.com/watch?v=bm34sj65MkA&t=5400s&bpctr=1513380288

did they know it was him? 23andme has boasted about manipulating the results of racists

I wouldn't say so based on the size of his wife's... [ahem]


Here's another one


beat me to it

He's an idiot and a goy. Damn it would have been funny if he was fat. Shut him down


He’s from the South, stave owning cotton family and part terrone. Do you really think it’s a mistake? Besides, even was he pure he still
Married a nonwhite Georgian cryprojew
Shills for the EU
Supports mongrelization
Looks like a gypsy tranny. faggot indeed

Why does Spencer look so approachable, but his wife so threatening?

If he triggers you normies he is /ourgoy/ m8.

He likes the D.

He still fucked up a bit

russian agents have to undergo torture training, she's been through some shit

US has plenty of pure educated racially aware Whites and Richard mong Spencer is the best you can show off?

yeah he actually is pretty terrible in arguing. the video shows this but it's funny

No they don’t. Most of them are fag pencil pushers Purim included

Nina "Byzantina" Kouprianova - She is Russian, potentially Chechen, which might explain it.

More on Kadyrov: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4397118/Chechnya-opens-concentration-camp-homosexuals.html

Everybody say whatever they want and he don't give a fuck and keep preaching his message.
He is cool.


There has never been any Callouses on his hands.

Utterly and totally inept.

Woo hoo right on time. It's almost time for the TRS threads too!

they don't slip LSD into the coffee mugs of those pencil pushers? that was the running gag over at Langley

This bitch is literally a Khazar Dugenite russian spy and she's covering for Dicky Spencers faggotry and he covers for her russian spying

Fuck off leftypol

...She's still T H I C C do...

Don't you see those little strands of hair that little metrosexual homosexual made.
>Im pretty sure he took a good amount of time maximizing his homophile queerness.

HE did a great Hangout today


Spencer isn’t a fag he’s a goth. He’s a 40 year old goth. Spencer unironically could have been a school shooter if he was raised in Zogland on talmudvision and fast food like the Columbine kids.

Look at him, he has all the signs of a goth.
>Favorite band is Depeche Mode
>Razor cut hairstyle
>Attention seeking fashion style
>Counter signals everything and calls everyone a poser
>Has shaky alliances with nerds and weebs
>Big titty goth wife
>Extreme hipster tastes in political literature

The jock-right instinctively suspects Spencer of being a fag because he’s dropped the overt goth signaling of all black clothes and cutting himself but if you’re even slightly big brained you can tell he’s a goth.

It was funny when Depeche Mode came out and called him a faggot nazi

I bet he still loves them too, the cuck

He is probably on the CIA or FBI payroll.

an idiotic little doughboy

Been saying this since his popularity skyrocketed after the election and his “hurr durr, yeah we seig hailed, but umm, we said it was different” the seig hail incident confirmed he was controlled opp

Spencer is OK. Go home shill.