Jews are okay

There's literally nothing wrong with being a jew. Jews are great people

Other urls found in this thread:







Jews are murderers and have the blood of millions on their hands.


Jews are disgusting wretches.



Besides that, is it actually bad if I am a black jew?




Thats why they want net neutrality pull back. To control ALL MEDIA ahahaha



calm down mohammed

>implying it’s a bad thing
So many posts there are mine

>>implying it’s a bad thing
You're worse

Yeah they are great people.. if you completely ignore the fact that they put a guy on a fucking cross because he believed they were not really close to God and have sinned. They were close minded enough.

>g*rman asking for anti-semitic material without breaking the law ep. 9000+

Or so, the Jews claim they did...

>There's literally nothing wrong with being a jew. Jews are great people
If only they would think the same about others....

God what have we done to you Hans???

hes been culturally enriched. RIP Hans

>There's literally nothing wrong with being a jew
On the condition that they are Jews somewhere else.
And there is wall.
And gas chambers for infiltrators.

"oy vey! Anti-Semite!"


Kill all Jews.

Even better, kill all Jews one by one with "oy vey! anti-semite!" on a loop in the background.

Good Goyman.

Jesus fucking Christ that


Seite 75 , folgende . viel Spaß damit

Free Palestine

Very narrative driven pic where everything mixed together.
Also, an actual Staling quote:
>Haциoнaльный и pacoвый шoвинизм ecть пepeжитoк чeлoвeкoнeнaвиcтничecких нpaвoв, cвoйcтвeнных пepиoдy кaннибaлизмa. Aнтиceмитизм, кaк кpaйняя фopмa pacoвoгo шoвинизмa, являeтcя нaибoлee oпacным пepeжиткoм кaннибaлизмa.

Aнтиceмитизм выгoдeн экcплyaтaтopaм, кaк гpoмooтвoд, вывoдящий кaпитaлизм из-пoд yдapa тpyдящихcя. Aнтиceмитизм oпaceн для тpyдящихcя, кaк лoжнaя тpoпинкa, cбивaющaя их c пpaвильнoгo пyти и пpивoдящaя их в джyнгли. Пoэтoмy кoммyниcты, кaк пocлeдoвaтeльныe интepнaциoнaлиcты, нe мoгyт нe быть нeпpимиpимыми и зaклятыми вpaгaми aнтиceмитизмa.

B CCCP cтpoжaйшe пpecлeдyeтcя зaкoнoм aнтиceмитизм, кaк явлeниe, глyбoкo вpaждeбнoe Coвeтcкoмy cтpoю. Aктивныe aнтиceмиты кapaютcя пo зaкoнaм CCCP cмepтнoй кaзнью.

Gas them mash them stick em stew

No they are not. Jews are parasites, liers, cheaters, banksters.

Fuck the Jews. I hope Mohammad bombs and kills 6 gorillion heebs while Jamambo rapes the Jew bitches.

As long as they are in Israel, otherwise they often act counter to national interests

Come on. Even muslims are better then jews. We should go to streets and call for genocide of jews. That would be another story you kike, right? Your religion is soft satanism. Fuck Israel. Fuck you too rat.

>Jews are ok...
Wishful thinking at it's saddest

trump likes them thats good enough for me

fuck off jidf