Jagaaaaaan 02

Holy fucking shit, the owl twist caught me so hard.

This is looking really good.



owl noooooo

>literal rip off of BAN guy with finger gun power.
>same edge
>same retardation

Still much more interesting than kuzu no honkai though.


3edgy5me.So long the manga translated I'm reading it I guess.

>just shot the owl
Alrighty then
Also I hope the gf survives

it's shit

>This is looking really good.
Not really. Just another edgy-adventures-of-the-maladjusted-adult-male series from Big Comic Spirits.

Now the mc will make friends and will finally care for people right? dropped.

Rip owl
I hope he magically comes back or something.

the gf is dead jim

>ded waifu


Asshole. Impossible to care for someone this broken.

>I may be the only thing capably of stoping this shit
>Shot'im anyway

>new manga comes out
>Sup Forums calls it shit for the first 20 chapters or so and says it will be cancelled for sure
>after its fairly certain that it wont get cancelled everyone starts saying how much they loved it from the start

hoo boy is another ride starting?

You always predict the truth niggerman.

Seems pretty interesting. Hopefully the MC will go through some growth and not just become some edgy asshole.

His relationship with her was doomed from the start.

They're not really similar beyond superficial level.

>Cancelled after 20 chapters

That's what Sup Forums said about The Promised Neverland too

>cancelled after 20 chapters
Are you guys WSJfags or something? Canning 90% of your new series annually isn't normal, just a heads-up.

What the fuck are you doing, exactly? Trying to deflect all criticism with "it's better than this completely unrelated other series"?

Either the owl comes back and it follows typical routes for this type of series, or he really blew the owl out immediately and it's going to be a deconstruction of this type of series.


Aww the wife was cute and loved her man.

Don't forget calling it shit again when it gets an anime series and the secondaries latch on to it.

>when it gets an anime series
Man, you're really jumping the gun here. The chances of this ever getting an anime are very low.

Eh, shittiest trash like kuzu no honkai got an anime though?



that's the problem when the MC is someone you can't relate to

>muh self insert

>killed the magical, all knowing guide
I hope the owl stays ded and he has to figure out shit for himself.

stealth symphony cancelled and not MEME ACADEMY, you know that everything edgy and without fanservice is getting canned, come on faggots