What are your honest thoughts on the LGBT movement?

What are your honest thoughts on the LGBT movement?

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That nigga looks and talks like he wants to be raped.

L, G, B are fine. Everything else after is mental illness.

>Everything else after is mental illness.

for which the treatment is transitioning to the more appropriate gender. you guys always forget that part. the DSM's recommendation for treating gender dysphoria (the mental illness) is transitioning, silly.

All of them have a sickness and stop fighting what and who they really are.

>posts a retarded example of something
>expects actual discussion

What are your thoughts on your average white conservative voter?

>L, G, B are fine
I agree only if they're the type that keeps their degeneracy private. Like gay guys who you'd never guess to be gay because they're low key about it.

How much is the electric bill?


are you the famous homo?

Trannies are mentally ill fucks and I wish America didn't normalize that shit.

Looks like a kike. Why doesn't it talk about its kike privilege

He's right, you know. It IS a privilege to NOT have the mental illnesses he has.

do it then

>The treatment for delusion is reinforcing that delusion.
Yeah, right.

Yeah this guy isn't a pedophile at all.. Just a misunderstood woman!..

I'm not Transgender though, perfectly comfortable as a dude.

don't take my word for it, by all means check the DSM yourself. the recommended treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning.

It's only a "movement" once a year in Tokyo when a bunch of gaijin tourists and hikkis wearing MASKS shuffle down the street as onlookers avert their gaze and leave the area. West, your shit is leaking.

lgbt isn't the acronym anymore you sexist fuck

As a lowkey gay fascist, I think the community is a depraved shithole, (literally) Been looking for a civil dude to have a relationship for years, but 99% of faggots are sex-obsessed imbeciles who act like children (And all of this without even mentioning the pedo question) I hate them so much.

Faggots are all pedophiles. Really worse than all the niggers, sand niggers whatever. Anyone that would fuck another man up the ass is just a muslim in waiting. Fucking Animals.

Better than a communist movement, but worse than a bowel movement.


>elementary teachers
Fucking lefties.

Kill them all

We are supposed to believe that something raped that thing?



Most gays I've known are like this.
They would be embarrassed at a current day pride event.

it is all just sad joke.

I don't think about it at all

Kind of like the Czech Republic?

they said history, not mythology

That thing was raped 5 times? How?

Reveal your flag

5 times apparently

Holy fuck do they think there some sort of almighty rebel movement going to war against an evil empire?

How will he ever recover???

"LGBTQ" is a movement for mentally ill people. Those who support it should hang for crimes against humanity

>My third tweet with this hashtag
>I'm doing one for each time i was raped
>4th for the 4th rape
>5th tweet for the 5th time

>crying about fat man wearing dress on Facebook
>president banning words and sneaking legislation to allow religion to influence government into fucking tax bills
>literally few months away from going full Muslim

I guess now we know why you all have to car pool to the polls from your run down trailers

>stare rape
>not being attractive to anyone made him feel like he being was mentally raped
>got raped in a video game

Every day we stray further from God

I used to be LBGT friendly, but they have taken things too far and are trying to change our language and subvert our youth. It seems as if they are also very one dimensional and their gayness completely defines them... like they're walking parodies.
First they urged tolerance, then acceptance, now they demand that everyone celebrate their degen lifestyle choices or be cast out. Fuck them, I say.

>being attracted to the same sex isn't a mental illness
You're retarded and on the wrong board.

The dsm5 is propoganda. If it was actually intellectually and medically honest it wouldn't recommend transitioning. Transitioning doesn't actually treat the symptoms if "gender dysphoria" including: no change in happiness, no change in suicidality, no change in body dysphoria. What these people need are anti-psychotics and/or the chair.

Netherlands is going full muslim or you personally are? either way, fuck off sandnigger.

Have a super liberal, gay, autistic friend. These far left faggot, idealogs are slowly getting him to redpill himself and it's hilarious to watch.

>implying anyone would want to even rape that thing
so #metoo is fanfiction at this point?

Low test humans require external validation of their existence. They literally requires others to give them permission to live.

High test humans do not. They are their own world. Only want to be left alone to shape their world and their family’s.

