What the hell is wrong with you people?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

They should be deported

Go back to mexico where you belong spic

It was probably a kike

Slide thread.

"America first"

whatcha doin paco?

thats clearly a french resturant why would the owner be mexican?

My cousin works in this restaurant and I can tell you it 100% happened.

"Guys look at the offensive thing my friend's dad wrote on one of the receipts!"

>Implying anyone would say this
Also wasn't this proven fake?

WatchMojo: Top 10 things that didn't happen

Fake and gay. Sage / hide.


No Mexican owns an Italian restaurant

Biggest clue this is fake.

There is no tip listed on the receipt

kikes are always creating false flags!

That's a woman's handwriting.

Nice try, niglet.

You expect me to believe some american went into a restaurant to eat, then for some reason decided to do research on who the owner of the restaurant was, then left a receipt saying he'l never eat there again because he's mexican?
Who believes this shit?

Hey Paco...



Fake. Don’t believe everything you see.


fake fake and more fake,how is even posible that this shit is enought to travel across the net,


>customer copy
hey pablo watcha doin

>handwriting not even close to quality of signature

hey jamal whatcha doin



I was there too, this for sure happened - however, this guys friends dad also pinched my butt cheek and tried to kiss me so he should resign

Im... literally shaking right now.... I cant believe this is the world today

>you people

First world problems mutt. Next time be a man instead of getting your underwear in knots.


I showed this to my woke 8 year old and now he is crying and asking why drumpf wants to kill women so badly ;(


My cousin told me you assaulted him sexually too so give me 100€ or we sue you.

sage this >b tier shit for fuck sake mutts need to be autobanned

furlc you too

Oh I am laffin

Its a hoax, a viral guerilla marketing campaign.

Wow so many "nice guy racists", complimenting the establishment, how lucky for you, free publicity am I right? Because the first thing I wanna say when I have a problem with the establishment is compliment the food and service!


They were probably upset because the restaurant pretends to be authentic Italian but the owner is Mexican.

Then the person who took the picture wrote "America first" underneath what they wrote to make it seem like an anti-spic thing.

False flag as always.

It's just bantz, get over it. Or the owner did it himself. If the customer did it and was serious, he would have just left or eat and not pay.

Filthy mexicunts BTFO

They couldn’t even spell first. It’s obviously the Mexicans that wrote it.

That said, they shouldn’t return for the reasons listed.


i get that all the time. Mexican that looks like sand nigger reporting in. BTW mexicans are racist to other mexicans.

false flag social media kikery

>Italian dishes

I asked my 7 month old what he thought of president Trump and he said he worried about the socio-economic impacts his policies will have on the mexican minority. Sad!

I know Austin W. He would totally do that.

Seems like a bait , saw a similar post about some shaniqua who got slapped with a banana bearing "nigger" . This time they got a receit because last time the writing was matching with the one behind the banana on a check list .

lol that shits fake

Theres a fridays in Kalamazoo?

Well no wonder I never went, there's niggers there

This. Also sage

whatcha doin' there Pedro?


>Go to Italian restaurant
>Full of "Mexicans"

I'd be pissed too.

Double Checked!

tfw no mexican qt girlfriend

These are ALWAYS fake.

>Posts questionable/circumstantial of low-key racism.
>Why do people do this desu?
Kys shill.



>hello sir, mr Pedro is a fantastic human being and a pillar in the community. Unfortunately I'm an evil racist and hate people of color.
>t. not-Pedro
How fucking dumb are these spics?

it was probably the mexican owner who did it. just like that dike with that receipt which said they wouldnt tip a dike some time ago. she admitted she had faked the receipt when the person with the other copy came forward

my friend who is a little rat chef for the restaurant called me and confirmed it's true.

Whatcha' doing Essay? I seen you writing no the receipt.

>"Hey Rabbi, watcha doin?"

Me and my 8 year old whitenessed this and we both were literally shaking

>3 things

>the line over the T is a dead give away
>comma between "tasty, and"
>Spelling first as frist then changing it (KEK)

A second language spic wrote this note. Probably a woman (99%)

What absolute mongoloid doesn't write in cursive?

Handwriting is too good and careful, some racist customer didn't jot this down. Hoax.

What is the problem, they paid in full didn't they?

Yeah, the joke is, "Hur dur, Trumpkins didn't realize a Mexican restaurant would be run by Mexicans. They're racist *and* stupid." The kind of person who would have written that for real wouldn't have been at that restaurant.



The left really can't meme can they

If I was going to do something I'd leave a pretty generous tip just because it would be way funnier that way

>the O's are done a completely different way than the 0's

Most american schools don't even teach cursive writing
Not even kidding



>you people
I wouldn't do that


it's italian, user.

Hoax, but even if it wasn't its the customers right to boycott whoever he wants/

Why did his Dad's friend fake that receipt tho?

omgerd this totes happened inperch drumpf

Must be nice living behind the castle walls :(

>America Frist
>I mean First
>oh fuck I've never written this before and I fucked it up
>well drumpf supporters are r&s retards anyway that'll explain it

Hey paco, whatcha doing?

reminds me of that time some girl tried to pull the victim card but then she got fired when her boss found out she was the one who wrote it.

you know what America needs to do? stop tipping. Don't tip, it promotes racism.

So why Spanish isn't official in California, New Mexico and Texas

Opening up a pizzanigger eatery in taconigger town, apparently.

the left can really meme

Even if it is real who fucking cares. Assholes exist and many of them are racist. Plus he said theyre not coming back anyway. Fuck todays outrage culture

>Card type visa
Stay home you broke mother fucker

Because Mexicans can't speak Spanish.

Broken ass garbage slang beaner language, yes. Not the Queen's Española

busboy detected
