Inherited Holocaust Trama

Is this really what they’re going with? “The Holocaust changed my DNA”?

they will milk it as long as the new testament exists.

Only whites and Asians don't have tragedy written in our DNA

>intelligence can't be inhereted in DNA
>but "trauma" can goy, so pay your guilt gibs

>an imaginary event recoded my dna

Really makes you think

drinking soda has the chance of causing microchimerism in your digestive system, change the composition of your intestinal flora and at the end of the day, have a little chance of causing changes in your reproductive system
so soda drinkers are literally holocaust survivors

I hate kikes so fucking much

Wasn't part of the monarch/mk ultra conspiracy the idea that trauma can be transmitted genetically, like monarch butterflies supposedly do with knowlage (about where to migrate etc) or was this just cheap conspiracy?



Geez, that means I'm still traumatised from the French, Swedes, Romans and many more invading us over the centuries. I demand reparations immediately, my poor soul can only handle so much

Will I get free gibs now?

German descent here, I can sympathize with how you feel. The people of Quebec owe me gibs for the trauma their ancestors caused me over the years
(Just realized how pathetic this mindset is while I was typing)

And yeah, this

The Holocaust really did change the kikes. We all know that most of the Shoah is fictional. Babies were never spitted on bayonets in front of their mothers, boys weren't masturbated to death, and there's no evidence anyone was gassed. However, a lot of people died in those camps. They were shitty places. You know what kind of people survive shitty times? People who have no conscience, people who are willing to do ANYTHING to survive and have no qualms about fucking over those around them.

All of the moral kikes perished. All that's left are the ones who stole food from children or tattled on rulebreakers, things like that. Kikes have always been greedy, scheming, rootless with no concept of national loyalty, but during the Holocaust, they were artificially selected to also be completely without conscience or morals. Jews have been notoriously evil throughout history, but I think the current state of their tribe is especially brutal and heartless.

I'm traumatized by the anglo invasion of Quebec, increase equalization payments Canada pls

>they will milk it as long as the new testament exists.

nigger what?

Raise people to believe something horrible happened to them and the perpetrators of such inconceivably horrible act live all around them and then act surprised that they are fucked in the head?

If only we passed on stories of our history amd who has sleighted instead of wiping the slate clean. I wonder, who would we not be able to tolerate in our countries?

its true, thats why i use mini electric ovens, never the ones that run on gas

No. That's not how shiy works.

youre on the wrong website bud

It's the kike variant of the "post traumatic slave disorder" bullshit that niggers came up with. You know jews are desperate when they're stealing ideas from subhuman apes.

Stupid as hell. The point of the NT is that the jews aren't special. Evangelical worship of kikes comes from the OT. There is nothing in the NT to support Zionism.

This actually makes the most sense

Well, events within your ancestors lives (stress, happiness, plenty) changes the DNA of their children, its epigenetics, but the claim the holocaust did is based on the claim that it really happened.

Fucking jews

this isnt even their final form yet.



Pagan larpers are retarded.

The holocaust changed my DNA.
I used to be a fucking barn owl but the nazis gassed me and now I'm a pasty white guy.
fucking nazis.

Hello. i will make it as simple as possible so that you can understand 56% of the comment.

>the NT is anti jew and definitely anti zionist using jesus as a martyr against their cause.
>the holocaust is pro jew and definitely pro zionist using muh shoah as a martyr against OUR cause. long as the New Testament exists, they will run their fucking mouth about muh holocaust to counter it. thats why it exists. its more than "feel bad for us pls"

But race realism is not real, goy.

This, Magneto is based on real events.

is that iDubbbz in the bottom left?

she's being ridiculous, but there is something like that. look up epigenetics.

It is legit - epigenetics. But the holohoax was just that, a hoax, so they didn't inherent trauma from that. Because it didn't happen.

whether its true or not, thats all it takes for people 10 generations from now to keep on bitchin about it while finding new clever ways to kill you.

They are having problems reconciling their own nature, their own hatred, their intense animalistic instincts. They are tortured by their mere existence. It must be schizolike experience to be a jew, or any minority, in an "accepting multiculturalist society", because their true nature as infiltrators is nagging them in the back of their heads. Just imagine their sense of inferiority complex.
>"Let's blame it on the nazis!"
Not convenient at all.

I like this narrative, it could prove useful later on.

