How to stop LGBT propaganda?

How to stop LGBT propaganda?

Ban it. You can ban holocaust denial, you can ban fag shit.

Make it illegal like Russia.

At this point it's impossible. CNN literally gave a platform to that faggot who thought he was an Asian woman...

With our own propaganda.


With the truth.


Stop the 24 hour news cycle...
Sorry to disappoint you

this. however, this won't "just" happen. it won't just become a policy one day that all homosexual propaganda is against the law.

there needs to be a cultural shift where people themselves (and most people, at that) openly shame and show their disgust to faggots. only then would a law ever happened.

that or fascism

Go all Putin on them.

Send em to a mosque

At the source.

What are you, homophobic?
All they want to do is live their lives, just like us!



its how HIV looks like if it was a human being?

Start spamming stuff like this. Once enough people start to realize how bad they are, they won't put up with their bullshit anymore.



Rather how stop conservative propaganda?

Go full Maaten

>How to stop LGBT propaganda?

Move to Iran...

Kill jews.

no such animal.

Most people assume cries of hate crimes are hoaxes anyway. So people need to start going out and bashing them back into the closet...Just don't get arrested.