>Seig.... what?
>You're not a Nazi, are you Anonymous?
Seig.... what?
Other urls found in this thread:
>It just means "hi" in german
I don't see why I would even talk politics with a child anyway...
Seig da menz of pradaction :^)
Wanna fug?
Her father escaped to Sweden.
"sieg" means victory, "heil" means hail.
sieg heil = hail victory.
She looks like Anne frank, that's cute.
shes super cutie patootie desu
It means Victory burger
And his pubes escaped to his scalp?
You do every single day that you come here. What, too scared to get BTFO by a roastie, France?
thats wrong sweety, stop culturally appropriating the language I recently learned.
A sweet Jewish girls with a nice pair of milkers is all I want in this world. You guys might speak ill of them here, but you know you'd forget all about the white race if you could have a nice Jewess with a big chest.
come here and take this white dick
>tfw Agatha will never be my qt3.14 Jewish gf
Yep. Would you racemix with pic, Sup Forums?
.. sieg means victory and heil means hail you asshat troll clown nigger faggot enabler kike shill bugboy soygoy ooga booga bix nood.
google it if you literally don't speak fucking German.
Cue the confederate flag Anne Frank poster.
fuck you, here:
und dann haltz maul du elende spassfögel ich hau dir einer du.
fick dich.
>tfw no qt autistic jewess gf
Mhm... Small nose on this one, you sure she's Hebrew?
jewish euro mutt
Yes, check the writing on her belly
She looks like my sister
hand over your sister right now, or take pics of her panties
Even better.
Of course not. I'm not a 1930s German. I just believe almost everything they did.
You'll know if she's Jewish if she can hear a penny drop in a 100 mile radius.
Agatha has some spic blood in her
same, wtf?
Her tits aren't that big, she's 18 btw
Too much jew. Seriously they have some awkward movement
funny how the german spirit is so op to even get their motivational slogans perma banned
>makes one think
post moar
Shes acting m8, of course its awkward
is there a cuter face on earth? inb4 some weeb fag posts a flat faced gook