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Single mother. Lowest form of life on earth.



Link: breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/12/13/j-k-rowling-god-is-black-woman/

If God is truly a black woman, then why did she make black woman the ugliest and dumbest of all?

is she religous?

>implying there is a god at all

she is trying way too hard

Why couldn't she just write Harry Potter then accept she's a hack who got lucky at the joke of publishers thinking her writing is terrible while profiting from it? Why does she HAVE to stick her nose in every matter whatsoever.


That must be why she's rowling is aging like milk.

of course there is a god. how else would we get here?


I would fuck that thing

She is some denom of Christian and her post was a joke


>carbon based bi-pedual humaniod
>takes the form of only the most recent iteration of its own creation

ye na

>God is a black woman
Makes sense, only a nigger can do other niggers so badly. Black people hate other black people the most.

She wanted them to be just like her.

Top kek mate! Roastie are dumb af. I can't believe she just falls on her face like that.

she wouldnt fuck you

How do I get subscription? Could I send you bitcoins?

how many black people are in the harry potter universe? 1? maybe 2?

but now god is a black woman

ok got it

Haha look at these two! Oh my so funny. It's really funny because it's true. Haha.

well... that would explain why the world is so fucked up

Because she's a single mother who isn't doing a good job at anything but demands constant praise?

Le fedora meme


>Single mother. Lowest form of life on earth.
Where do single fathers rate?



No wonder the world is a shitball.


Excuse me, but what does God need a race for?

>No dad in sight
Makes sense

I can think of a few other reasons.

There is no race there is just Man (the adamic "race" that is the aryan) and the beasts (apes, horses, cats, niggers etc.)

*POWERFUL* men who defied the biased divorce court and familial judiciary systems to keep custody of their children against a probably tilted or cheating women.

If you're going to go full-retard SJW, you have to keep raising your game, so the SJWs keep supporting you hard, because everyone else starts backing away. Double down, double down.

>god is a black lesbian woman

Hey guys, wanna know a secret?

She's just some rich girl who was hired to front the Harry Potter project, and she didn't write one sentence of any of those books.

You didn't hear it from me :^)

What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on Rowling. I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?

It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

I'm 73 years old. In a lifetime of teaching English, I've seen the study of literature debased. There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining. My research assistant came to me two years ago saying she'd been in a seminar in which the teacher spent two hours saying that Walt Whitman was a racist. This isn't even good nonsense. It's insufferable.





god is a fluctuating ripple in space, how dare that cunt assume gender.

Much much higher.



Is this a new meme? She did write it. That's why it's such drivel.


What the fuck do they put in the Britain's water?

>a black woman
>an able bodied, non trans, CIS gendered one

JK Rowling will burn in hell for this bigotry.

mathis go away

>tfw you chose to live with your dad after your parents divorce
truly the best decision I've made in life thus far, lads.

i mean of course she wrote it. She "learned on the job" it is pretty apparent as her writing does, sort of, get better with each book. that first book is utter trash writing so I'm convinced she wrote them all. but go be edgy i suppose


We wuz dumbelldoors an sheit.

What do you expect from the folks over at Langley? Vanity Fair?

I'm sure shes a good christian woman.

Isn't race or ethnicity something beyond God's comprehension and ability and only something he bestowed upon humanity?

In Her own image!

the whole Harry Potter is one big marxist shit. slytherin and lord voldermort as evil that cares only about race purity (metaphore of white supremacists) versus mixed couple of young wizards (as (((good))) revolutionists). and ofc Dumbledore as gay, which is so obviously only bcuz of political correctness of author. the whole creation of jew.k.rowling shows how typical british goy she is.

Someone should firebomb this cunt's palatial mansion. She deserves death for siding with Muslims and Niggers all the damn time. Fucking traitorous witch!

I've always been baffled by people who speculate on God's appearance/gender God's an omnipotent being, he can be whatever he wants.

Is that why god loves white men cause they treat black women with respect and dont beat them or rape them?

Fair enough, but she was one of those annoying aspiring writer types that had to be seen writing in cafes every day. Thousands of people saw her writing the first book. Well known over here.

Makes sense, needlessly angry and violent to his creation for 6000 years. To 'let off stress' rapes a lesser creature, has a son, doesn't see that son for 33 years. Only starts to mellow out when son dies and nobody wants child support anymore. Goes on to make grape soda, watermelon and fried chicken, but everybody knows they stole literal salvation from everybody in a category 16 chimpout when some white bitch introduced adam to the apple

People who say "God is a black woman" don't even believe in God. The same people happily call God a "monster" or "evil" when bad things happen, even though they don't think He exists.

the meek shall inherit the Earth

>Seventy-three year old meme flagging, chinzposter with a cogent, well spoken, on-topic post.
I am impressed, good sir, and offer my rarest out of respect.

Screencapped, good sir.

May you have an excellent remainder of your day.

God made them in her image.

Yea, no, she was literally a face they used to market the film treatments disguised as children's books. I have never once believed she wrote a single part of the series.

I was having a good Friday asshole.



Leftists subvert language. I was discussing this very topic today.

Newspeak- a political tactic they always try to use.


DAT'S why I be going back to the MOther Land
Fuck you Crackers!!!!!!!!!!

If God is a black woman, then I'm a full blow satanist

Homeless single mother*

>Liberals: God does not exist and you are stupid if you believe in any form of a god.
>Liberals: The god your stupid chrisitians believe in is a lie!
>Liberals: The supposed god must be evil to allow slavery and the holocaust.
>Liberals: Religion and belief in god is a cancer upon the Earth!
>Liberals: God is a black woman.

If God is a black woman, who is the devil?

Satanist making fun of our god,
More proof Women are satan!

Stop photoshoping spiral macaroni onto sheeboons for fuck sake.

Hate the game not the players they spread their legs for any morons so they get what they get.
Actually the real game would imply not giving them rights and in such a scenario you would be right, for now you're being a white knight faggot

she is

and it is me xd


Well she definitely wrote the first one. Ask Edinburghfags about it.

Dear God i just pictured God twerking

im fine with a rape.

A man white of course

you wouldnt be able to youre just a weak human being

Where would the strength come from for that upper set of arms? She has a completely normal torso, so they aren't being supported by her serratus or lat muscles, there's no way she could hold a sword in that hand or a head in the other. This is just a recipe for chronic and catastrophic shoulder dislocations. If this were possible irl, and it is via major deformation, her upper set of arms would just be like two disgusting limp noodles with little sausage like fingers on them.

Im calling bullshit on this photograph, totally fake.

Pretty sure she's atheist.

i like to think in these hindu depictions their arms are moving so fast that it appears as though they have multiples even though sometimes they are shown with different weapons, its just a sort of misinterpretation.

>he still believes she actually wrote it

She didn't write an original fucking word for the books. It was all a ruse to make fucking idiots like yourself feel sorry for the stupid cunt. I sincerely believe she should be ravaged and have her throat sliced wide open.

For the sake of honesty, the right too.
I can think of the word degenerate. Most retards here have no idea what it even means