When will you people admit you got gamed?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
careful where you tread nigger we can ask Trump to get to the bottom of that botting
This is a trump board, we support trump here.
Don’t like it?
Fuck off.
No ones going to admit anything, as long as it is getting rid of something that Obama put in place ever one here will chalk it off as a win, or find somesort of mental gymnastics to explain how net neutrality was really a cover up for censoring the Internet and spreading leftist values.
this, but unironically
They should absolutely investigate it. But it doesn't change anything. These aren't votes. They're comments. And the commission has no obligation to read them, and very likely already had their minds made up for or against before they opened up the submissions.
All hail the_donald
Isn't it likely that forces connected to Ajit and the FCC are responsible?
Does it not concern you that Ajit used to work for Verizon?
>Supporting someone whatever decision he makes just because you voted him.
fuck off newfag
What did you expect?
pol is not better than all the leftys and sjw it opposes.
>Isn't it likely that forces connected to Ajit and the FCC are responsible?
It would be a lot of wasted effort and money for something that has no bearing on the outcome.
>Does it not concern you that Ajit used to work for Verizon?
Contrarians are niggers of posters
>Does it not concern you that Ajit used to work for Verizon?
Every FFC commissioner used to work for the industry/were lobbyists for the industry. Ajit working for Verizon is right on-line with all the other ones. And after they're a commissioner they go off to become lobbyists.
It's also hilarious when you look at pro net neutrality allies. Google is crying about censorship, yet they're the first and foremost censors on the net, Reddit, another one who LOVES to censor. Hell, SOROS is pro net-neutrality.
Two things are obvious
1. You dont know shit about net neutrality legislation
2. Twitter staff are pro Trump and are making fake tweets
Wasn't there 24 million bot messages in favor of keeping it?
And a cunt with 3 tweets gets traction? KEK
When Google censors something, go use another browser. When an ISP does it you have no way of viewing it.
Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Dorsey hates Trump, and net neutrality was nothing more than government overreach to subsidize netflix and youtube. It had absolutely ZERO to do with "neutrality"
Point to me which browser works for the dailystormer
You seem to think Sup Forums supported NN. We don't care, all there is for us to care is that it pisses off libshits. That's the amount of us caring.
>1. You dont know shit about net neutrality legislation
This comment is super common for those against NN but I never see any rock solid arguments for their case. Why do you only try to call people stupid and not counter with why ending NN is good?
Your second point is calling it all fake.
Oh shit, is this a ZOMBIE HAPPENING?!?
Or proof of life after death?
It's far more likely the guy in the cap is sockpuppeting the account to falseflag.
It was on a google domain. it was taken off because google didn't want it. Isn't that a private company acting in it's own interests? I thought you'd be thrilled.
Are you referring to a search engine? Because I can view the site just fine in Firefox as my browser.
I'll add that the search engines censoring political results they don't like is wrong, but I'm pretty sure anti-NN folks should love that kind of behaviour, since the only thing that would stop it is more regulations.
I can sympathize. My mom who was gassed three times in the camps votes Democrat.
Of western countries America is the only one who appoints people straight from companies who benefit directly from their government position. Why does this conflict of interest not bother you?
Instead of ad homining with Google and Soros tell me why Net Neutrality is bad. Just because someone you dislike or disagree with likes something is not a argument.
That was me, I took the grandma’s email address after I saw it and a few others on free listed email sites no longer in use and after getting into her social media I connected them to thunderclap to create as much butthurt as possible.
Not sure if others did what I did but I atleast did it for about 6 dozen other accounts. Someone had to take a big fart in Reddit’s direction.
It's almost like you can hate something without thinking it should be illegal
Although that said even a cornered snake has venom
It’s propaganda being used to change the opinions of others in malicious ways.
The number one reason they give outside of companies they don't like being for NN, is companies they do like being against NN.
That's literally it.
That's a shock. Usually dead people vote Democrat.
>Of western countries America is the only one who appoints people straight from companies who benefit directly from their government position.
Well that's wrong and dumb.
>Instead of ad homining with Google and Soros tell me why Net Neutrality is bad. Just because someone you dislike or disagree with likes something is not a argument.
If the only argument you have for a government policy is, "well your worst enemies support it and your leaders hate it", then you need a better argument.
Then don't use Google in an argument regarding legality and the internet, retard.
Out of curiosity what major things does google censor?
