Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe

Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe..
Look what i just bought, it's a 2009 Luis Roedrer Cristal ;)

You see i don't drink piss like workingclass dumb idiots drink.. piss like beer and fucking cava. ;)) I only drink expensive champagne ;)

Ask me anything ;) if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me ;) richfag here ;)

Fucking hate dumb workingclass poorfags

Stop larping you fucking poorfag, I did an ama with that pic a couple of months ago.

Mutt to dumb to make own OC? Here I will give you a (you), now FUCK OFF!

Typical "i want people to think i'm rich, but actually i'm just normal" post.

Picture looks like a faggot swede.

kys faggot

Cabbitalist pig, de gubberment explointing poor popels.
Gib mone

Cristal is overpriced horse piss that only niggers and retard whites drink. Kill yourself, faggot.

The tiny ass bathroom gives it away.

Get some taste you pleb.
MD 20/20 blows that shit out of the water.

Crystal is expensive if you were drinking it a club, at which point youd have a picture of it on ice and with your table hostess.

Any fucking loser can afford liquor store Cristal. Its less than & 300 USD. Chump change. You are a scrub. I can tell by your bathroom and your suburbs high school prom outfit. There's less money in that picture than I spend on a corporate card lunch.

OP, if that is you in the pic, you should know that you look like a hood rat posing with a liquor bottle. what's next? are you gonna get blacked too in a nigger gang bang?

You most probably got rich by selling all the cum you get on your ass everyday to sperm banks.

hey richman buy something for that receding hairline

P.S. that gel encrusting all of your hair probably isnt helping either

8/10 chance you are a meth head.

Children of this class of people turn into degenerate wiggers

>2009 luis roedred shitstal

Haha don't mind me just having some of my 2003 taylro vintage port.

if you drink anything other than tea, fresh orange juice or clean water you're subhuman

Cocklips, you look like u suck major dick, also nice female wrists, fking pathetic.
Only your money saves you, nothing else could

Fucking faggot doesent even know how to spend money good

You know you can have more than one girlfriend right?

If I had a freshcheck from a king crab season id be drinking that expensive bottle of piss deep sea fishing in south america

>THIS copypasta

>actually having that haircut

Kava as in that south pacific herb? its actually pretty good

>Luis Roedrer Cristal

*hides face*

proofs needed

Sage, fuck off with this shitty bait.

>brags about being rich
>bathroom is probably no more than 10 square meters

bait thread with generic picture saged