So I just finished reading all 144 chapters of this shit and I don't understand why Tokyo Ghoul is so popular

So I just finished reading all 144 chapters of this shit and I don't understand why Tokyo Ghoul is so popular.

Not only was nothing explained properly, all of the events happening felt like they served no purpose.

I couldn't tell who were the bad guys and who were the good guys. The "villains" motives were the biggest mystery of all and they were never explained.

Not only that but many of the main characters were just killed off without accomplishing anything.

This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like some Bleach level storytelling.

8.7 rating my ass even the art was hard to follow at times. I saw myself skipping most of the fight panels because they looked so bad.

Thank you for your review

I see

Kanekis mum is the main villian

I lost interest in the manga when the mc didnt like eating human food for no reason.

Have you seen Tokyo Ghoul:re? (the continuation)

Tsukiyamas existence makes up for all the shit storytelling

Where are you when the author gave up on his manga?

Tokyo Ghoul Re: is nothing but a source of memes and shitposting galore.

well that's why there's a sequel



Read tokyo ghoul :re
Btw, ishida put eto in his twitter header

You know there's a sequel series right?

Are you sure it's Eto? For me, it looks closer to Mutsuki, if anything.

That's Mutsuki though. Eto has no white hair.

>Eto has no white hair.
Neither does Mutsuki.

Btw, this same character appeared with Kaneki in another drawing back a while earlier. The same line across the neck is there as well.

Check the edgy Mutsuki drawing in volume 9 when you get the chance.

It's still closer to green than to white.

Did I fucking stutter

>I couldn't tell who were the bad guys and who were the good guys
It was better that way. Ghouls deserve to be exterminated

>The "villains" motives were the biggest mystery of all and they were never explained.
It was better that way

>This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like some Bleach level storytelling.
No thats the sequel

>8.7 rating my ass even the art was hard to follow at times. I saw myself skipping most of the fight panels because they looked so bad.
They get worse. I didn't think they were bad in the original

>Not only that but many of the main characters were just killed off without accomplishing anything.
You sure about that?

Tokyo Ghoul was really popular mainly because of the "chase", there were many enticing plot threads like the one-eyed king, Eto, Arima and V. These subjects hooked readers in with the promise of having satisfying answers for many of the questions about TG's world-building along with the significance of the constant symbolism of numbers in the art, which was kinda novel. It's not until the halfway point of Re: comes along when the popularity of the series on (the internet at least) kinda dips. Since it botches the execution of nearly everything the prequel builds up and soils the overall quality of the manga itself. Showing that while the ride up to that point was fun, TG at the end of the day was a huge waste of time.

tokyo ghoul is popular because it's the seinen version of naruto

completely pointless exploitation series for nihilistic junior high cunts

it's better than gantz at least

I pretty much agree with you, i read Tokyo Ghoul, and i was with it until the last chapters when i could barely even tell what was going on and who was who and who was on who's side, pretty much everyone died and that was it.

Then i figured i would read Tokyo Ghoul:RE, but the moment i noticed the main character had been brainwashed, clone, or lost his memory or something i dropped it and never went back, i don't remember if it was the first chapter or not.

> Dropping when best boy Haise appears

pretty much this
and anime was a mistake

>it's better than gantz at least
Don't you fucking dare, shiteater.

I like how after 26 posts basically no one was able to respond to OP's critics.
TG exposed as the garbage it is.

Well that's disappointing to hear. I was already put off of reading re after chapter 3. If this author isn't capable of explaining anything after 200 chapters then I guess I'll just drop it.

This one

Depends. Still nowhere as dark as it once was.

>I don't understand why this series is so popular.
Welcome to all mainstream manga. Normalfags have shit taste, what a surprise.

How about reading the rest of the story where they explain the villains motives and everything else?

>Not only was nothing explained properly, all of the events happening felt like they served no purpose
Read the sequel.

>I couldn't tell who were the bad guys and who were the good guys. The "villains" motives were the biggest mystery of all and they were never explained
There are no bad guys and good guys in TG universe. There are some twisted faggots but everyone -even mc- have some good and bad sides. You have to read the sequel to understand who are the "villains" and what their motive is. Even now it's not exactly clear desu.

>Not only that but many of the main characters were just killed off without accomplishing anything
This is not true. Explaining this will be long so I won't bother.

>This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like some Bleach level storytelling.
That's your opinion and I respect it. But bleach and TG two different series in a lot of espects.

>I saw myself skipping most of the fight panels because they looked so bad.
Yeah, It's hard to fallow fights sometimes but it's not that hard. You have to read more series I guess.

You don't have to like and understand every good rated and populer series user. TG wasn't a manga for you that's all.

Look all you need to know about this annoyingly long and complex story is one thing and one thing only. Every single major event, plot twist, and background details were all instigated, both directly and indirectly, by one thing. the main antagonist trying to get his dick wet

>actually believing his bullshit

He does answer many of the questions left over from the ending of Tokyo Ghoul, it's just that he does it in the most lukewarm ways possible, which is primarily Togashi's (HxH mangaka) fault. Like remember Arima, and hax he is? Well the secret to his strength is probably exactly what you expected and the resolution to his role in the story might bring out some tinge of emotion from you but not nearly as much as it should.

Really the biggest problem with the series now is that it's somewhat predictable and safe yet constantly brings out twists and cliff-hangers to the point of becoming exhausting. Prequel Tokyo Ghoul had balls, with an unpredictable plot and characters who weren't safe with plot-armor, all of which is absent now.