Conflict occurs when low tests form groups (Facebook, Reddit, Federal Govt....) to force their ways on high tests.

Only will get worse. It isn’t the nigs v whites or libs v conservatives. It’s between individualism v collectivism.

High test Individuals want to be left alone.
Low test collectivists require group for strength.
Evil high tests will take over a low test group and drive it to do their bidding (Jews).

Sodom and Gomorrah has already been found near the Dead Sea you insufferable faggot.

Litteraly brainwashing children. This and elsagate are one in the same.

Jesus christ that article

we need to meme a new Movement, SLGB to counter LGBT bullshit, there are a ton of gays that could be very useful in the cause of fighting against the Marxist bullshit.
What should it be called? SLGB is all I can think of.

I never got how the acronym came about. Shouldn't it just be GB? That covers everyone, and transgenderism is a completely separate issue.


Yeah I would love to know too, LGB might disgust me but as long as they act normal I am not that bothered by it, but this Transgender shit needs to die now.

Bible is more fact then fiction. And the 'fiction' is what makes it the greatest text ever cobbled together by the lowly species that we are.

"He is the word and the word was with him"

I'd be willing to work on this if it catched up. Clean uo the gay community

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

You’re brainwashed. There is no such thing as lesbianism. Women are and always has been flexible in their preferences. Fags do exist and always have but they are mentally touched, genetically flawed or molested at a young age.

Accepting these as norms of society is dangerous to the propagation thereof.

The problem with the Bible is that you have the jew shit for context, you have the word of god, then you have history, then you have bullshit people added to it, and the jew shit is not put into the right context and the bullshit added confuses the retarded masses.

>ok with homosex

They are tied to the further destruction of the family unit. Once that is gone the civilization cannot stand. The family is the smallest unit of civilization that can survive on it's own. It's like trying to make a bunch of organelles become a life without letting them organize into cells. It just isn't possible.

>by the lowly species that we are
Speak for yourself desu senpai.

I don't care about lesbians, women just like to be included in shit, you have SLGB include lesbians to divide the lesbian community.
Its not like Lesbians are going to be useful to us but it prevents a large backlash from them that might get the gay community against us.

it's disgusting, unless it's cute traps then it's ok

>DSM's recommendation for treating gender dysphoria (the mental illness) is transitionin
No. It really does NOT say that. You are a fag.
Cut off your dick & kys

L and G are also mental illness. They have no desire to reproduce which is the crux of evolution. B I guess makes sense because muh nerve endings but they're still faggots anyway.

"Bible requires basic competence and individual responsibility"

You litteraly have that or trying to get people to figure out morals on their own, which runs into the same problem but orders of magnitude more difficult. Read Jung for this argument in-depth.

Its true that Lesbians are useless and should just be used to produce children but I do think that Gays provide an evolutionary advantage to a community.
Our goal might be getting gays and lesbians to reproduce to make the lesbians productive and keep the gays under control.

discord gg/5A8D5T3

add back a , between discord and gg

I will add that to my reading list, as for morals, well the problem is that you have problems with people working out there own morality because most people don't have time to dedicate to thinking morals though, well they don't have time or they don't have the IQ.

Not to mention is completely wack. Diagnosis included in the DSM are voted by a group of mental health practitioners. Nothing scientific about it.

If the end goal is to arrest pro trans doctors and give the people abused by them mental help then I am for any means to accomplish that.

Gays and lesbians are there to provide help for siblings and/or the mother, while also making it so that the extra stress if more grandkids won't be added to the family unit. That is why probability of homosexuality goes up with stress during pregnancy and number of previous male siblings. That is also why they have such an 'attraction' to children. They are meant to supplement child rearing. They been fucked up by a horrible culture of perverse sexuality.

The stuff about childrearing supplements is evidence based btw.

I'm banned on this discord though

when i see someone being paid a salary for garbage like this I really wonder why I never went into writing

Every aspect if your life should be centered around your quest for morals. Biblical based. The Bible was written by people with avg IQ's under 60. It was just a lot if condensing the best parts together over a long time.

I wish we lived in a society where homosexuals could accomplish their genetic destiny.