>Stop using arguments that prove me wrong!
my dick
They're literally partnered directly with the ADL.
we are an anti-(((merchant))) board and board of peace
you are not even a newfag, you are just simply election cancer
How is it proving me wrong? You're the ones that constantly bring up Google like a shower of one-trick parrots every fucking time NN has been brought up in the last month, because Google was pro-NN and you don't like Google... Except Google have just been acting within the given laws as a private company. More regulations restricting them would have put a stop to that.
Deleting my post in 5 minutes. Id rather normalfags still blame Russian bots and not that I just have way too much free time on my hands and like laughing at infantile children.
>When newfags are oldfags compared to T_D cancer
>how dare you talk about things that actually matter
What's this "we" shit? You have to go back.
How does it actually matter? Their just doing their thing as a private company. Why do you want to censor them?
Matters more than anything having to do with ISPs.
Now kill yourself you useless commie sack of shit.
Reddit literally came here in droves via /r/the_donald.
An ISP can completely block those sites. Even a VPN won't be much use. You can go to a different browser or search engine if Google blocks it.
Oh, and why is it bad that a private company is acting as such? Surely Google doesn't need regulations?
NNiggers constantly say silicon valley shouldn't be regulated because >you can use a different website. Therefore it's obvious that net neutrality is a censorship program.
I bet you're not even white.
ISPs are far less likely to be interested in political censorship because they are less involved in the internet itself, they are more the facilitators. They have no reason to give a fuck unless it affects their traffic in some way (bittorrent)
>Well that's wrong and dumb.
Ok point me to instances in Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Spain where top heads of telecom companies have been appointed to gov positions that directly benefit the company. Doing this would literally cause uproar anywhere in Europe.
Just picked random EU countries, you can check others as well.
Side note; Do you realise how fucking bad your debating is when you just say stuff is wrong and dumb without countering with facts?
Can you imagine a great debater like Hitchens saying "NO UR WRONG AN DUMB"? Maybe this is savvy debating in the Trump era, maybe that's the sad fact I have to get in terms with.
This x1000
Hillarys corruption during the campaign
burden of proof is on you.
You couldn’t be anymore obvious shareblue don’t bother hiding it
And it's these European countries who are the ones that have the most restrictive censorship of the internet, with Germany throwing you into jail for tweets. You've yet to explain what net neutrality protects. It's not against corporate censorship, because that's on-going and it's sites themselves that do it. It's not against state censorship, because it's the state that would moderate the service under net neutrality. What is your argument?
Doesn’t matter, your side is so retarded they make boogiemen out of the wrong people every time, there was never any Russian bots, just tech savvy anons who liked to banter on social media platforms who have become incredibly restrictive with the types of banter allowed from solitary accounts.
The solution to shadowbanning is mass accounts you don’t care about, when social media upgraded to needing text message verification, we just added on free public phone numbers for use online.
The accounts are always temporary.
You must adapt to the world who wants to shut you out, if social media never banned any of my legitimate accounts, I would never have a need to completely make a mockery out of their security systems.
What internet censorship? Germany, the UK and Sweden all have very restrictive speech laws but that has literally nothing to do with internet censorship. They'll all arrest you for making the same statement on a soap box in a park. Not good at all but not internet censorship.
You can use a different website, which is why viewing them as worse than your ISP is insane. I'm also not saying they shouldn't be regulated and not the one screaming at them for working within the law as it currently is.
That's hilariously naive. Half of the argument cocksucking shills like yourself use against NN is that the poor multi-billion-dollar ISPs have significant chunks of their bandwith being used for a handful of streaming services. Allowing them to block these sites under extra packages, for example, would be very useful for them because it gives them another excuse to simply put some of their money into their own infrastructure.
That's what I'm getting at. The protections they provide of the internet doesn't actually protect your speech on it.
But those are private entities acting as such. What are you, a communist?
>you can use a different website!
Fucking communist nigger.
Stop commenting on American politics, you are either too dumb to understand or dishonest.
>That's hilariously naive. Half of the argument cocksucking shills like yourself use against NN is that the poor multi-billion-dollar ISPs have significant chunks of their bandwith being used for a handful of streaming services. Allowing them to block these sites under extra packages, for example, would be very useful for them because it gives them another excuse to simply put some of their money into their own infrastructure.
>They'll charge the consumers!
You've no sense if you unironically think netflix and jewgle are going to survive if they are double gated. They will pay the ISPs directly.
>Poor multi-billion dollars ISPs!
