Dragon Ball Super

New director for Super, what do you think?


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They are ningens, so I can't expect much

Leave Goku to me.

This is Bulma.

Say something nice about her.


It's still going to look like shit.

Reminder that Gohan will get wolf musk sprayed in his face then beaten up in the upcoming fight

>B-but its Gohans time
>L-leave Goku to him!

There's nothing nice to say. She's the worst girl in the entire franchise.

I'm going to have sex with your daughter someday.

You used to be a character so that was cool

So far, it's looking much prettier than before. Super's initial artstyle was too childish and simple. I miss Z's shading and muscles and the new director seems to be merging Super's and Z's styles, which I'm okay with.

He did work on GT and the intro/outros for Kai so he has that oldschool touch.

her young self was quite nice

Without her Vegeta wouldn't have gone SSJ4. Thank you based Bulma.

Shin and Majin Buu become the best of friends. Screencap this.

Merge with me, Zamasu.

Will he?spoiler says he will get blind and beaten but then there will be some twist. Idk why he cant sense ki though.

Leave Fem!Broly to me.

In what way is an attempted child murdering whore nice? I've had it with you damn revisionist Bulmafags praising her just because she chilled out once even Yamcha didn't want that pussy.

Chi-chi for life, real niggas for Chi-chi.


Did he even do anything as a SSJ4

It's been so long since I've seen GT


>Idk why he cant sense ki though.
Ki infused wolf musk.

Too bad she has perma-soccer mom haircut now.

>Chi-chi for life, real niggas for Chi-chi.
Best girl.

>Nostalgiafags getting duped by a filter
Top kek


Why didnt Zamasu just ask for all the ningen to be removed?


He fused with Goku and that's it. As a SSJ4 he couldn't even keep up with Nova Shenlong who was just pretending to be controlled by Omega.


No, leave Goku to me. I'm gonna pound him.

I don't understand.

All they had to was NOT add the lipstick, they go and do just that, the retards.

I miss when Bulma used to change her hairstyle each arc , it was one of those things that Dragonball always did

She has had that same one for all of Super

>Row 3 Column 3 is the best


Then he wouldn't get the satisfaction from doing it himself.

He wanted to teach them a lesson.



Oh, so he's just good for games then.

All I remember about SSJ4 Vegeta is that in DBH or something he was mind controlled by Babidi or something

Leave the other universes to me

>that 80's bulma
good times

side-ponytail one was the lewdst one i think though.

After Zeno mindwipes everyone at the end of Super.

Thankfully Toyo changed Zamasu's stance in the manga. Once Black preformed it, it was game over.

leave goku 2 me

not only does Toriyama dislike her but she gets to play a bitch again in super too

Gotta love how they skip her in the valentine event too. Guess the dokkan guys figured there was no love for chi-chi

She looks like Mai.

>Say something nice
>a ningen
No thanks

Reminder that Pilaf is the only villain who achieved his goal is ruling the world
>Is friends with the strongest people in the world
>Can ask any of them to grab the dragon balls and they would do it with no fuss in less than a week
>Can wish him ruler of the world anytime
>Will finally accomplish his goal of ruling the world thanks to Mai marrying the son of the richest woman in the world

What the fuck is white birdo doing in this I don't even what

>Waits for the loss edit

Nagamine is one of the best talents at toei still but it won't matter much for DBS with how much of a disaster it is production wise

Mai is one really lucky girl and the best one

Gee wonder if a spic drew that

>She has had that same one for all of Super
Aside from BoG

Reminder that gohan would be miles ahead of goku and vegeta if he wasnt a respectable productive member of society

Reminder that once our guy fails to stop goku it will be up to Gohan to step up, become the strongest fella around and save everyone again(like he did previously almost everytiem)

Rejoice, Gohanfriends, the promised hour is almost upon us

>Trunks is the only Saiyan to date a girl who isn't rich
Why are most saiyans such gold diggers?

didn't they add more make-up to Mai too in the anime compared to the manga?
Makes me wonder the manga version of cleo will look



>But seriously what the fuck is Super's production even. It's destroying every good director at Toei.

