Why don't other studios put as much effort into natural body language animation as KyoAni...

Why don't other studios put as much effort into natural body language animation as KyoAni? You can tell a lot about a character's personality without the need for words.

But they do

>i only watch kyoani series

Allowing these retarded KyoAnus licking gaiafags to stay here was a mistake even worse than letting in the Narutards

It's a matter of skill and they simply lack it

Because KyoAni is literally the only studio left that cares.

I've seen over 1500 series and KyoAni shows are the only ones with natural animation like these, as far as TV anime goes at least. Maybe Miyazaki is right and animators nowadays just don't learn from real life so they don't know how to make their characters use their bodies on simple but realistic real life situations.

You must've been a blind kyoani fanboy.

When I first watched Thighura I thought it was made by KyoAni since it had similar animation

>People in Background don't move.
>No people in station or outside.

>Train is shaking
>Characters clothing and hair isn't

Animation quality is KyoAni's only competitive advantage and it isn't worth much.

KyoAni would LOVE to save money by dulling down their art style but then they risk not being able to compete if they're just another 8-bit or JC Staff. We already have plenty of shitty animation studios.

But KyoAni gets attention because of their higher quality art style. Their series are fucking terrible and have been for like 10 years now, but they don't care. They don't need to make anime great again, they just need to take trite, boring stories and make them look good and people will buy it because they look good.

If they wanted to save money they'd have to really sell their stories and they clearly don't give a shit anymore. Easier to just keep paying more for higher quality art and then just grab some bottom of the barrel CGDCT series and don't worry about it. Pretty show means pretty merchandise.

Maidragon has more depth and soul than most anime made this decade, though.

EPIC post.

What? They only got good in 2010.

They were always good, but Keyshit adaptations were unsalvageable, glad they stopped doing them.

>Keyshit adaptations were unsalvageable
Clannad and Kanon were infinitely better than Tamako Market though, which had literally the depth of a puddle.

This. I can't take these fan boys seriously when they make statements like this then post Tamako Market of all things.

Literally all of Ishihara's solo works are unsalvageable.

I very much prefer a simple character driven story with good characterization and development than a haremshit series with forced drama and a bullshit deus ex machina ending.

Why can't it be more like Re:Zero, where while the main characters are talking, I'm distracted by the snake-man merchant gesticulating in the background?

>hatin on Tamako
Fuckin fight me faggots

what's this

That can be distracting in a scene that doesn't need it.



I once saw a video of two girls fighting and the one with glasses lost one of her eyes because of a kick that made part of the frame get stuck in her eyesocket. I wonder if something similar happened to the loli in that webm.

Gonna have to rewatch Hyouka.

When's the best season, I already got winter occupied with Sora no Woto.

Fall 2016 anime

Miyazaki is the master of this and is praised all the time for it. He complains a lot about how Anime is terrible at portraying characters realistically. If you don't think he took KyoAni into account, considering their popularity, I don't know what to say.