So he's the most OP character in One Piece, right?

So he's the most OP character in One Piece, right?


>Lost an arm to a fish chapter one Luffy one-shotted.

>the most One Piece character in One Piece
ya dun goofed OP

no, you're think Gol D Rodger
wait why did one piece dun goofed?

Are you from somewhere else?.

ur gay

When will that shit be finished? Seriously, how come they haven't got to the one piece yet? How far are they from their goal?

because it prints money, 65% or about 10 years

>implying he didn't lose his arm on purpose

Blackbeard probably.

Gura gura no mi is already world-ending levels of broken, let alone also having the yami yami.

No, Garp is the current strongest.

Garp was equal to Roger when he was alive.
Roger was stronger than White Beard.
White Beard, while having a stroke, it took all three admirals, 200+ captain class fighters, a sneak attack and all of Black Beards crew to finish him off.

If Grap was equal to a health Roger and White Beard, and a sick dying White Beard could do so much damage, Garp being healthy is leagues ahead of everyone else.


I think he's just a retard.

Kaido was explicitly stated to be the strongest creature in the world.

His subordinate Jack appears capable of surviving underwater for days or even weeks despite eating a devil fruit. So he's got some dirty powers for sure.

>Two fruits which do jack shit in keeping him alive

Just shoot him in the head, or go all Enel and drop an electric nuke on him.

Jack is part Fishman, and Kiado is not the strongest. He's been captured many times, and lost to Shanks in some way around when Marinford was happening.

The Kaido would like to have a word with you.

It's not known but Hundred Beast "I jump off cloud islands and survive" Kaido seems like an unstoppable force

See the post directly above yours.

He just seems to have a stronger crew, he himself might be Rayleight tier.

to be fair, luffy could jump from space and probably walk away fine

hell, i dont see why anyone with armament haki couldnt just tank a freefall

Enough of that nonsense, you have no idea. It's not explicitly stated that they ever fought and very little time passed during their encounter.

They're both alcoholics and Shanks pacified Whitebeard with god sake so there's weight to the theory of him using a similar tactic.

>ignoring 80% of the post
Why did you even bother replying?

>captured many times
Luffy lost to crocodile twice. But he's now strong enough to fight Doffy and Cracker and hold his own against Fuji. People grow stronger over time. Kaido is currently the strongest. He might've been weaker in the past.
>lost to Shanks
We don't even know whether there was a skirmish or not. The Yonko are on the same tier in terms of Power Levels. Any skirmish would've been akin to Akainu vs. Aokiji (i.e. a very close battle)

He didn't use haki or a devil fruit ability to counteract it though

He face planted into solid ground, or whatever that island was made of, with the intent to die and he got up looking fine.

Without doubt. He'll definitely die though.

>Garp was equal to Roger when he was alive.
>Roger was stronger than White Beard.

No you idiot, WB was an equal to Roger, thats like his main feat and is repeated plenty of times in the story, Garp on the other hand could never catch Roger and it took both Garp and Sengoku to fight Shiki, Garp while strong was a league behind Roger/WB.

Roger himself said in a flashback they were equal.

>Garp on the other hand could never catch Roger
By your logic because all three admirals failed to catch Luffy he is stronger than all three of them put together.

Not him but Jack has nothing directly to do with Kaidous strength. Kaidou has been stated to be the strongest creature alive and we don't know what happened between Shanks and Kaidou.

Fujitora was never trying to kill him.
He needed a large amount of help to beat Doffy.
He needed Nami's help for Cracker.

And Luffy losing to Crocodile is not the same as getting captured 30+ times.
He's called the strongest because he can't die.
But, what good is an immortal ant.

Oda is actually skipping arc

>Not him but Jack has nothing directly to do with Kaidous strength
No shit? Why are you even saying this.

>we don't know what happened between Shanks and Kaidou
See the scar on his chest.

And Kaidou was weaker than both Roger and White Beard. They were called the strongest before he was.

That's not Akainu.

Luffy would definitely defeat Fujitora.
So would Cracker.
So would Marco.

Marco might have defeated Kizaru.

>No shit? Why are you even saying this.
Because that is the part you(?) apparently called the other user out on ignoring.

>And Kaidou was weaker than both Roger and White Beard.
But they're dead. As or the scar he could've gotten it anywhere e.g. a fight with WB or Roger.

Nice entirely baseless assertion.

I would say that Garp USED to be the strongest. Nowadays, I dare to say that the real overpowered fella who can change the tides of this chaotic world is no one other than DRAGON, the revolutionary.

That nigga has been hyped up for so damn long, Sabo as a second man can spar with an admiral without sweating, imagine what Dragon himself isn't capable of. I bet he didn't even face Blackbeard. The moment BB arrived to rescue Jesus, everyone from the revolutionary army already left and CP0 might have come not long after him.

This Reverie will be a mess.

You're a fucking retard who can't even read.
Just stop talking. Read every single post in the thread again.

You didn't address the part about Shanks because you have absolutely nothing to go on. Meanwhile the sake theory actually has a smidgen of logic behind.