>Can't wait to watch a tournament arc crash and burn... again.

>What's even sadder is that there are people who think the filler episodes will help the production in the upcoming arc.


>Fur isn't blue

>the filter alters the artstyle
>being duped

I won't comment on your taste since I don't know you, and I found the video you posted quite amusing, but I'll have to say I disagree with the commentator. This new filter makes things much prettier and nostalgic, which was what I said before. If Super had this filter all along, I'd enjoyed it much more, even the Jelly Vegeta would be more bearable then.

What I definetely don't know and can't talk about is about the animation quality for the next episodes.

I quite liked the Goku vs. bandits fight because of how it made me feel, how mean he looked like while having fun beating the road raiders and how he used zanzoken (I'm a nostalgiafag alright). Also, it was a stablishing moment of character when he said he didn't like to work, but, unlike those guys, he's too carefree and good spirited to take things out of others. In spite of being stupid and being hellbent on risk the universe just to get some satisfaction, he's not evil.

If the animation's not good as it hasn't been in many instances by now, I won't care much if the narrative's alright. However, these new filters definetely makes me feel happier while watching it - I really like the thick lines thing...

Not really, In the anime she has way less makeup than in the original DB.

She's only a bitch because Goku is a retard, and he's doing his best to turn his kids retarded as well.

For the record, objective rankings of DB waifus follow:

Chi-chi > Launch > 18 = Videl >= Mai >>>> Bulma

Still hot for 40.

>This new filter makes things much prettier and nostalgic
Thanks for proving my point.

It's not just the filters - not how buff Goku looked this episode - and even Gohan once he got into his gi. Mr.Satan also went way back to his cell Saga design.


Would Buu beat that wolf guy? He seems to be getting thrash pretty badly last episode

What's happening to Krilin there?


He should be, it's not like Basil is going to obliterate him with a powerful beam or something.

People thin Super will be "it was all a dream" because they cant accept that EoZ and GT is retconned

Looking at images right now, I don't think Mai had make up in the manga. It was entirely the anime crew doing it.

"Leave Basil to me!"

If Buu won does that mean that Govan will job? I meant Goku is very unlikely to lose.

Buu clearly isn't getting damaged. Although the wolf guy still has a transformation.

Gohan was gonna job anyway.

OMG they changed the "ARTSTYLE", looks so epic and nostalgic

This is the deebeezee I remember XD

Buu is a big fat mess.

>I meant Goku is very unlikely to lose.
They said Bergamo uses poison and never win fair and square, so I bet Goku will lose like he did with Frost.

Gohan might not even get a chance to fight.

>goku goes too far in trying to fight stronk opponents that he ends up getting other universes deleted
>zeno realises that this is all due to him being introduced to the gods
>mind wipes everyone so they never know of gods and god ki
>expressly forbids beerus and whis from having anything to do with earth and goku
>cue end of z

>In the anime she has way less makeup than in the original DB.
you w0t?

I was trying to explain how that's not being 'duped', but suit yourself. Us both agree that the filters caters to the nostalgic fans, and, as one of those, I'm happy to be taken into consideration.

filter aside, the art has been less QUALITY in these new episodes


>Being THIS mad

I kind of understand the thought process of why people don't like Chi Chi as the planet not having strong defenders when it has some evil planet destroying asshole coming to blow shit up on a regular basis means everything's fucked.
Then again I'm sure none of them are self-aware of that or genre savvy.

It lacks the thick lines. They are what make it nicer than before...

Don't make fun

Get out.

Posted wrong picture I guess ?

>taking the bait

If the brush lines are really a filter too, then it's a pretty advanced one. In Tiger Mask, all lines end up thicker due to that effect, but here in super there's a clear variation.

How strong is Buu realistically now? He is still listening to Satan for fucking sake

Pilaf is supposed to be Green? He really does forget how to draw everyone LOL

She's blushing there...

Me eat you up!

In the colored pages she had a very light make up.

>not taking the bait
A meals a meal user.

Yeah exactly.

You can't tell if she has makeup or not.

You can't see her face properly.

So its useless.