Poor multi-billion dollar google. Keep sucking that jewgle cock. Comcast isn't taking down WN videos on their natural monopoly.
Citing shit like "It's their right as a private company" while preaching for more regulation. You clearly haven't thought shit through.
Net Neutrality is about every kilobyte being equal, you can't discriminate between sites. Speech laws are irrelevant to this. Speech law can get you arrested for saying something but lack of neutrality laws will get the website you said it on banned.
Obviously she faked her death to get away from her faggot offspring
The government won't be doing the banning and nowhere in the world have ISPs banned everything. This whole thing is based on memes. The closest you've had to it is sites themselves being charged for bandwidth use hence why Google and Facebook are complaining. The package deals refer to extras over your existing standard price. ISPs don't give a shit about your memeflagging ass, but Jewgle does.
Nowhere did I say private companies couldn’t act retarded
But I can also exploit them for acting retarded and I will
Point is making it illegal for ISPs to block sites. You should be able to go anywhere you want. If you don't believe huge companies don't ban things for political reasons I have a bridge to sell you.
I'm not saying huge companies don't block things for political reasons, I even cited Google and Facebook on this. I'm telling you that ISPs have not done this and lack the same incentives these companies do. They are the lesser evil. In contrast, the state has every interest in keeping you from accessing sites for political reasons.
>Amerilards acting like the own whatever place they happen to be at the time
How typical.
My point is that ISPs should not have the power to block anything. Incentives don't matter at all here. Most ISPs are probably benevolent but like anything they can be corrupted. You say the state has every interest in blocking sites.. well if the state can influence the ISP to block something they get their way. That's why ISPs should be legally forced to allow every site.
>"I'll vote on this tax deduction for ISPs if you block this website who keeps criticizing me"
This option shouldn't be available.
A leaf makes a decent post. Comments are irrelevant and muh botting is being used for propaganda purposes just like decades old sexual accusations.
>search engines censoring political results
This has been happening for years. Google has been doing it under NN. Why do NN drones constantly lie about what NN actually does?
I agree with you there. If the extent of the regulations employed was that neither the state nor the ISPs could block sites I would be completely in favour. But that's not the measure being repealed here. Title II extended the state's ability to regulate the internet.
I wish your meme was of better quality.
>Jesus telling a bunch of Jews that Trump is pro Jewish as if it would make them mad? I understand your concept but the failure is embarrassing for you.
Net neutrality means that gamers have higher ping so Stacey can load game of thrones 0.2% faster. NN is about video streaming and little else.
Any actual reason I should be against it?
How can I personally benefit out of getting rid of NN?
I won't move a finger in it's support unless I benefit from it.
Are you able to choose your power or water company? Those are utilities.
If I get rid of NN, will I be able to choose those?
Exactly, they did it to WoW and Facetime in a extortion move for the developers. Blizzard actually paid them to stop it.
They've been bullying Netflix with this as well. They are basically highway robbers.
Who cares? They didn't listen to comments either way.
I remember the internet before 2 years ago, and I remember the recent censorial actions by big tech against dissenting views. I saw all the big tech monopoly companies and websites astroturf hard in support of it, just like they astroturf hard for reckless refugee resettlement and illegal immigration acceptance. That was all I needed to not give a fuck if they repeal it. The liberal playbook is to create the "Legalizing Goodness and Forbidding Evil Act" and then fill it with crooked shit, and then get well meaning reddit fools to defend it.
>Net neutrality means that gamers have higher ping so Stacey can load game of thrones 0.2% faster
Bad example, UDP has higher QoS priority
>Calls someone else cancer
Because they use the amount of positive comments to justify their actions for the senate.
Social websites like reddit don't count as votes but they are still shilled to manipulate opinion and perception.
Are you a cultural marxist?
If no, then be happy.
I think Net Neutrality is a shitty thing and I'm glad it got repealed
I don't really care about others, i'm just wondering what kind of benefits I can get out of this.
Stormer was removed because of hate speech not because of googles interests.
The first amendment does not protect hatespeech. Learn to constitution nigger.
Have you ever had a twitter account etc. banned?
repeal will hurt their bottom line
Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Not really, i've never been into social media too much.
If I want to talk to others, I just use Whatsapp.
But can I get some benefit, like some lower prices on internet or something?
Hard to give a fuck when white nationalism is hate speech but jewish nationalism is official government policy.
Vidme shut down because nobody used it, because Google has a stranglehold over the internet.