Why the hell would shanks beat another Yonko so easily? What kind of writing is that in a series where powerful characters are known to fight for hours, days or even longer?

Again, if White Beard/Roger is the standard, then you're wrong.

Because a 90% dead White Beard was still admiral level. And Garp is not 90% dead, so it's only rational he'd be stronger.

>Luffy would definitely defeat Fujitora.

Are you sure? Fuji had no problems suspending half a city and just dropping it on people, which is way more impressive than anything we've seen from those Yonkou commanders.

Fuji would wreck all those scrubs, only person there worth arguing is Jobco, but even then his best feat was keeping up with kizaru, who's the weakest admiral.

>Why the hell would shanks beat another Yonko so easily?
Because not all the Yonko are equal. Do you really think Big Mom is an equal fighter to White Beard?

And in order to get past Kaido Shanks had to do something to beat him.
And Kaido has a large scar on his chest. When supposedly it's impossible to cut him.

He had the most destructive devil fruit and was in a furious state. We haven't seen Roger, Garp or any other legendary character in such a specific mood, even if we ignore his devil fruit powers.

He was ripping the island apart even before Ace died.

This image is on him holding back so that he doesn't kill everyone on his side.
He had more than enough power, furious or otherwise.

>see the scar on his chest

Gonna need more than one hundred percent guess work based off absolutely nothing there

Roger and White Beard were both considered stronger than Kaido.
Shanks was around White Beard level.

Prime Gol = Prime WB = Prime Garp = Prime Shiki > Prime Sengoku > Prime Rayleigh > Kaido > Shanks > BB > Dragon

That's gura gura for you. Blackbeard was doing the same right after he got it but at the same time Sakazuki and Teach himself were hit by these quakes multiple times directly and were still alive and kicking. I agree with you that Whitebeard is one of the strongest, but at best he was an equal with Garp and the others, not leagues above any of them.

It's a very subtle comparison and very hard to find a precise answer, to be honest.

This idiot has gone on about this before in another thread, I don't know why he is obsessed with the idea that Shanks just casually floored another Yonko on his way to Marineford

Just ignores any other possibilities, including one involving alcohol despite the fact that Kaido is an emotional drunk and Shanks did the exact same thing before with Whitebeard, another Yonko.

>I called someone an idiot so I win!
Good stuff.

>but at best he was an equal with Garp and the others, not leagues above any of them.
Do you even understand what you're reading?
I know you don't because you're saying stupid things.

The whole point here is that Garp is stronger than White Beard. Because Garp has been stated to be equal to Roger and White Beard when they were all in their prime. And if sick/dying White Beard is that strong, Garp is stronger.

>Shanks did the exact same thing before with Whitebeard
You mean the time when they ended up fighting anyway?

Literally this. Luffy could just gear second his ass and he couldnt do jack shit. His Yami even makes him weaker than the average human.

They're over halfway there.

Kaido is canonically the strongest "living thing". He's the strongest that's all even if you don't like it.

Why do you even bother posting in a thread if you're not going to read it?

>Don Krieg called the strongest man in the East blue
>gets stomped the fuck out by Luffy
>Zoro probably could have beaten him as well
Not really the strongest in the East Blue now is he.

Sakazuki would have died if he took one more hit that's why he ran.

>a tie but Sanji saved Luffy
>stomped the fuck out

No. He's canonicall "called" the strongest living creature.
Whitebeard was canon "The Strongest Pirate" by the narrator and the narrator didn't specify that he was only "called" that by the narrator.

he wanted to play hard mode

Luffy had him beat after he was knocked out for solid minute on the ground. If Luffy was going for a kill he had all the time in the world to do it.

Blackbeard tanked spears of fire impaling all of his major organs and continuously incinerating them with barely damage.

Maybe before he lost his arm, but these days Hawkeyes doesn't even want to waste his time dueling with Shanks. Shank's power mainly comes from his badass crew.

Whitebeard = Shanks = Shiki

Luffy > Shiki = Whitebeard = Shanks

Clearly Luffy is the strongest.

>shanks clashed with Whitebeard before he's mortally wounded by Squardo and equals him.png
Stay delusional.

This is true. Mihawk already said Luffy has the strongest superpower.

Anyone else really disappointed with Kaidou's design?

I wanted him to be some sort of crazy mechanical monstrosity, not fucking gengis khan with tattoos and horns.

And his arc is going to take place in Not-Japan? Come the fuck on, Oda, that's just lazy as shit.

>>>most OP character in One Piece
>>hurr One Piece character in One Piece so fahnny you goofed OP
>not noticing you said OP and that he turned your own shitty joke on you

Shanks probably has some sort of gimmick that makes him stand out from other Yonko.
Maybe he's the only person capable of actually using CoH to destroy stuff or something like that.
We haven't seen anyone else actually damage physical objects with conqueror's haki before.

I liked his design. And I don't mind not-Japan. They've been building up to it since fucking Loguetown, 750 chapters ago.