Medicine isn't a science. It is a field of engineering. And the current engineering being done for the 'transgenders' is like if your mechanic turned your car into a bike because the engine wasn't working and it only had 2 wheels.

That is very intresting, I have thought that something like this was the case I would love to see some papers written about this, It might also be that Gay men are meant to be used as a kind of more expendable then normal man, very useful in small scale warfare.
We might see success in pushing self sacrifice and noble concepts of army service to the gay community, the discipline of the institutions might help with there degenerate nature.

Sin and god will punish mankind and the West will go down as a result just a matter of time.

The higher amount of gays in society is also due to the destruction of the family unit causing more prenatal stress and the reduction of the likelihood of creating an environment in which a straight, child bearing worthy son/daughter would thrive.

I agree, I am agnostic and it took me years of thinking to work out that Morals where not relative and that a lot of the morals in the bible where actually 100% correct.

Gay men are usually higher in openness and agreeableness. Both which are normally low in men and both make you worse at military duties.

If you're bi it's worse because people assume you just are a faggot who is insecure or an attention seeker. I can pick from coalburners, degenerate fags, militant lefty women or rarely a normal person. Nobody would ever want to be anything but straight if they were honest.

The LGBT bullshit is pathetic and is ruining this country. There was story I read today about an entire family going tranny. Also the dumb as duck "gay cake" story. Then you have drag queens singing wheels on the bus to kids. The LGBT shit needs to end.


There has long been controversy about whether bisexual men are substantially sexually aroused by both sexes. We investigated genital and self-reported sexual arousal to male and female sexual stimuli in 30 heterosexual, 33 bisexual, and 38 homosexual men. In general, bisexual men did not have strong genital arousal to both male and female sexual stimuli. Rather, most bisexual men appeared homosexual with respect to genital arousal, although some appeared heterosexual. In contrast, their subjective sexual arousal did conform to a bisexual pattern. Male bisexuality appears primarily to represent a style of interpreting or reporting sexual arousal rather than a distinct pattern of genital sexual arousal.

Worse sure but grounding the gay community into service for the state deprives the LGBT and Marxist community of a lot of there male support.

I went from Christian to atheist to Christian again. At this point I assume that if I can't morally reconcile something in the Bible it's my fault. You just can't get rid of 1000000's of years of experience across multiple generations of people and even species. There is a collective consciousness there that is like dealing with a singular intelligence the likes of which no one has ever seen.

Only for true intersex people.

You don't allow straight people. Fucking die, fag.

the lgbt is bigoted and mistreats all mentally ill people. They strive to teach people that some mental health issues arent real and by doing this they further alienate mentally ill people with classically recognized mental health problems like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder etc from society as even more dangerous and abnormal so that they can be seen as normal.

If trannys accepted that they were mentally ill and even kept doing what they're doing instead of pushing their gender narrative and their "this is normal" stuff on people people wouldn't treat them as shitty imo and maybe some of them would get the actual help they needed because a lot of them just have personality disorders or other mental health problems that need to be addressed.

imo the left shouldn't be so "abelist" even that dan johnson guy who just suicided did it cuz he had mental health problems and liberals say its an admission of guilt because they dont like him and its hypocritical. Liberals always shit on white males being labeled mentally ill after shootings. Doesnt sound very tolerant.

Quite possibly. I'd love to see a restructuring of the education system around conservative values. And the male touch that would be required in that would be best driven by conservative gays. If only.

I wish there was more modern literature on morality honestly it seems to be a subject that people don't want to touch or don't understand, the best I could find was a 200 page book explaining the moral bankruptcy of Islam in comparison to Christianity but I have forgotten its name and I have thousands of books in my house.

At least it's not a freak.

You would require a huge restructure of the education system, a quick and nasty way to solve that problem might be requiring a tour of duty in the armed forces in order to teach children.

A wave of Marxism re-entering academia has sent it back 60 years. We will need to scrap most work since then and rebuild from there. "Modern man in search of the soul" would be a great learning off point. Jung again btw.

I might just be dense but are you saying that bi people have brains that don't really seperate arousal between men and women. I do seem to only like feminine submissive people sexually may explain a few things.