>magneto can manipulate metal
>jews can manipulate gold
my god, they were trying to tell us all this time

Kikes: Screw Biology!

This is the equivalent of Disney lobbying to extend copyright.


>Only whites and Asians don't have tragedy written in our DNA

We have plenty of tragedy but up until recently we didnt let that define us for it is destructive. We were positive and hard working and full of hope for a better future, a future we had control over.

Look at how miserable and dysfunctional society has become since the left have taken on these traits as a collective and inflicted pathological negativity and victimhood on us as the dominant culture.

Nasty, petty, hateful, intolerant, paranoid, utterly uncooperative while entitled and demanding, selfish, negative, destructive, anti-social, psychopathic, self-hating, nihilistic, amoral, immoral, demoralised, utterly consumed by, no utterly devoured by their own victimhood mentality to the point where the entire world is interpreted through shit filter so one is incapable of experiencing joy or beauty. They are vampires that suck the joy out of everything because they hate themselves and everyone and everything and so you are forbidden from happiness foo.

The left hates happiness. The left hates nature and hates beauty. The left is profoundly ugly inside and out and seeks to drag everyone down with it.

Our society was positive and hopeful, we were surrounded by light and filled with happiness, and this made it worthwhile when things were painful and tough. Now we have been infected with pathological negative outlook that is reaching critical mass. There is no joy left.

I have never seen such intense negative programming than the last couple of years. And it needs an outlet. All this dopamine addicted outrage clicking sends people insane.

Just as in socialism when you reach that point where there are more people taking from the system than putting back in and it can no longer sustain itself, the west has reached that tipping point in mood. There are not enough good strong positive people feeding society's general mood to drown out the hate.

its called BULLSHIT

Negative ghostrider, that's Carl the Cuck.

They taught it to the black community. They taught them antiwhiteness too. They are passing on the baton of zero accountability and hiding behind some historical shit to not play along today.

Muslims have it too. They are a protected clsss we must tiptoe around and pour money into and appease because israel tricked american govt into killing millions of them, destroying all their countries and awarding multi-bil contracts to themselves. Our fault in all of this? Our taxes we paid to help run our countries funded these ventures for a few. And now you must accept submitting to them, enduring violence, having your wealth and assets stripped to pay for what was done in your name.

I was thinking about how (((they))) were going to milk the holocaust after all the survivors died, honestly expected something better from our enemies.

even niggers don't stoop that low

for epigenetics to work as you say the HOLOLCAUST VICTIM would need to breed AFTER being gassed, retard

Your god is a kike

How do studies show that? We barely knew what DNA was at the time of the holocaust, so it isnt like we have before and after snapshots of someones DNA

You might want to read the science. It is very interesting and very credible. Obviously this applies to all humans just easier to study on documented holocaust survivors but nonetheless it has been shown in other cases. I think it is true and explains a lot. Like for every generation Muslims become more radical, blacks more like monkeys and Chinese more autistic and so on.

This is why it is important to marry and breed with women of good stock or you end up with mentally ill white spergs. Yes this research was first done on mental illnesses like many Russians suffer schizophrenia.


They will milk it as long as the jew testament lives you mean. And as long as we allow the jews to live. We have to come up with a viable jewish extermination program

Capped. Gj, user.

Jogged my nog more than it has ever been jogged before


the article this tweet is referring to is from about three years ago and was instantly discredited

>first it was an epigenetic
>now it's DNA
Will Jews ever recover?

I read this study, it came out last year or maybe the year before.

My field of research is neurogenetics. DNA does not hold "memories", however, DNA can change conformation (for example, through methylation) which presents as epigenetic changes. Repeat exposure to traumatic images and stories, which is a halmark of the modern Jew, doubtlessly upregulates different cognitive systems associated with paranoia, anxiety, and general malfeasance. If a Jew were raised by Gentiles this would not happen because the Jewlet wouldn't be shown pictures of typhus victims and be told about the masturbation machines and rapist dogs during formative years of cognitive development.

The study that started this shit was more in the realm of social psychology than neuroscience. It had several design flaws, from the way in which participants were primed for the questionnaires to the scale used (Likert scales are not reliable measures)


OMG, I need moar Holocau$t™ change, so send 6 gorillion shekels to 666 Lucifer Way
Tel Aviv or I'll scream that you anti-semitic!