83% Of America's Top High School Science Students Are The Children Of Immigrants

"To put that in perspective, even though former H-1B visa holders represent less than 1% of the U.S. population, they were four times more likely to have a child as a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search than were parents who were both born in the United States."

In other words the less than 1% Indian population produce 35 % of the top science students. While whites produce only about 8%

Why are white kids so dumb?


But aren't all non-feather head americans technically immigrants?

Whites think that they are not.

I find it hard to believe that Asians could make up 50% of finalists unless there's something fishy going on.

Nothing Fishy is going on. Dumb whites are just getting their asses handed to them.


Indian immigrants understand the American dream.
They come from a shithole where people poop on the streets, so they saved up their money to start a business in America.
They work their asses off and they force their kids to study instead of going off to do "hood rat shit".
Asian immigrants prove that spics and niggers are in the positions they are not because of systematic racism, but rather because they are lazy and stupid.
>We need welfare because whittey is racis'.
>My kids spend five hours after school studying so that they can have a future in this great nation.
Fuck niggers.

But what explains whitey's dumbness?

>literally the top pooinloos in the entire street-shitting country are admitted into the US
>they perform better than general population of their host country
Gee, maybe we could h ave one of those based Indians help the kikes out with their maths. Maybe they could use lines and squares all common core style to help you understand.

Why are they out performing whitey so badly though?
Where are the top whiteys?
Just 1% Indians outnumber whites 4 to 1 in these competitions.